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文化功能也就是"出之于人,归之于人",江口土家族"金钱杆"起于秦末时期的西楚霸王,形于族人生产生活实践中。经过研究发现,"金钱杆"是具有彰显土家族文化的独特符号、"常"与"非常"之间转换的独特节点、教化孩童的重要载体以及增强体质的独特途径的少数民族传统体育活动。本研究主要探求"金钱杆"发展逻辑,旨在为"金钱杆"的传承和发展提供有益的指导。  相似文献   
全国高校思想政治工作会议和全国教育大会的相继召开,进一步推动了高校思想政治教育改革,高职院校也正在从思政课程走向课程思政,促进社会主义核心价值观教育贯穿于全员、全课程、全过程。高职院校开展课程思政教学改革的有效路径是建立课程思政教育体系,加强师资队伍建设,创新教学方法与手段,增强课程思政教学评价。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、访谈法、比较分析法和逻辑法,对中美基础教育课外体育活动的价值取向、政策文件、组织管理、场地设施、运动时间及实施效果进行梳理、分析和比较,从中得出以下启示:要坚持课外体育活动健身育人的价值;学校体育政策要向课外体育活动倾斜,并注重政策的落实;构建课外体育活动的三级体系,促进家校社三方联动;加快社区体育建设,引导体育消费升级;布置体育作业,保证课外运动时间;立足实际问题,让学生从课外体育活动中受益。以邻为镜比较优劣得失,但不能生搬硬套,要从传统体育文化中吸收养分,促进青少年身心健康,促进我国课外体育活动改革与发展。  相似文献   
为了有效促进学生武术核心素养的培育,针对我国武术教学中存在套路内容“繁难”、教法单一、重“形”轻“击”、重知识灌输,轻自主性培养、重教师的“教”,轻学生的“学”“学生不喜欢武术课”等一系列问题,提出了有效促进武术认知、武术运动能力、武术人格培育的原则,基于此原则,对“化难为易”策略、“化浅为深”策略、“化无趣为有趣”策略、“化技术为实践”策略、“知新温故”等策略进行了具体探索性设计,并对上述策略的具体实施方法进行了阐述,为中小学武术教学改革提供现实指导。  相似文献   
运用中国知网(CNKI)检索库进行检索,共查找到期刊文献115篇,其中国内期刊65篇,硕士论文31篇。通过Cite Space和中国知网(CNKI)文献分析功能,对国内身体功能训练研究进行计量学分析。研究的基本特征表现为:研究机构多,文献期刊发表数量较少,核心期刊占比较少,论文质量与数量之间存在差异。研究热点以身体功能训练为主,并突显了“功能训练”“训练”和“体育工作者”等关键词,作者合作比较少,仅形成数个微小的作者合作网络。  相似文献   
传统武术在我国有着悠久的历史,是我国优秀的传统文化,集强身健体、技击防卫、娱乐观赏等价值功能于一体。“一带一路”倡议的提出对传统武术在现今社会中的价值和功能产生了新的影响。文章运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,从“一带一路”倡议对传统武术产生的影响、“一带一路”倡议下传统武术的当代价值、“一带一路”倡议下传统武术的当代功能三个方面进行深度分析,探究“一带一路”倡议下传统武术的当代价值与功能。  相似文献   
本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法对身体功能训练的研究背景、现状及相关理论问题进行分析。目的:明确身体功能训练理论基础与应用基础,区分现代身体功能训练与传统体能以及力量训练的关系,结合我国实际情况展望未来身体功能训练的发展。结论:身体功能训练是一项新兴的训练方法,通过实际应用得出,身体功能训练不仅对伤病的损伤与预防有一定的作用,还对提升运动能力相比于传统体能训练方法更加的全面与科学。身体功能训练的研究、普及与发展,不仅仅有利于我国运动队综合成绩的提高,也符合我国全民健身计划。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,我国体育产业从无到有一路发展,在成为受国家重视的重要产业的今天,相比国际体育产业发达国家,我们仍然处于明显的劣势,即便是国内的中、高端体育消费市场也几乎被国外大品牌企业占据大半,更不用说我们的企业走出国门了。然而我们的体育产业依然有着潜在的核心竞争力,为了将这种竞争力变成现实的力量,我们必须积极营造成熟、规范的体育消费市场;积极发挥竞技体育发展水平的优势;积极与国际知名企业合作,实现互利共赢。  相似文献   
This study examined the relationship between sit-to-stand (STS) power and physical function in adults with severe obesity. Thirty-eight adults (age: 44 ± 12 years; body mass index [BMI]: 45.2 ± 7.8 kg/m2) completed evaluations of STS power, strength and functional performance. STS power was measured with a wearable inertial sensor, strength was assessed with the isometric mid-thigh pull, and function was measured with the timed up-and-go (TUG), six-minute walk test (6MWT) and 30-s chair STS. Power and strength (normalised to body mass) entered regression models in addition to age, gender, BMI and physical activity (daily step count). Power displayed large univariate associations with TUG (r = 0.50) and 30-s chair STS (r = 0.67), and a moderate association with 6MWT (r = 0.49). Forward stepwise regression revealed that power independently contributed to TUG (β = ?0.40, p = 0.010), 30-s chair STS (β = 0.67, p < 0.001) and 6MWT performance (β = 0.27, p = 0.007). Power also appeared to be a superior determinant of function compared with strength. Power generated via the STS transfer largely underpins the ability to perform functional tasks in adults with severe obesity, although intervention studies are required to investigate a potentially causal relationship.  相似文献   

We performed a randomized, controlled trial to analyse the effects of resistance training (RT) on cognitive and physical function among older adults. Fifty participants (mean age 67 years, ~60% woman) were randomly assigned to an RT program or a control group. Participants allocated to RT performed three sets of 10-15RM in nine exercises, three times per week, for 12-weeks. Control group did not perform any exercise. Variables included cognitive (global and executive function) and physical function (gait, mobility and strength) outcomes. At completion of the intervention, RT was shown to have significantly mitigated the drop in selective attention and conflict resolution performance (Stroop test: -494.6; 95%CI: -883.1; ?106.1) and promoted a significant improvement in working memory (digit span forward: -0.6; 95%CI: ?1.0; ?0.1 and forward minus backward: -0.9; 95% CI: ?1.6; ?0.2) and verbal fluency (animal naming: +1.4, 95%CI 0.3, 2.5). No significant between-group differences were observed for other cognitive outcomes. Regarding physical function, at completion of the intervention, the RT group demonstrated improved fast-pace gait performance (?0.3; 95% CI: ?0.6; ?0.0) and 1-RM (+21.4 kg; 95%CI: 16.6; 26.2). No significant between-group differences were observed for other mobility-related outcomes. In conclusion, RT improves cognitive and physical function of older adults.  相似文献   
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