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This study investigates when and how students activate co- and socially shared emotion and motivation regulation in collaborative learning and whether the S-REG mobile application tool can support this regulation. In a mathematics course, 44 higher education students worked with a collaborative assignment. The S-REG tool traced groups' emotional and motivational states in different sessions, and the occurrence of co-regulation and shared regulation of motivation and emotions were coded from video-recorded collaborative work (44 h). The groups activated more co-regulation than shared regulation of emotions and motivation, but the shared-regulation episodes were longer-lasting. The groups’ emotional and motivational states were associated with the occurrence of co-regulation in the beginning of the learning sessions. The results suggest that the S-REG tool balanced collaboration by prompting the groups to regulate emotions and motivation right in the beginning of the motivationally and emotionally challenging learning sessions.  相似文献   
高危险性体育项目相对一般体育项目而言,是具有危险性大、专业技术性强、安全保障要求高等特点的体育活动。我国对高危险性体育项目有一定的法律规制,但存在顶层设计缺失、法律制度之间的冲突与不一致、可操作性不足等问题。这些制度缺陷产生的根源在于对立法必要性的认识不足、立法不作为,缺乏有效的立法监督机制等,现有制度的缺陷与不足会影响我国高危险性体育项目的发展,难以满足人们体育文化活动的需要。鉴于此,我国应逐步完善高危险性体育项目的法律规制,包括完善高危险性体育项目的审定主体,明确经营高危险性体育项目的主体范围、完善高危险性体育项目的行政许可条件、强化高危险体育项目行政监管以及风险防范等。  相似文献   
For regulation of text learning to be effective, students need to accurately monitor their text comprehension. Similarly, to provide adaptive instruction, teachers need to accurately monitor and regulate students’ text comprehension. Performing generative activities prior to monitoring has been suggested to provide students with diagnostic cues, improving monitoring accuracy; an open question is whether this would also help teachers. We investigated whether two generative activities, diagram completion and diagram drawing, improved secondary education students’ (n = 248) monitoring and regulation accuracy of text comprehension (Experiment 1) and whether viewing students’ diagrams improved teachers’ (N = 18) monitoring and regulation of students’ text comprehension (Experiment 2). Students’ monitoring and teachers’ regulation accuracy was higher in the diagramming conditions than in the no-diagramming condition. Students and teachers used diagnostic cues when judging students’ text comprehension: Improving students’ monitoring and teachers’ regulation of students’ text comprehension relies on improving accessibility of diagnostic cues.  相似文献   
近年来,性侵运动员的犯罪行为频发,成为国际社会聚焦的热点。以此审视我国运动员性法益的保护,虽有强奸罪、强制猥亵罪的刑事立法,却缺乏对该犯罪行为特殊性的深入思考,既不能在惩治犯罪人方面达到理想效果,亦不能在预防犯罪方面发挥良好功能。同时,司法中的“以纪代法”、针对性缺乏、未回应被害人需求等诸多问题,亦使该犯罪行为的刑事规制效果大打折扣。所以,在该犯罪立法上应有针对性采用附属刑法进行修正,完善犯罪的特别预防与一般预防制度;司法上,积极回应被害人的诉求,努力克服刑事规制过程中的各种困境,让运动员的性法益得到全面而充分的保护。  相似文献   

