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BackgroundHealth-related fitness knowledge (HRFK) has been an essential concept for many health and physical education programs. There has been limited understanding and longitudinal investigation on HRFK growth. This longitudinal study examined HRFK growth and its individual- and school-level correlates in middle school years under 1 curriculum condition: Five for Life.MethodsParticipants were 12,044 students from 47 middle schools. Data were collected at both individual/participant and school/institution levels. Individual-level variables included gender, grade, and HRFK test scores. School-level variables included percentage of students receiving free and reduced meals (FARM), student-to-faculty ratio for physical education, and school academic performance (SAP). We used hierarchical linear modeling to examine HRFK 3-year growth in relation to individual- and school-level correlates.ResultsThe average HRFK score at 6th grade for females was 42.81% ± 1.32%. The predicted HRFK growth was 17.06% ± 1.02% per year, holding other factors constant. A 1-standard deviation increase in FARM correlated with a 14.68%-point decrease in predicted test score (p = 0.02). A 1-standard deviation increase in SAP was associated with an 11.90%-point increase in HRFK score. Males had a significantly lower growth rate than females during the middle school years (0.78%/year, p = 0.02).ConclusionThe result showed that both individual- and school-level variables such as gender, FARM, and SAP influenced HRFK growth. Educators should heed gender differences in growth curves and recognize the correlates of school-level variables.  相似文献   
随着我国复合型人才培养目标的不断深化,人才培养应根据新世纪人才结构及高等体育功能特征,不断满足新时期社会开展的需求。长期以来,体育课程忽视考核中学生身心素质及学生在体育学习中进步的幅度与努力的内容。高校体育中适当穿插一些与体育知识点有关的太极"阴阳观",这样可以起到调动学生学习积极性的作用。本文说明了太极"阴阳观"对高校体育教学的影响,阐述了太极"阴阳观"融入到体育教学中的有效渠道。  相似文献   
武术与民族传统体育学科建设目标、困境及出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武术与民族传统体育学作为一门学科尚显稚嫩,其突出表现是学科知识缺乏独立性。综合运用文献资料、归纳演绎、比较分析等研究方法,沿着目标→困境→出路的逻辑线路,对武术与民族传统体育学学科建设问题展开深入探讨。主要观点:1)特色鲜明乃武术与民族传统体育学学科建设的目标,该目标达成所倚赖之原动力是实践内容的相对独立;2)边界模糊是阻碍武术与民族传统体育学学科建设保持特色鲜明、走向成熟的重要理论致因;3)反求诸己是武术与民族传统体育学学科建设打破边界模糊困境、实现特色鲜明目标的出路。如此,武术与民族传统体育学方能因获得独立性而有成长壮大之可能,才有希望摆脱学科依附阴影,乃至问鼎显学的地位。  相似文献   
从历史演进视角对日本足球归化运动员进行研究,将归化演进历程分为业余足球主导期、职业足球改革探索期、职业足球稳定发展期3个阶段。归化运作逻辑体现:以技术足球理念为基准,合理实施归化行为;以填补位置短板为目的,提高国家队竞技水平;以保障职业角色转换为举措,营造良性发展氛围;以规避资源挤占矛盾为导向,逐步改变归化价值取向。启示:我国应厘清主体责任和发展理念,做好归化顶层设计;正视国家归化需求,消解文化融合与社会认同障碍;建立长效服务机制,扩大归化行为示范效应;把握足球运动规律,构建可持续发展模式。  相似文献   
The independence of science was long seen as of prime importance. This position has become less common today. The perception of scientific research as a public service has led to the opinion that it must be accountable to citizens and produce knowledge and innovation that meet their expectations. Numerous authors have voiced the need for anticipatory ethical control of innovation focusing on the scientific research process. This control is considered as the must-have guarantee for “good science.” The current article attempts to trace the ideological origins of the ethical control of innovation, examines its effectiveness against the challenge of globalization and technology-derived major threats and its compatibility with scientific methodology. It also suggests ways to both regulate the innovation process and preserve the independence of science. On the whole, we conclude that truly effective ethical regulation of innovation, i.e. one that protects the greatest number from its adverse effects, is achieved first and foremost by questioning our liberal economic model and the place given to science in our societies.  相似文献   
Beginning and expert supervisors’ cognitions and cognitive structures were compared via concept mapping, a mixed methods design. Both beginning and expert supervisors reported a variety of cognitions representing developmental characteristics in 3 areas: assessment of supervisees, conceptualization and management of supervision, and supervisory relationship.  相似文献   
时至今日,武术仍未能很好地进入校园,其原因何在,如何从柔道、跆拳道、空手道的成功现代化和国际化当中寻求启发,成为紧迫论题。主要运用文献资料法,基于对学校武术历史、现状的反思和日韩武技现代化的启示,对我国学校武术的根本问题和根本方略做出探讨。研究认为,学校武术开展的现状不能实现中华民族赋予它的文化使命,日韩武技现代化的经验可为我们提供启示——将传统意义上的搏杀武技改造为一项现代文明搏击项目,该项目需满足几个趋势保证安全文明化、保持技击本质性、具有游戏趣味性、彰显民族独特性。在此基础上,做出武术以太极推手形式进入校园的提案。  相似文献   
为给深陷困境的传统武术技艺提供突破路径,主要运用对比分析法,在与球类运动、西方武技、日本武道等运动进行对比并深入剖析自身特色基础上,从4方面解析了中华传统武术技艺当代传承发展的具体方略(1)夯实基础,稳固根脉,紧扣最根本的技击本质而传承发展;(2)尽快实现现代转型,完成文明化跨越,步入飞速发展的快车道;(3)提炼自身特色,紧紧把握“以武会友”,开辟人类武技文明化技艺交流的新方向;(4)进军学校教育领域,充分发挥自身独有的精神教育价值。  相似文献   
挖掘文化内涵,实施深度传播,提升国际认同,是提升国家文化软实力的重要举措。中国武术的深度传播具有彰显“中国精神”、呈现“中国智慧”的意义指向,应坚持文化主体性这一核心,抓住传播与传承两个重点,做好从国际传播走向全球传播、从宣传思维走向故事思维、从分散传播走向主体互动传播三个转换,重视转换性话语、解释性话语、修复性话语、历史性话语四大话语体系的构建。在具体的传播路径上,要处理好传统与现代的融合理路,积极打造合理阐释的讲述模式,但不应全盘否定强制性阐释模式,在“走出去”的基础上更要“走进去”,从“主动去做”转变为“自动去做”,实现中国武术的深度传播。  相似文献   
传统武术信仰就是中国人对传统武术技艺、文化的实践以及精神追求。运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、历史学研究方法等对我国传统武术的信仰内容、消解过程、危机原因等进行了深入的剖析和反思。研究认为:中华武术是构成中国人身体领域中的信仰,这一信仰在近一个世纪里渐渐出现了危机,信仰的危机才是中华武术发展没落的根源。结论认为:要拯救传统武术,必先拯救传统武术的信仰,即恢复民众对传统武术的珍爱。无疑,对中华武术的文化自尊、自信是恢复信仰的思想认知前提;重新找回没落的传统武术技击之道是恢复信仰的核心任务;潜心务实、拒绝虚假繁荣,回归传统武术本然才是传统武术人文精神重生的路向。  相似文献   
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