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Students with disabilities typically experience academic, social, and behavioural challenges in school. Some of these students also often experience anxiety and stress associated with school situations and events. Wearable technologies are an emerging innovation in the United States that can support students with disabilities during stressful academic or social situations. This article discusses issues associated with wearables, offers questions to consider when considering a wearable device for a student, and describes several wearable technologies for students with disabilities.  相似文献   
Qualitative investigations into maternal worries during pregnancy are limited. The aim of this study was to identify the content of women''s pregnancy-related worries by completing a content analysis of posts on Reddit. A total of 217 posts by 196 unique users were analyzed. Most worries related to infant factors (32.6%), individual factors (27.1%), and antenatal care factors, such as medical procedures (25.2%). The remaining worries related to situational factors (10.9%) and the partner relationship (4.3%). Although most fears related to fetal well-being, other concerns included problems with family members, women''s own mental health, and not being a “good mother.” These findings support calls for antenatal education to more adequately address women''s psychosocial concerns.  相似文献   
This study aimed to examine the longitudinal relations of mathematics anxiety to quantitative reasoning and number knowledge in Chinese children. Three hundred and sixteen 6-year-old Chinese children in Hong Kong participated in two waves of assessments, eight months apart. Cross-lagged panel analyses showed that prior quantitative reasoning and number knowledge predicted lower mathematics anxiety, even after the effects of gender, mothers’ educational levels, and general anxiety were taken into account. However, earlier mathematics anxiety did not predict later quantitative reasoning and number knowledge. Our findings were consistent with the Deficit Theory, which postulates that mathematics anxiety comes from poor mathematical competence but not vice versa. We also found a reciprocal association between quantitative reasoning and number knowledge, in which initial quantitative reasoning had a stronger prediction on later number knowledge. Taken together with previous research, this result highlights the importance of quantitative reasoning in children’s mathematics learning and its role in mathematics education.  相似文献   
研究综合了来自中国大陆18570名3-12岁儿童的焦虑与父母教养方式相关的30项研究的数据,通过元分析的方法考查了二者相关的强度,并分析影响相关强度的因素。从总体上来说,儿童焦虑与父母教养方式存在弱相关;父母教养方式类型、儿童年龄、父母性别会对二者关系产生调节作用。建议在教养儿童过程中要采用正向的教养方式,要给予年幼儿童充分的独立自主的权利和自由,鼓励父亲参与教养,这有利于降低儿童的焦虑水平。  相似文献   
以英语专业大一学生为研究对象,对其语音焦虑和语音学习策略使用现状以及语音焦虑、语音学习策略和语音成绩三者之间的关系进行研究。结果表明:(1)受试的语音焦虑、语音学习策略使用都处于中等程度;(2)语音焦虑与语音成绩、语音学习策略呈显著负相关,语音学习策略与语音成绩呈显著正相关;(3)语音学习策略对语音成绩产生显著正面影响,语音焦虑对语音成绩有一定负面影响,语音学习策略可以通过降低语音焦虑对语音成绩产生间接影响。  相似文献   
考试焦虑是当前教育环境下较普遍的心理问题,不利于学生身心健康和学业成绩进步。研究旨在探讨正念教育对考试焦虑的影响,分前后两期:前期研究,对厦门市271名5至9年级学生的正念水平与考试焦虑水平进行了测量,测量结果显示二者有显著的相关性;后期研究,在厦门市某中学初三年级进行了为期4周的正念教育实验,结果表明,相比控制组,实验组在实验前后正念水平显著提高,考试焦虑水平显著下降,可见,正念教育能有效降低学生的考试焦虑水平,有助于学生以良好心理状态应考。因此,在学业压力逐渐增加的背景下,学校可以适当引入正念教育,促进青少年心理健康发展。  相似文献   
梯度入园模式能够在一定程度上缓解幼儿的入园焦虑,但幼儿个体差异较显著,尤其表现在入园第一周与家长分离时。本研究以118名新入园的托班幼儿为被试,探讨不同焦虑类型幼儿的分离焦虑水平以及入园前的交往水平对幼儿入园焦虑类型的影响,为缓解幼儿入园焦虑提供应对依据。结果发现:(1)各入园焦虑类型的幼儿按分离焦虑由高到低依次排列是:缠人型、狂暴型、封闭型和一般型,前三种类型幼儿的分离焦虑水平显著高于一般型幼儿。(2)幼儿与陌生成人的交往水平显著高于与同伴的交往水平,封闭型幼儿的两种交往水平均显著低于其他类型的幼儿。缓解幼儿的入园焦虑应根据不同类型幼儿的焦虑表现作不同的应对。关注入园前幼儿交往能力的培养,尤其是与同伴交往能力的培养,有助于幼儿更好地适应幼儿园生活。  相似文献   
人本主义心理学的发展使焦虑等情感因素越来越受到重视,大学生外语学习焦虑的诸多因素都与情感智力有着密不可分的关系。通过对100名在读大学生的调查研究发现,情感智力与大学生外语学习的焦虑心理存在负相关。关注大学生的情感智力,可以有效降低大学生外语学习的焦虑心理。  相似文献   
中国现代文论的重建步履经过近一个世纪的积淀已日显成熟和厚重,但依然存在许多困难.其间,不乏东方与西方、传统与现代、全球化与本土化等等的冲突与两难抉择.而且,后现代主义带来的多元共生思潮和读图时代的迅猛君临,几乎颠覆了既有的话语方式与学科体系,我们确实面临着新的挑战.如何超越困境、重建文论话语体系,进而建立拥有当代发言权和世界影响力的具有中国特色的文艺理论学派?张荣翼新著《冲突与重建》从文论视野、本体辨认与建设立场等方面进行了跨世纪反思与重构.这或许正是我们应该努力的方向.  相似文献   
社会焦虑是人际交往中常见的心理现象,社会焦虑的症状表现在思维、行为、身体及情感等方面,过度的社会焦虑会影响人的正常工作、生活、交往、身心健康及自身潜能的发挥。造成社会焦虑的因素主要有:遗传、成长背景、社会环境等。面对社会焦虑,主体应通过改变思维模式和行为方式,降低自我意识,强化主动意识,建立自信心,学会说“不”等策略,进行自我调适,以便提高生活质量和工作效率。  相似文献   
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