Adaptive regulation of emotions is imperative for successful sport performance. However, the lion’s share of mainstream emotion regulation (ER) literature is founded on perspectives prioritising mental health, not performance. Consequently, ER strategies are predominantly classified as adaptive or maladaptive based on effectiveness in achieving targeted mental health outcomes. These conventional mental health classifications can catalyse misapplication of ER strategies within sport and other motor performance contexts when (1) ER motives are instrumentally directed towards performance enhancement and (2) Minimal consideration is given to the consequences of ER on the coordination and execution of motor actions. Herein, we review the current state of relevant ER research within and outside of sport contexts. We also present a novel conceptual framework, the Temporal Influence Model of Emotion Regulation (TIMER). TIMER proposes that ER strategies exert distinct, temporally dependent demands upon perceptual-cognitive and motoric resources. These unique regulatory profiles influence subsequent motor performance outcomes. Critically, the degree to which regulatory strategies are appropriate or ideal varies given environmental constraints along with performers’ affective and performance goals. The model includes testable hypotheses to guide theoretical and applied research in the domain of ER within sport and other motor performance contexts.  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 合理使用是维持著作权人个人利益与社会公共利益平衡的重要机制之一,对承担公共文化服务功能的图书馆尤为重要,但实践中图书馆的合理使用条款并未充分发挥利益平衡的作用,有必要对其存在问题及形成原因进行深入分析。[方法/过程] 通过与域外立法相比较,以及司法实践中的案例分析,可看出我国图书馆合理使用的主要问题在于现行法律规定滞后、规则不明晰,导致合理使用适用范围狭窄,还同时受到许可协议、技术措施的挤压。[结果/结论] 为化解图书馆合理使用条款的适用困境,可从增加原则性规定、明确其法律属性为强制性规定、扩大有关条款的适用范围等方面来完善立法。图书馆自身也应加强知识产权管理、提高知识产权素养,严格遵照法律规定以消除侵权隐患。  相似文献   
为定量解释精英运动员重大比赛期间竞技状态显性和隐性影响因素间相互关系,运用文献资料、层次分析、模糊评价、数理统计等研究方法,基于国家队、省市运动队295名网球教练员、运动员调研数据,提出精英网球运动员重大比赛期间竞技状态影响因素假设命题,再引入SEM概念模型,对假设命题进行验证。结果表明:(1)竞技状态SEM概念模型中,体能训练整合度、技能训练整合度、心智训练整合度、适应度与保障度可作为隐性自变量,且均对竞技状态因变量有正向影响作用,H1、H2、H3、H4假设命题得到验证;(2)经SEM检验,依影响因素权重,精英网球运动员赛间竞技状态调控依次表现为技能训练整合度、心智训练整合度、体能训练整合度、适应度与保障度;(3)精英网球运动员的参赛表现,虽主要取决于竞技训练因子,但对于适应度与保障度中自然环境、社会环境和规程规则等非训练因子,同样不容忽视。  相似文献   
体育新课程改革要求教师的课堂调控不仅要注重教学目标的达成,更要注重学生的长远发展,尊重学生的个体体验和个性差异.体育课堂教学调控是师生共同成长的历程,其目的是促进学生的学习和发展.课程改革为中小学体育课堂调控注入了新内涵.结合实例对体育课堂的有效调控,即对教学目标、教学内容和练习方法三个要素的调控进行了论述.  相似文献   
论素质的意蕴与生态素质的提升   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
素质,人的思想以及素质教育等问题是当今学界关注的热点话题之一,就素质教育所要求的素质而言,通常包括诸如政治思想素质、科学化素质和心理身体素质等若干层面。然而,面向21世纪的人才素质,不能不具备生态思维与生态实践能力的生态素质。  相似文献   
英国是世界上最早以立法形式保护贫困儿童的国家之一。21世纪以来英国颁布了一系列贫困儿童社会救助法案,其社会救助措施主要体现在提高家庭生活水平、帮助改善失业状况、努力实现教育公平以及发放补贴减轻压力等方面。英国建立了较为完善的儿童社会救助体制,形成了社会救助与社会保险福利的有机衔接,打通了民主的决策机制和跨部门的有效合作。英国在贫困儿童社会救助中积极发挥“政府-企业-机构”多元儿童社会福利治理合力作用,把实现教育福利作为阻断儿童贫困代际传递的根本途径,把追求社会公平与市场效率平衡作为儿童社会救助的价值目标。英国儿童社会救助的法律规制,对我国健全中国特色贫困儿童社会救助体系具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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