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Many studies have shown that learners’ sustained attention strongly affects e-learning performance, particularly during online synchronous instruction. This work thus develops a novel attention monitoring and alarm mechanism (AMAM) based on brainwave signals to improve learning performance via monitoring the attention state of individual learners and helping online instructors or teaching assistants to improve the sustained attention levels of learners with low-attention states as they perform online synchronous instruction activities. Totally, 83 and 65 Grade 7 students were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups that respectively underwent online synchronous instruction with and without AMAM support. Analytical results reveal that the experimental group of learners exhibited significantly better learning performance and sustained attention than those in the control group, verifying that the AMAM efficiently promotes the learning performance and sustained attention of learners. Moreover, the proposed AMAM was more helpful in improving the learning performance of female learners than those of male learners and improved the sustained attention of both male and female learners. Furthermore, the sustained attention, frequency of attention alarms, and learning performance of the learners in the experimental group were strongly correlated, and the sustained attention and frequency of attention alarms strongly predicted learning performance.  相似文献   

The role and importance of peripheral vision have been discussed across various sports. Yet, its functionality remains unclear and the terms employed in the literature to characterize the use of peripheral vision are not well defined. We present a review of 29 studies focusing on the use of peripheral vision in sports. We focus on the methodological approaches employed to study its use and identify the mechanisms that may underlie the effective use of peripheral vision in sport. We define key differences between ‘gaze anchors’ and ‘visual pivots’ and introduce the concept of a ‘foveal spot’. All three gaze behaviors, while being characterized by a consistent, dynamically adjustable gaze location, have different functionalities. A gaze anchor is a cue-optimized position used for the monitoring of peripheral cues and avoiding the negative consequences of saccades (i.e. information suppression), especially under time pressure. A visual pivot is a distance-optimized location between relevant cues which allows athletes to optimally initiate saccades to those cues, especially if the costs of eye-movements are low. A foveal spot is primarily used for information processing via the fovea. Finally, we highlight suggestions for future research to improve our understanding of the functional differences between these gaze behaviors.  相似文献   
The present experiment sought to further understanding of the effects of personalised audiovisual stimuli on psychological and psychophysiological responses during exercise in adults with obesity. Twenty-four participants (Mage = 28.3, SD = 5.5 years; MBMI = 32.2, SD = 2.4) engaged in self-paced exercises on a recumbent cycle ergometer and three conditions (sensory stimulation [ST], sensory deprivation [DE], and control [CO]) were administered. Perceptual (attentional focus and perceived exertion), affective (affective state and perceived activation), and psychophysiological (heart rate variability) parameters were monitored throughout the exercise bouts. A one-way repeated measures analysis of variance was used to compare self-reported and psychophysiological variables (main and interaction effects [5 Timepoints × 3 Conditions]). The results indicate that ST increased the use of dissociative thoughts throughout the exercise session (ηp2 = .19), ameliorated fatigue-related symptoms (ηp2 = .15) and elicited more positive affective responses (ηp2 = .12) than CO and DE. Accordingly, personally-compiled videos are highly effective in ameliorating exertional responses and enhancing affective valence during self-paced exercise in adults with obesity. Audiovisual stimuli could be used during the most critical periods of the exercise regimen (e.g., first training sessions) when individuals with obesity are more likely to focus on fatigue-related sensations.  相似文献   
企业赞助大型体育赛事目的是为了提升企业的市场价值,针对多家中国企业赞助2018年俄罗斯世界杯的事件,用事件研究方法考察了企业签约赞助和开赛日2个阶段股票价格的异常收益波动,并用百度指数研究了网络关注度对异常收益的影响关系。研究发现,中国企业赞助俄罗斯世界杯,在签约事件窗口内企业获得正向的市场绩效,而在开赛日事件窗口内企业获得负向的市场绩效。百度指数与股票异常收益的关系,说明网络关注度对事件影响产生催化剂的作用。研究结果表明,企业赞助大型赛事需要注重短期和长期的效果,注意防止过度炒作,并要积极采用营销组合的手段扩大赞助带来的影响和收益。  相似文献   
传统协同过滤算法仅利用评分信息进行推荐,而没有利用到更多用户特征与电影特征,推荐效果不佳。深度学习的普通应用,为特征提取打下了良好基础。通过爬取网站上的电影演员信息表,使用卷积神经网络对文本信息进行特征提取,采用结合注意力机制与场感知因子分解机的混合推荐方法,并使用用户—电影特征矩阵进行训练。在公开数据集 MovieLens 上进行实验测试,RMSE 达到 0.850,与 5 组推荐模型进行对比,RMSE 分别提18.0%、11.3%、7.60%、25.7%、6.80%。实验结果表明,该模型可以提高推荐效率。  相似文献   
每一个教师都曾经是一个学生,教与学有许多相通之处。当学生学数学的经历给在讲台上的教数学的教师许多有益的启示。  相似文献   
在人文素质课程教学中,实施教学改革,以务实、创新为原则,从教学内容的选择,到教学方法的应用,特别是在教学活动中“四个一”形式的运用,都给这门课增添了新的活力,取得了令人满意的效果。  相似文献   
通过对中学语课堂历史与现状现象的分析,提出“改变教育观念,重建课堂教擘新秩序、关注每一位学生,让课堂充满情意,开展研究性学习,调整课堂结构”等方面的思考,为社会培养有感情、会学习的人.  相似文献   
This research investigated the relationships among symptoms associated with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), perceived stress, and resilience in college students. In our study of 558 college students (175 men, 383 women), we confirmed the hypothesis that the relationship between ADHD symptoms and perceived stress is mediated by protective factors associated with resilience. The relationships were not significantly moderated by sex. Implications for increasing resilience in college students and lowering perceived stress for college students are discussed.  相似文献   
主动学习帮助学生保持注意力并提升课堂参与度,从而提升教学效果。教师在实践主动学习教学时面临的一个主要的问题是如何评价主动学习教学活动是否保持了学生的注意力,从而改进主动学习教学过程。针对该问题,"离散数学"课程组开发了面向主动学习的注意力分析系统,并以此为基础进行了主动学习教学过程改进实践。通过将主动学习教学过程注意力分析与记录系统与课堂随访相结合,课程组有针对性地改进了教学过程,提升了教学质量。  相似文献   
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