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目的:了解不同性别乒乓球运动员完成并步、跳步、跨步3种常用步法时膝关节的负荷特征,并探析乒乓球运动员膝关节的损伤机制。方法:对乒乓球男、女各10名运动员完成3种常用步法动作时的下肢运动学、动力学数据进行采集和处理,并运用方差分析法比较不同性别、不同技术之间的差异。结果:受试者在完成3种步法过程中,膝关节屈角大致范围在20°~60°。当地面反作用力最大时,女运动员比男运动员表现出更小的外展角(P<0.05),跳步比并步和跨步表现出更小的外展角(P<0.05);在三维受力方面,膝关节受到垂直方向上的力最大,水平向后和向左的力次之,未表现出显著的性别差异和技术差异;在三维力矩方面,膝关节受到的伸膝力矩较大,也未表现出显著的性别差异和技术差异。结论:膝关节屈曲状态下,较大的地面反作用力和膝关节外展角易导致乒乓球运动员前交叉韧带损伤,女运动员的损伤风险小于男运动员,跳步的损伤风险小于并步和跨步;水平向后和向左的力易造成乒乓球运动员软骨和半月板损伤;过大的伸膝力矩易导致乒乓球运动员髌腱末端病和髌骨软化。  相似文献   
目的:探讨不同负荷运动训练对大鼠骨骼肌线粒体三羧酸循环的影响及其机制。方法:将雄性Wistar大鼠50只随机均分为5组:安静对照组(C)、低负荷运动训练组(LT)、中等负荷运动训练组(MT)、高负荷运动训练组(HT)和极高负荷运动训练组(ST),每组10只。各运动组分别进行6周的跑台运动训练。训练方案结束后,取腓肠肌样本,提取线粒体,测定线粒体柠檬酸合成酶(CS)、异柠檬酸脱氢酶(ICD)和α-酮戊二酸脱氢酶(α-KGDHC)活性;线粒体Ga2+含量、胞浆NADH、NAD+、ATP和ADP含量,以及ICD mRNA转录水平。结果:(1)不同负荷运动训练组线粒体CS、ICD和α-KGDHC的活性均显著高于安静对照组(P < 0.01),且CS和ICD活性由高到低顺序均为:MT组 > HT组 > ST组 > LT组 > C组,α-KGDHC活性由高到低顺序为:HT组 > MT组 > ST组 > LT组 > C组。(2)不同负荷运动训练组线粒体Ca2+ 含量均显著高于安静对照组(P < 0.01),其含量由高到低顺序为:MT组 > HT组 > ST组 > LT组 > C组;胞浆NADH/NAD+和ATP/ADP的比值均显著低于安静对照组(P < 0.01),其比值由低到高顺序为:MT组 < ST组 < HT组 < LT组 < C组。(3)不同负荷运动训练组ICD mRNA转录水平均高于安静对照组(P < 0.01),其水平由高到低顺序为: MT组 > HT组 > ST组 > LT组 > C组。结论:低负荷、中等负荷、高负荷及极高负荷运动训练均可提高大鼠骨骼肌线粒体三羧酸循环功能,且中等负荷运动训练效果最佳。其机制与胞浆NADH/NAD+和ATP/ADP比值、线粒体摄钙能力及限速酶基因的表达有关。  相似文献   
Recent advances have enabled diagnostic classification models (DCMs) to accommodate longitudinal data. These longitudinal DCMs were developed to study how examinees change, or transition, between different attribute mastery statuses over time. This study examines using longitudinal DCMs as an approach to assessing growth and serves three purposes: (1) to define and evaluate two reliability measures to be used in the application of longitudinal DCMs; (2) through simulation, demonstrate that longitudinal DCM growth estimates have increased reliability compared to longitudinal item response theory models; and (3) through an empirical analysis, illustrate the practical and interpretive benefits of longitudinal DCMs. A discussion describes how longitudinal DCMs can be used as practical and reliable psychometric models when categorical and criterion‐referenced interpretations of growth are desired.  相似文献   

Despite emotional, technical and endurance implications for athletes’ performance, a consensus has yet to be reached to explain the impairment of executive functioning during exercise. In particular, recent research challenges the original assumption of a linear dose–response effect of exercise intensity on cerebral physiology and executive functioning. We propose a fatigue-based neurocognitive perspective of executive functioning during prolonged exercise, suggesting that top-down (cognitive and physical efforts) and bottom-up processes (body sensations) act in parallel of arousing mechanisms to determine cognitive outcomes. In this perspective, executive functioning during prolonged exercise would be dynamical rather than steady (i.e. positively then negatively impacted by exercise) and would be to analyse in regards of exercise termination rather than of exercise intensity.  相似文献   
足球比赛负荷是球员在比赛情景下完成各类动作所承受的物理、生理和心理等方面刺激之和。比赛负荷的量化结构分为外部和内部负荷,外部负荷的量化方法包括人工视频分析技术、自动轨迹追踪技术和全球定位设备,通过球员体能或技术表现的负荷量和强度来评定足球比赛中的行为活动特点,外部负荷特征表现为间歇性运动下频繁变向和短距离变速跑,高比例的中低强度无球跑穿插较少的高强度带球跑。内部负荷的量化方法包括耗氧量、心率和血乳酸等指标的测定,通过上述指标的变化幅度来评定足球比赛中的能量代谢水平;内部负荷特征表现为有氧供能为主、无氧磷酸原和糖酵解供能交替进行。现有研究局限为外部负荷低估了变向运动对足球比赛负荷的影响,内部负荷无法概括正式比赛的供能特征等。未来可尝试在优化量化方法基础上结合内外负荷,从而更精准地量化比赛负荷。  相似文献   
认知无线电是一种可用于有效缓解当前频谱资源紧张的技术,而频谱感知是认知无线电的前提。针对低信噪比情况下频谱感知性能差的问题,提出一种将信号高阶统计量、协方差矩阵特征值与神经网络相结合的合作频谱感知算法。该算法考虑到认知用户与授权用户的信道衰落情况,利用神经网络较强的多分类能力,将最大-最小特征值之比、平均-最小特征值之比以及高阶统计量作为特征参数,通过神经网络实现合作频谱感知。仿真结果表明,该算法不仅在低信噪比情况下较其他算法具有更高的频谱检测率,而且对频谱中信号的调制类型也有较高的识别率。  相似文献   
