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欧洲职业足球俱乐部所有权特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲职业足球俱乐部所有权形式多种多样,包括会员协会、私人公司和公众公司三种,其中私人公司最多。德国、西班牙还保留了一些原始的会员协会所有的俱乐部,超过一半的英格兰足球俱乐部已经被外国投资者控股。绝大多数欧洲职业足球俱乐部都实行了公司化改造。公众公司形式的俱乐部所有权形式成为欧洲职业足球俱乐部普遍的现象。总之,欧洲职业足球俱乐部所有权具有多样性、公司性、开放性和国际化特征。  相似文献   
19世纪后期至20世纪初期,欧美出现的教育科学研究运动是教育研究领域一次具有深远意义的运动它的出现与这个时期欧美社会新的发展和教育的深刻变革,以及人们对科学、科学与教育关系的认识有密切的联系。根据欧美教育科学研究运动中一些突出的事件加以划分,其发展可以分为四个阶段,且每个阶段都有其显著的特点。19世纪末至20世纪初期,欧美出现的教育科学研究运动是现代科学研究思想和方法在教育研究领域里的初次运用和实践,其所关注的领域和所争论的问题值得今天反思与借鉴。  相似文献   
郭嵩焘在出使英国期间,因《使西纪程》而遭到非议;又因《申报》的报道引起名誉纠纷。这两次事件反映了中西传播环境的差异,以及西方新闻媒介对中国官方舆论的微妙影响。郭嵩焘日记有关《泰晤士报》等西方媒介的介绍,具有重要的新闻史料价值,对中国戊戌变法前后出现的办报高潮也有铺垫作用。  相似文献   
The article reviews the debates and policies on access to public-sector information (PSI) in Europe in relation to the contests between policies of open access, rights of access to PSI by citizens and business, and the assessment of the cost benefits of PSI to the economy and society. The political dimension of these debates within the European Union is highlighted to demonstrate the complexities of the governance of information within a pan-European regulatory framework.  相似文献   
Information infrastructures (IIs) are a complex arrangement of people, technology, institutions, content, and conduits. Their development is shaped by the environment in which they evolve and the visions ascribed to them by the various actors. This article examines the assumptions, meanings, and definitions associated with IIs in four Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. In particular, it focuses on how one stakeholder group, the library community, frames the policy debates around IIs. In-depth interviews were conducted in 1999 with 49 library policymakers in 37 institutions. The data shed light on the respondents' collective story and visions and help us gain a better understanding of political and cultural differences in the development of IIs.  相似文献   
与欧美国家相比,中国电视的诞生较晚,在北京电视台第一次试播节目时,美国电视业已经用电视媒体与麦卡锡主义进行了英勇搏斗。直至改革开放,中国电视业的发展才真正开始腾飞。在中国电视日渐成熟的今天,放眼欧美电视,分析异同,寻找差距,对中国电视的进一步发展意义很大。以新闻节目为例,对欧美与国内电视节目进行比较。  相似文献   
四川赴法勘工俭学生人数居全国之冠,他们在留法勘工俭学实践中完成了由无政府主义向马克思主义的重大转变,为旅欧党团组织的建立奠定了组织和思想基础;他们还积极参加和领导旅欧党团组织旨在提高党团员政治理论素养的内部训练工作、与无政府主义的斗争以及反对帝国主义和封建军阀的斗争,为中国革命事业的发展立下了不朽功勋。  相似文献   
This article explores different methodological approaches to the study of social inclusion in the European Commission’s Erasmus undergraduate exchange programme, elaborating upon the approach taken in a study of Erasmus conducted in Portugal. The opening section of the discussion acknowledges the prior tradition of quantitative research on student mobility in Europe as a means of providing indicators of programmatic success to policymakers and stakeholders, and the existence of micro level studies that examine specific aspects of the Erasmus experience such as the emergence of shared European identities and building work competencies. What these approaches share is an emphasis on student perspectives: learning about the impact of exchange visits from past participants. As an alternative approach, I have focused on the institutional level of the programme, using qualitative interviews with individuals involved in managing Erasmus mobility at a diverse range of universities, an approach that I argue unlocks valuable knowledge about issues such as social inclusion within the programme.  相似文献   
采用文献资料法对"欧洲体育模式"的发展历程进行了研究,通过对欧洲体育模式的研究为我国体育发展方式转变提供借鉴。研究表明,欧盟委员会于1999年提出"欧洲体育模式"概括了欧洲体育的结构和特征,但是包括欧盟和其它研究者都认为"欧洲体育模式"对于欧洲现行体育模式的概括存在着不足。欧洲体育模式多元化将欧盟各国的体育模式突破性地划分为官僚型、传教型、企业型和社会型四种类型,四种类型的体育模式各有其侧重和优劣,同时也都在相应地发生着改变。欧洲体育模式研究的启示在于,体育模式的多元化事实、动态化存在对于我国体育发展方式的促进和推动,以及体育模式比较的复杂性需要注意借鉴的审慎性。  相似文献   
Due to the decision of the Soviet Union and nearly all of its East European satellites to withdraw from the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Games, the communist media provided audiences in the Soviet bloc with few reports on the sporting events in the Olympic city. When Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, broadcasters funded by the US government, attempted to fill this ‘information gap’ by beaming coverage of the Los Angeles Games behind the Iron Curtain, the Soviet Union protested to the International Olympic Committee. They claimed, with a mixture of fact and fiction, that the Radios were tools of the American intelligence establishment and accused them of broadcasting ‘subversive’ propaganda to Eastern Europe and the USSR. Stirred into action by this Soviet manoeuvre, leading spokesmen for the Radios were joined by government officials, private citizens, US Olympic Committee members and the American media in a concerted attempt not only to defend the work of the broadcasters, but also to secure their press accreditation for Los Angeles.  相似文献   
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