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Formal education was used by the apartheid government to prepare black South Africans for manual labour, thus there was little curricular focus on the development of higher-order cognitive skills. With the abolition of apartheid in 1994, the education system was re-valued and re-evaluated to provide wider access to quality education; the focus of education policies moved towards the development of self-regulation and higher-order cognitive skills for all learners. There is now a generation of learners who have experienced their schooling in the transformed education system, and it would be useful to understand, from their perspective, what they value in their development of learning within the higher education space. This study answers the question ‘Post-apartheid, what learning methods and resources do first-years perceive to be valuable to their learning when they enter university?’ Participants included 344 students taking a Biology course provided to medical science students at a South African university in 2018. Two questionnaires were administered towards the end of a six-week lecture period, responses were evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively. The first survey, comprised of Likert-style questions, was conducted to determine the students’ views on the mechanisms which they used to support their learning. The second questionnaire comprised open-ended questions and focused on the students’ perception of their learning experience in the course. The findings show that there was a significant (p?<?.001) percentage of first-years who thought that rote-learning would suffice for examination preparation at university, and preferred to engage with their peers and the textbook before they engaged with their lecturers when navigating challenging concepts. Schwartz's model of social values is used to show that more needs to be done for the development of higher-order thinking and self-regulation when students enter university, and to mitigate alienation between students and staff.  相似文献   
Australian universities over the last 25 years have been unified, internationalised, corporatised and become mass educational providers. This process is replicated globally as a response to rapid mass enrolments and marketisation. In the light of these changes, a corporate and managerial model has been identified, which has been the subject of growing discontent within the academic workforce. However, from a political economy perspective there is a lack of understanding on how and by what means academic labour has been commodified in this process. This paper, using Australia as its case study, argues that the managerial culture has alienated academics from their labour. This has resulted in them losing control over their skills and thus becoming disassociated from the educational purposes of their work. Higher education has been subjected to systemic regulatory governance that has fundamentally transformed the nature of academic labour. We contend that the regulatory state has reached so deep down into the university that academics have effectively become a de-professionalised and proletarianised labour force.  相似文献   
Much of the existing literature on student engagement focuses on what happens within the higher education environment or what the institution has direct control over, restricting understanding of how issues outside of the institution affect engagement. This paper argues that efforts to improve student engagement should be broadened to incorporate issues relating to the family. It employed a case study design in order to develop a broad and more in-depth understanding of how family influences the amount of time and effort students invest in their learning in a large public university in Ghana. It was established that engagement is influenced by family expectation, financial and social support, as well as monitoring of students’ academic performance. The unique contribution of the study is that it broadens current understandings of engagement because it adds an aspect that has not been highlighted in current work on engagement, making a case for institutions to work more with families to get a broader understanding of challenges students face in order to provide comprehensive support.  相似文献   
《1844年经济学哲学手稿》以黑格尔辩证法与古典经济学的“卡尔式”融合而既克服了古典经济学简单陈述事实之逻辑推演的脆弱性,又克服了黑格尔辩证法抽象谈论事实之人道辩证的抽象性,它通过把劳动原理置于《黑格尔法哲学批判》之现代分离结论下而得出劳动人性论与异化劳动论,既实现了黑格尔辩证法的经济学化,又实现了古典经济学的辩证法化,还带来了传统社会主义和共产主义的“实践的人道主义与自然主义”回答。它关于自由人类秩序的经济哲学探究以对马克思早期关于“外化即异化”自由悖论之“自由人联合体”回答的学理延续和对马克思未来关于历史与人道结合之唯物史观的实践唯物论建构的深远影响而确立起自己在马克思思想史上的不朽地位。  相似文献   
本文通过对文化内涵的界定及文化与语言之间关系的分析,指出文化传递是翻译工作中的一个不可忽视的任务。在翻译实践中,文化传递的策略主要有两种:归化策略和异化策略。文章着重阐明了两种策略的内涵、关系及其应用的场合与条件,并简述了其发展趋势。  相似文献   
自从新课程改革实施以来,很多教师由于对新课程所倡导的理念理解不到位,产生了认识上的错误,引发了教学实践行为上的异化现象,典型表现有:课程教材只注重联系学生生活实际,忽略了学生对未知世界的想象和探究:课堂活动片面追求气氛,用“牧羊式”取代“填鸭式”;把接受性学习与探究性学习对立起来;忽略了学生主体地位由确立到实现的“过程”.对此,我们必须适时反思,并积极探讨合理对策。  相似文献   
在美国文学史上,德莱塞的自传体小说<"天才">一直备受争议.他以辩证的认识,多维地处理了他的创作对象.他摈弃了片面性和绝对性,使善与恶、自然与社会、艺术与现实等在<"天才">中辩证地统一起来.本文以19-20世纪之交美国自然主义作家的自身经历为研究起点,追溯美国工业化进程中社会价值观的变迁,集中分析作家艺术审美的形成和异化,揭示大众意识的转变,探索工业化进程中现实与精神链接失败的原因.  相似文献   
主体的颠覆:拉康精神分析学中的"自我"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为认识之主体的自我的身份无疑是哲学领域中的一个重大问题,但是这个问题在笛卡尔之前的本体论哲学中被视为不证自明的而放进了括号;认识论哲学将认识主体,也就是说将自我作为至关重要的问题提出来,但是最终还是将同一性和自主性赋予了它;语言论哲学的革命使人们得以重新思考这个问题,并对同一、自主的自我作了彻底的颠覆。但是,这种颠覆不是来自于形而上学,而是来自于拉康对弗罗伊德精神分析的创造性阐释。因为拉康的贡献,我们终于认识到,自我的同一和自主只是一种虚构和妄想,自我根本上是分裂的,因为自我其实就是一个他。自我的存在是为另一个人而建构的,建构的方式和结果使他像另一个人,而且其存在注定要被另一个人夺走。所以,自我的本质就是一种挫折。  相似文献   
马克思异化理论论略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思的异化理论的产生、完善和发展是一个理论创立过程;它所揭示的异化概念的含义极具理论的包容性和深刻性;它以深厚的穿透力解析了异化得以产生的社会根源和现实基础;它的历史地位和历史作用是任何其他“理论”和“体系”所不能企及和替代的。马克思的异化理论与黑格尔、费尔巴哈的异化思想既具有连续的继承性,更具有本质的差异性。  相似文献   
师生关系是教育实践中的基本伦理关系,而伦理教育又是教育的核心内容,和谐的师生关系必然是伦理至善的。当前,因伦理关系异化而激发的矛盾事件越来越多,个别事件甚至引发了社会舆论的广泛关注。以问题为导向进行审视,可以发现当前研究生与其导师之间的伦理张力主要有三种:职业伦理与私人伦理,人格平等伦理与人身依附伦理,自然代际伦理与文化代际伦理。从根源上看,当前师生伦理关系异化是多种因素共同作用的结果,包括传统师生伦理观念的影响、制度因素的影响、市场经济的影响、人工智能的影响等。在破解对策方面,可以尝试从提高教师群体的专业伦理,用工匠精神涵养教师的专业技术,强化研究生导师自律性服务精神的实践认同,用规则促进和谐伦理氛围的养成等几个方面着手。  相似文献   
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