目的:探究低负荷加压训练对自发性高血压大鼠的降压效果及其作用机制。方法:选取4周龄雄性自发性高血压大鼠,随机分为对照组(高血压安静组)、低负荷训练组、低负荷加压训练组和高负荷训练组。低负荷训练组进行35%~55%1RM递进式低负荷爬梯训练,低负荷加压训练组进行30%~40%血流受限结合35%~55%1RM递进式低负荷爬梯训练,高负荷训练组进行55%~75%1RM递进式高负荷爬梯训练,训练后测定血压、血液中内皮素-1、血管内皮生长因子、一氧化氮合成酶的表达和心肌组织中内皮型一氧化氮合成酶的表达。结果:1)与对照组、高负荷训练组相比,低负荷加压训练组收缩压、舒张压显著下降(P<0.05);与低负荷训练组相比,低负荷加压训练组舒张压显著下降(P<0.05)。2)与对照组相比,低负荷加压训练组血液中内皮素-1表达显著下调(P<0.05),血管内皮生长因子和一氧化氮合成酶表达显著上调(P<0.05);3)与对照组相比,低负荷加压训练组心肌中内皮型一氧化氮合成酶表达显著上调(P<0.05);4)在低负荷加压训练组中,收缩压与内皮素-1呈正相关,相关性分析具有统计学意义(P<0.05);收缩压与一氧化氮合成酶、血管内皮生长因子、内皮型一氧化氮合成酶均呈负相关,相关性分析具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:1)低负荷加压训练降压效果优于高负荷训练;2)低负荷加压训练能够通过下调血液中内皮素-1的表达,上调血液中血管内皮生长因子和一氧化氮合成酶的表达,同时上调心肌中内皮型一氧化氮合成酶表达,改善内皮细胞功能,达到降压的效果。  相似文献   
In this ITEMS module, we introduce the generalized deterministic inputs, noisy “and” gate (G‐DINA) model, which is a general framework for specifying, estimating, and evaluating a wide variety of cognitive diagnosis models. The module contains a nontechnical introduction to diagnostic measurement, an introductory overview of the G‐DINA model, as well as common special cases, and a review of model‐data fit evaluation practices within this framework. We use the flexible GDINA R package, which is available for free within the R environment and provides a user‐friendly graphical interface in addition to the code‐driven layer. The digital module also contains videos of worked examples, solutions to data activity questions, curated resources, a glossary, and quizzes with diagnostic feedback.  相似文献   
This study aimed to determine the suitability of the load-velocity relationship to prescribe the relative load (%1RM) in women, as well as to compare the load-velocity profile between sexes and participants with different strength levels. The load-velocity relationship of 14 men (1RM: 1.17 ± 0.19) and 14 women (1RM: 0.66 ± 0.13) were evaluated in the bench press exercise. The main findings revealed that: (I) the load-velocity relationship was always strong and linear (R2 range: 0.987–0.993), (II) a steeper load-velocity profile was observed in men compared to women (Effect size [ES]: 1.09), with men showing higher velocities for light loads (ES: ? 0.81 and ? 0.40 for the y-intercept and 30%1RM, respectively), but women reporting higher velocities for the heavy loads (ES: 1.14 and 1.50 at 90%1RM and 100%1RM, respectively); and (III) while the slope of the load-velocity profile was moderately steeper for weak men compared to their strong counterpart (ES: 1.02), small differences were observed between strong and weak women (ES: ? 0.39). While these results support the use of the individual load-velocity relationship to prescribe the %1RM in the bench press exercise for women, they also highlight the large disparities in their load-velocity profile compared to men.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine CHO ingestion on a cognitive task using a field-simulated time-trial (TT) under hypoxia in well-trained triathletes. Ten male triathletes (age: 22.1 ± 1.1 years; VO2max: 59.4 ± 1.4 ml/kg/min) participated in this double-blind/crossover/counter-balanced design study. Participants completed 3 TT trials: 1) normoxic placebo (NPLA; FiO2 = 20.9%), 2) hypoxic placebo (HPLA; FiO2 = 16.3%), and 3) hypoxic CHO (HCHO; 6% CHO provided as 2 ml/kg/15 min; FiO2 = 16.3%). During the TT, physiological responses (SpO2, HR, RPE, and blood glucose/lactate), cognitive performance, and cerebral haemodynamics were measured. Hypoxia reduced TT performance by ~3.5–4% (p < 0.05), but CHO did not affect TT performance under hypoxia. For the cognitive task, CHO slightly preserved exercise-induced cognitive reaction speed but did not affect response accuracy during hypoxic exercise. However, CHO did not preserve the decreased Hb-Diff (cerebral blood flow, CBF) and increased HHb in the prefrontal lobe (p < 0.05) during hypoxic exercise, and CHO failed to preserve hypoxia-suppressed prefrontal CBF and tissue oxygen saturation. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that CHO is effective in sustaining reaction speed for a cognitive task but not promoting TT performance during hypoxic exercise, which would be important for strategy-/decision-making when athletes compete at moderate high-altitude.  相似文献   
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