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运用文献资料法、专家访谈法等研究方法,对我国各省份学生体质健康测试第三方机构督查的独立性进行研究。通过对我国各省份学生体质健康测试第三方机构督查独立性的现状、问题、原因及对策的探索,在政策上,可以为教育行政部门改革提供决策思路和参考,在实践上,可以提高学生体质健康测试督查的权威性和有效性,倒逼学生体质健康测试的规范化实施。研究发现,当前我国各省份学生体质健康测试第三方机构督查的独立性差,主要体现在第三方机构与教育厅存在行政隶属关系、存在利益关联、第三方机构工作自主性差3个方面。影响学生体质健康测试第三方机构督查独立性的因素主要为中国传统文化对体育和公民意识的漠视、当事方的利益诉求对第三方机构督查独立性的限制、法规制度缺位、第三方机构发育程度低等。提出保障学生体质健康测试第三方机构督查独立性的对策:教育部对第三方机构督查的责权划分做出设计安排,培养公民意识,扩宽经费来源渠道,第三方机构完善自身治理。  相似文献   
Beginning and expert supervisors’ cognitions and cognitive structures were compared via concept mapping, a mixed methods design. Both beginning and expert supervisors reported a variety of cognitions representing developmental characteristics in 3 areas: assessment of supervisees, conceptualization and management of supervision, and supervisory relationship.  相似文献   
近年来,大学生身体素质不佳,已成为"老大难",也是刻不容缓需要解决的问题,多地曾出现在体测、运动会、马拉松中晕倒甚至猝死事件,这给学校体育工作的开展带来不小的考验。带着因涉跑引起猝死的疑问,通过猝死案例分析,探究高校大学生猝死的病理学的非运动成因。研究认为:涉跑猝死的主因是先天性生理疾病,运动不是引发猝死的主要诱因,并提出了预防运动猝死的"堵疏结合"的医学监控策略和体医融合防卫机制构建方法。建议通过入校时医学筛查、跑前医学检查、跑中医学观察、猝死现场急救、跑后跟踪复查降低猝死风险;建立宿舍、运动场地、运动项目的全覆盖的心脏复苏志愿队伍,实施"黄金8分钟"内的急救生存链;建立学生、学校、政府、社会四方体育运动分级分类保险制度,从风险转移和人道主义援助进行关怀;建立涉跑猝死、猝死、非正常死亡的数据库,开展非正常死亡人员的病理学研究;建立全生命周期医学监控和健康安全宣传教育,形成全方位、全过程、全人员的体医融合防卫机制。  相似文献   
成果导向是芬兰学校体育质量监测依据的主要理念。芬兰学校体育质量监测机构与政府没有隶属关系,监测人员可分为报告质量、体育课程质量、体育教师质量、体育教学质量、体育设施质量6种监测类型;监测人员经过严格的选聘程序、分类化的专业培训之后,可以根据成果导向的学生体育学习监测框架,从省级、县级、区级3个不同层面开展监测工作,监测程序由政府进行认证与规范。成果导向的芬兰学校体育质量监测结构由早期、中期、后期、执法、突击与合并6种监测类型及其相应的指标和内容构成,各类型之间环环相扣、相互补充。通过借鉴芬兰经验,突出成果导向,有利于提升学校体育质量,强化我国学校体育督导的目标性与规范性,有助于优化与改善我国学校体育质量的现有督导结构及运行机制,使其更加关注学校体育成果细化和转化的导向,促使督导评估指标朝向可测化和具体化方向发展,进而更好地发挥督导成果在助力学校体育发展方面的各类功能。  相似文献   
职业裁判制度是足球职业化发展到一定阶段的必然产物,其引入将有力提升我国裁判执法水平,助推我国足球事业发展。认为,职业裁判是职业联赛健康发展的关键力量,是足球运动技术发展的客观要求,是提升足球裁判整体水平、统一集中管理的需要。目前,我国的足球裁判存在基数小、水平低、待遇低、环境差等问题。只引入足球职业裁判制度而无配套措施,可能无法解决根本矛盾;目前的国内联赛规模也还无法满足职业裁判发展需求,职业转换难度大及退休保障不足,也阻碍着我国职业足球裁判制度的实施。指出,应加快足球联赛发展,与职业裁判发展互促互进;健全体育裁判法律法规,改革职业裁判组织管理方式;建立健全职业裁判员的薪酬和退休保障体系;注重青少年裁判培养,全面提升在职裁判员业务水平。多管齐下,使足球职业裁判制度发挥更好的效果。  相似文献   

This article explores the experiences of a group of established academic staff in New Zealand and the UK, as they undertake a doctorate in their home institutions. Our interest is in how individuals negotiate this dual status from a cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) stance that explores how rules, tools, community and divisions of labour, and interacting activity systems, shape doctoral experiences. The focus in this article, having analysed their detailed narrative accounts, is on how academics experience three interdependent activity systems: those surrounding the thesis, the institutional context, and the home-life spheres. Issues related to time, workload and supervision issues, variability in collegial support and impact on personal priorities and time emerged. There is a range of particularities – from easy access to resources/supervisors to inflexible institutional regulations – applicable to this group of doctoral candidates. Negotiating life as an academic with concurrent doctoral candidature provides positive outcomes in terms of teaching, research confidence and general personal and professional development. However, a range of difficulties can also be encountered, particularly in relation to personal and professional relationships, and workload management.  相似文献   
