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路云亭 《体育科研》2017,(5):31-38,44
足球是一种极易传播的游戏文化,足球在世界各地的传播大多体现出同质性,却在巴西获得了一种异质性的因素。巴西足球的特质异性来自人种的多元化,也和巴西人逍遥的文化精神相关联,又与巴西的气候及生态情况难脱干系。巴西足球给全世界民众都带来了一种超凡的技术,还展示出了热带国家特有的朝气、自由感以及灵透气质。巴西足球就此成为国家的主体精神,其品牌影响力超越了这个国家其他所有的文化类型。巴西文化只有桑巴舞和足球是世界级的,巴西文化具有单一突进的功能。巴西人没有受过战争创伤,其足球中的自由主义精神显得纯色而富有原始性。当巴西足球失去了诸多的国家威权符号的附加值后,其内在的戏剧性与游戏性就得以激活,这是巴西足球带给全世界民众的一种启示。  相似文献   
戏剧作品要在有限的剧场空间里揭示深刻丰富的社会人生世相,就须使剧场小舞台演绎为人生大舞台。因此,剧作家对“人”与“戏”关系的处理便显得尤为重要。曹禺早期戏剧能够依据角色性格发言行动,突出合乎角色情感逻辑的细节,展示角色间互为作用力的关系,这是剧作家依托“人”“戏”关系成功营造“剧场性”的关键。曹禺后期的剧作,在人物塑造以及剧情建构方面与前期相比则呈弱化之状,由此造成的审美萎缩,值得深思。  相似文献   
戏曲作为我国传统文化的重要载体和千百年来人民大众的普遍娱乐形式,其生存土壤在当下确实受到了一定的挤占,出现了所谓的“戏曲危机”,为了挽救传统戏曲,在“推陈出新”的政策背景下,一大批传统剧目被重新改编后搬上舞台,虽硕果累累,但不可否认,传统戏曲的改编仍困难重重.此外,当下电子媒介对改编提出的新要求,也同样不容忽视.  相似文献   
Through the study of Richard Gruneau and Gunter Gebauer’s respective works, this article examines the social significance and theoretical implications of sport’s capacity to represent social life in a theatrical manner. The drama-like images and representations sporting practices produce, institutions codify, and television programs enhance is considered in relation to ideology’s integrative, legitimating, and distorting functions (Ricoeur). Acknowledging the filiations of ‘theatre’ with ‘theory’ – both words stand for ‘to contemplate, to see, to observe’ – this study considers theatricality as a valuable theoretical notion that enables a synthetic and reflexive understanding of athletic practices’ bodily dimension, symbolic representations, and institutional determinants.  相似文献   
在歌剧史上,同一时期并采用同一题材创作获得成功,成为法、意最著名作曲家的代表作品的现象实属罕见,研究其戏剧处理方式对我们欣赏、理解和演绎法、意代表性作品有很大帮助.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to study the expressive part of game performance in soccer by introducing the concept of theatricality to describe a special form of expression. The aim is to contribute to the understanding of game performance by looking into the appearance, role and value of theatricality. The main argument of the paper is that theatricality can describe an important, but rarely noticed performance aspect, as it provides a unifying concept for expressive distancing in four dimensions of the players’ life-worlds: the subjective, intersubjective, collective and institutional. By explicating the value of this kind of expression in soccer the paper can provide a philosophical basis for including theatricality in performance and development strategies.  相似文献   
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