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According to the goal orientation model, students’ achievement goals and beliefs are interrelated. Within this framework, research and theory have so far assumed that achievement goals are associated with students’ beliefs of causes of success, the latter representing students’ subjective beliefs about the factors contributing to success at school. So far, this line of research has been restricted to a few cross-sectional studies. We examined the temporal relations between achievement goals (mastery, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals) and students’ beliefs of causes of success, the latter operationalized by asking the students to rate the subjective importance of diligence, effort, and ability for school success. Achievement goals and beliefs of causes of success were measured twice with a time lag of one school year with a sample of N = 2044 German secondary school students. Cross-lagged panel models were estimated to examine the temporal relations between achievement goals and beliefs of causes of success while controlling for students’ secondary school track, socio-economic status, and Grade Point Average. Former mastery goals were found to be positively related to later importance ratings of diligence for school success; former performance-approach goals were found to be positively related to later importance ratings of ability. Boys and girls were found to display similar relations among constructs but they showed differential mean levels on both the achievement goal constructs and the beliefs of causes of success. Implications for research on achievement goals and practice using intervention approaches are discussed.  相似文献   
我国货币政策的低效性及其原因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先探讨了货币政策传导的一般途径及其标志性效果,其次揭示了我国货币政策低效性的种种表现,再次着重分析了我国货币政策低效性的原因,为如何提高货币政策有效性指出了方向。  相似文献   
桥梁裂缝产生原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在桥梁建造和使用过程中,因出现裂缝而影响工程质量甚至导致桥梁垮塌的情况屡见不鲜.实际上,混凝土结构裂缝的成因复杂而繁多,甚至多种因素相互影响,但每一条裂缝均有其产生的一种或几种主要原因.设计疏漏、施工低劣、监理不力,均可能使混凝土桥梁出现裂缝.因此,严格按照国家有关规范、技术标准进行设计、施工和监理,是保证结构安全耐用的前提和基础.  相似文献   
This study aims to identify the beliefs of Jordanian parents of children with disabilities (CWD), including intellectual disabilities, specific learning disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder: both in terms of the causes of these disabilities, and the ability of their children to make progress. A qualitative interpretive methodology was employed. Interviews were used to collect data from 63 parents of CWD. Two major themes emerged concerning beliefs about the causes of disability and children’s progress. Results showed generally that disabilities were attributed to supernatural and biomedical causes; also, most parents had positive expectations about their children’s progress, especially in education skills, and had hopes for their children’s futures. Conclusions and implications are presented in the light of the study findings.  相似文献   
新农村建设视野下两委矛盾及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新农村建设是社会主义建设的题中应有之义,新农村建设意味着新农村的民主政治建设,但在目前的一些农村两委之间却仍经常产生矛盾和冲突。通过透视其矛盾状态及成因,为化解“两委”矛盾提供参考。  相似文献   
加强会计职业道德建设的途径和方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了会计职业道德及其建设的重要性,指出了当前会计职业道德的现状并分析了存在问题的原因,提出了加强会计职业道德建设的途径与方法.  相似文献   
盛唐时期,诗歌创作空前繁荣而诗歌理论却颇为沉寂,理论的发展明显滞后于创作实践。其原因在于:诸多重要的诗学理论已于初唐时期得到了深入的探讨,其观点和主张也多为盛唐诗人所认同;因为时代的熏染,盛唐士人大多过着心性放达的诗化生活,他们将主要精力投放到了与自由心性更为契合的诗歌创作上,而不愿意去进行纯理性的思考;盛唐时期确立的“诗赋取士”的定制,使士子大多热心于“实战”的演练,相比之下较为轻视理论的研究。  相似文献   
习近平总书记在江苏调研时曾强调“没有全民健康,就没有全面小康”。大学生群体作为实现全面建成小康社会的主力军,其健康素养水平值得重视。文章通过调查南京邮电大学学生,发现当下大学生群体存在健康概念模糊、健康信息获取不足、生活方式不良、心理状态波动大、吸烟率相对较高等现象。究其成因,乃在于获取健康信息动力不足、不良生活方式的影响即时性低、心理敏感、健康教育不足等。研究建议多方主体共促健康教育,加大宣传力度,搭建校园健康信息平台,定期对大学生健康状况进行检测。  相似文献   
家庭与社会的误导,教师权利的不恰当使用,承受压力过大是小学生丧失“亲社会行为”的三大原因。为此.必须采取以下措施以培养学生的“亲社会行为”:通过各种途径和方法,减轻学生的心理压力;满足学生的亲和需要,使学生对班集体产生归属感;为学生提供相互理解和宽容的机会,促进集体成功的心理相容;培养学生发社会视角转换技能,增强学生对他人的认同感。  相似文献   
弱势群体问题关系着社会稳定的大局,已成为时下中国社会关注的热点问题。本文客观剖析了弱势群体产生的原因,提出了扶助社会弱势群体的具体措施。  相似文献   
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