The authors examined supervisor cultural humility as a predictor of supervisee intentional nondisclosure. Using multiple regression in a sample of 101 post-master's counselors, the authors found that 20% of supervisees' intentional nondisclosure was explained by their perceptions of their supervisors' level of cultural humility.  相似文献   
Among existing knowledge graph based question answering (KGQA) methods, relation supervision methods require labeled intermediate relations for stepwise reasoning. To avoid this enormous cost of labeling on large-scale knowledge graphs, weak supervision methods, which use only the answer entity to evaluate rewards as supervision, have been introduced. However, lacking intermediate supervision raises the issue of sparse rewards, which may result in two types of incorrect reasoning path: (1) incorrectly reasoned relations, even when the final answer entity may be correct; (2) correctly reasoned relations in a wrong order, which leads to an incorrect answer entity. To address these issues, this paper considers the multi-hop KGQA task as a Markov decision process, and proposes a model based on Reward Integration and Policy Evaluation (RIPE). In this model, an integrated reward function is designed to evaluate the reasoning process by leveraging both terminal and instant rewards. The intermediate supervision for each single reasoning hop is constructed with regard to both the fitness of the taken action and the evaluation of the unreasoned information remained in the updated question embeddings. In addition, to lead the agent to the answer entity along the correct reasoning path, an evaluation network is designed to evaluate the taken action in each hop. Extensive ablation studies and comparative experiments are conducted on four KGQA benchmark datasets. The results demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of answering accuracy.  相似文献   
我国提出全面推进依法行政,建设法治政府的目标已经时过两年。“推进”依法行政,意味着我国依法行政基本目标的实现不是一个纯粹自然演进的过程,而是一个在既定目标引导下进行的自觉推进过程。因此,推进依法行政的过程中,应当根据依法行政和法治政府的基本目标和要求,充分认识我国现阶段制约依法行政的因素;高度重视行政监督法律制度的建设和完善,尤其是要强化对抽象行政行为的监督和制约;注重法治观念和依法行政意识的培养,积极致力于为实现依法行政的基本目标创造条件。  相似文献   
基于投资者信息反馈的证券监管传导   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
项韶明  王方华 《情报科学》2004,22(6):752-756
投资者信息反馈是证券监管传导中的重要问题,解决这个问题对于强化监管决策的科学化、提高监管能力、实现监管与投资者的良好互动等具有重要意义。从监管运作的角度说,投资者信息反馈渠道的长短、信息传导渠道的容量以及信息渠道的多样性等是制约投资者信息反馈的重要变量。同时,培育机构投资者也是提高信息反馈质量的基础性环节。  相似文献   
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