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BackgroundThe current state of knowledge regarding the role of non-offending fathers in supporting their sexually abused children is very scarce.ObjectiveThe objective of this study is to further our understanding of fathers’ roles following disclosure of their children’s sexual abuse (SA) by evaluating fathers’ perceptions of the impact of disclosure on their involvement and support of their children.Participants and methodThis qualitative study relies on individual semi-structured interviews conducted with 17 fathers of allegedly abused children.ResultsInductive thematic analysis first highlighted that some reported a period of disengagement from the child during which they put into question their role and attitudes, followed by a period of re-involvement. This period of difficulties experienced by some fathers in regard to their involvement towards their children was due to either their own important psychological distress, their ambivalence towards their child or even because of feelings of uneasiness experienced during physical contact with them. Despite this, findings indicate the presence of thoughts and attitudes that suggest children are a source of concern for fathers. The four forms of abuse-specific support previously observed among mothers (believing the child, seeking out professional services, protecting him/her from the offender, supporting him/her emotionally) were also observed among fathers. In accordance with the activation theory, a form of support specific to fathers, namely, encouraging the child to open up to and explore the world outside the family, thereby, fostering the child’s self-esteem development, was observed and constitutes a relevant finding.ConclusionClinical and empirical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse the initiatives undertaken by some immigrant communities residing in Latin America to record their mobilisation around the First World War. After the armistice, European communities in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and other countries gathered detailed information about their activities during the conflict, published as profusely illustrated books of remembrance, offered to their governments as proof of their loyalty. The article intends to establish the peculiar nature of these publications as records of the war effort, and analyse the agents and processes of their elaboration, and their role as commemorative but also as archival documents.  相似文献   

In 2014, as part of their centenary celebrations, the Australian Red Cross initiated a project in which it transferred archives to various national, state and territory institutions across Australia including the University of Melbourne Archives and the State Library of New South Wales. The transfer of this voluminous (but not complete) collection built on earlier transfers of archives to the State Library of South Australia and the Australian War Memorial. This paper charts the origins of the plan to donate the records to public repositories. It interrogates the societal provenance of those collections, recognising that the pluralising of records is an historical process, in which the agency of archivists, historians and administrators must be understood. An investigation of Red Cross records in Australia exposes that process in its contingency, inertia and, ultimately, enthusiasm. The paper also reveals the challenges faced by voluntary organisations in preserving their records, and how historians and archivists both can benefit from assisting such organisations. Finally, this paper argues that the ‘Gift to the Nation’ project, with its national and international significance, reflects a shift in our understanding of the First World War to a transnational paradigm that recognises the important role of voluntary organisations.  相似文献   
使用“传播的游戏理论”,对新浪微博俄罗斯世界杯传播效果进行分析,并对新媒体用户的需求进行探讨。研究认为,世界杯传播是一场盈余时代的足球“游戏”,满足用户对愉悦、趣味的需求和对游戏的需求是新媒体未来发展的一种趋势;新浪微博俄罗斯世界杯期间,体现主观、个性的“选择性会聚”让用户在“游戏”过程中促进了“自我”的发展;只为享受足球魅力的非功利性传播为用户提供了一个宽松的“游戏”环境;利用微博话题、短视频、直播等新媒体技术传播乐趣,用户从“游戏”中收获了愉悦。对于传播效果的研究立足受众的个性特征和主观心态,注重体现个体主观能动意识,对把握未来新媒体传播发展和趋势具有启示意义。  相似文献   
2019年国际篮联篮球世界杯在中国圆满举行,广州作为分赛场,承接了西班牙、波多黎各、突尼斯以及伊朗四支代表队的小组比赛6场。通过对广州赛区四支队伍在小组赛中的表现技术进行分析,并对比中国队在本次赛事中的表现,发现中国男篮在备赛与参赛阶段,存在大赛目标不清晰,心理训练与细节训练不足,教练团队执教水平不稳定,篮球基本功不扎实等一系列问题,反映出我国篮球的发展正处于困境。系统地分析广州小组赛中四支队伍的赛况,并与中国队做出对比,有针对性地提出建议,为中国篮球的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
评沃勒斯坦的"世界体系"论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章简要介绍了“世界体系”理论的渊源、分析方法和基本框架 ,认为这一理论较深刻地揭示了经济全球化时代资本主义的危机 ,是分析当代资本主义的理论新范式 ,并指出了沃勒斯坦作为“新左派” ,在对资本主义分析和世界体系未来展望时所带有的局限性和历史悲观主义色彩  相似文献   
傅恒的长篇小说《天地平民》改变了以往反腐败小说的套路,紧紧把握人物的命运和灵魂,直击当下人在社会的处境,把反腐败题材的小说提升到一个哲学人类学的高度。从写作本身来说,强化了写作的难度,大大提升了小说、特别是反腐败题材文学作品的艺术水准;从文学经验上来说,扩展了反腐败作品的边界;从叙事的方式来说,为小说叙事提供了一种全新的表达方式。  相似文献   
依据维索尔伦的顺应论,语言使用过程即选择过程,是在不同意识程度下在语言结构与语境之间做出动态顺应的过程。受顺应论启发,公示语汉英翻译也是一个在语言结构和语境之间做出动态顺应的过程。在翻译过程中,译者不仅要考虑到制约语言选择的语言因素,还要考虑到语境因素,考虑语境因素中的心理世界则要顺应目的语读者的思维模式、审美标准、心理感受和心理需求,这样,才能让翻译出来的公示语达到交际目的。  相似文献   
人才资源是中国经济发展的第一资源。加入WTO后,中国本土人力资源的流动具有三种可能的方式:在国内层面,大多数人才由落后地区向发达地区流动,少数人才向非发达地区逆向流动;在国际层面,很多优秀人才向外企、国外流动;国外部分优秀人才随着外资流进也一同流入中国国内,成为中国人才资源的增长点。针对人才外流现象,应建立有效开发机制;深化企业改革,激发人才事业心;强化企业文化和社会文化建设;构造一种限制人才外流的“文化壁垒”;深化用人制度改革,建立多渠道、多阶梯的升迁制度。  相似文献   
2019年10月,世界银行提出“学习贫困”的概念,设定了到2030年将学习贫困率减半的目标,并给出了较为具体完整的行动方案。消除“学习贫困”项目得到了世界多国政府的积极响应,尤其是在疫情期间取得了较快进展。随着我国脱贫攻坚战的全面胜利,推进乡村振兴成为实现中华民族伟大复兴的重要任务,教育脱贫也将进入以高质量、深耕式、多主体为特征的后扶贫时代。世界银行消除“学习贫困”的新理念和新做法,对继续做好我国教育扶贫工作、以教育助力乡村振兴具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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