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目的:基于青少年的生理特点,通过对比青少年游泳运动员采用蹲踞式和抓台式2种游泳出发技术时的运动学和动力学数据,以期为青少年游泳运动员的运动训练与比赛提供参考。方法:使用Kistler测力台和高速摄像机记录从青少年游泳运动员从准备姿势到入水的整个过程,通过对2种游泳出发技术参数的统计对比分析,总结这2种游泳出发技术的特点。结果:从游泳出发技术上来看,男性采用蹲踞式的加速蹬伸时间、地面反作用力峰值、腾空时间、腾空距离、平均水平腾空速度、出发总时间大于抓台式,而入水角度较小;女性采用蹲踞式的加速蹬伸时间、地面反作用力峰值、腾空距离、平均水平腾空速度大于抓台式,而腾空时间、入水角度、出发总时间较小。从性别角度看,男性采用蹲踞式的加速蹬伸时间、平均水平腾空速度、入水角度小于女性,而地面反作用力峰值、腾空时间、腾空距离、出发总时间较大;男性采用抓台式的加速蹬伸时间、平均水平腾空速度、入水角度小于女性,而地面反作用力峰值、腾空时间、腾空距离、出发总时间较大。结论:从游泳出发技术上来看,蹲踞式在滞台阶段加速蹬伸时间较长,但地面反作用力较大,且获得了更大的平均水平腾空速度,弥补了其滞台时间较长的缺点;在腾空阶段,在腾空时间无显著差异的情况下,蹲踞式具有明显较大的腾空距离,则蹲踞式在该阶段更具优势。从性别上来看,男性的加速蹬伸时间较小,且地面反作用力较大,但平均水平腾空速度较小,减小了男性在滞台阶段的优势;在腾空阶段,男性的腾空时间明显大于女性,但其腾空距离也较大。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to estimate the optimal body size, limb-segment length, girth or breadth ratios for 100-m backstroke mean speed performance in young swimmers. Sixty-three young swimmers (boys [n = 30; age: 13.98 ± 0.58 years]; girls [n = 33; age: 13.02 ± 1.20 years]) participated in this study. To identify the optimal body size and body composition components associated with 100-m backstroke speed performance, we adopted a multiplicative allometric log-linear regression model, which was refined using backward elimination. The multiplicative allometric model exploring the association between 100-m backstroke mean speed performance and the different somatic measurements estimated that biological age, sitting height, leg length for the lower-limbs, and two girths (forearm and arm relaxed girth) are the key predictors. Stature and body mass did not contribute to the model, suggesting that the advantage of longer levers was limb-specific rather than a general whole-body advantage. In fact, it is only by adopting multiplicative allometric models that the abovementioned ratios could have been derived. These findings highlighted the importance of considering somatic characteristics of young backstroke swimmers and can help swimming coaches to classify their swimmers and enable them to suggest what might be the swimmers’ most appropriate stroke (talent identification).  相似文献   
少儿花样游泳业余训练是推动花样游泳项目整体发展的基础。本文通过查阅文献资料、问卷调查和实地走访等方法,从教练员、队伍分布、满意度和训练情况、基础场地器材情况等方面对湖南省少儿花样游泳业余训练现状进行研究分析。研究得出:存在项目布局不完善,区域发展不平衡、教练员队伍整体素质有待提升、运动员队伍需适当扩大等方面问题和不足。并提出了应当学习先进经验,不断完善相关政策、不断加强教练员队伍建设,设计制定合理业余训练竞赛体系、及时宣传报道等相关对策。  相似文献   
建立以大学生为评价对象,以提高防溺水技能和规避溺水风险为目的的大学生安心游泳技能等级标准。通过专家访谈、问卷调查、问卷筛选以及专家论证等研究方法,确定了大学生安心游泳技能等级评价标准,该标准包括游泳技能和自救技能两个方面,并使用3个层级(初级、中级、高级)9个等级(初级:1-3级;中级:4-6级;高级7-9级)来评价大学生安心游泳技能的等级。通过内回代方法对评价标准进行检验,表明该研究标准能够初步应用于大学生安心游泳技能等级评价。  相似文献   
Active drag force in swimming can be calculated from a function of five different variables: swim velocity, tow velocity, belt force, power output and exponent of velocity. The accuracy of the drag force value is dependent on the accuracy of each variable, and on the contribution of each variable to drag estimation. To calculate uncertainty in drag value, first the derivatives of the active drag equation with respect to each variable were obtained. Second, these were multiplied by the uncertainty of that variable. Twelve national age and open level swimmers were recruited to complete four free swimming and five active drag trials. The uncertainties for the free and the tow swim velocities, and for the belt force, contributed approximately 5–6% and 2–3% error, respectively, in calculation of drag. The result of the uncertainty of the velocity exponent (1.8–2.6) indicated a contribution of about 6% error in active drag. The contribution of unequal power output showed that if a power changed 7.5% between conditions, it would lead to about 30% error in calculated drag. Consequently, if a swimmer did not maintain constant power output between conditions, there would be substantial errors in the calculation of active drag.  相似文献   
建立了竞渡比赛的最优控制模型,给出了最优解的必要条件和教值计算方法。作为特例,回答了2003年全国大学生数学建模竞赛D题所提出的主要问题。  相似文献   
结合福建省游泳场馆游泳者现状,采用多种方法游泳者风险及游泳场馆溺死问题进行研究,旨在建立游泳场馆安全管理体系.研究结果表明,游泳场馆游泳者风险源包括23个风险因素,福建省游泳场馆游泳者面临12个主要风险因素,游泳场馆可以采用风险避免、风险控制、风险转移和风险自留四种方法应对游泳者风险.  相似文献   
采用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查及数理统计等方法,对广西省15个竞技游泳后备人才培养基地的人才培养情况进行调查分析.结果显示:广西各地的县级游泳训练的人数比以前少了许多,这一现象对整个广西游泳训练及人才培养体系的建设来说是一种损失.希望通过此次调查,对广西竞技游泳事业的进一步发展提供帮助.  相似文献   
目的:探讨我国优秀花样游泳运动员功能性动作能力与力量素质的相关性,分析功能动作筛查测试与力量素质测试结果存在的内在联系,从专项视角探讨花样游泳运动项目的训练策略并提出建议。方法:选取国家花样游泳队14名健将级运动员为研究对象,对其进行FMS、握力、上肢力量、股内收肌群力量、躯干核心耐力、下肢爆发力测试,并对测试结果进行相关性分析。结果:1)14名花样游泳运动员FMS测试平均得分为15.21分,有5人测试得分低于运动损伤高风险的临界值(14分);2)FMS测试总分与Keiser坐姿上推(偏相关系数=0.622,P<0.05)、45°股内收肌群横向收缩力量(偏相关系数=0.652,P<0.05)、90°股内收肌群横向收缩力量(偏相关系数=0.746,P<0.01)均呈正相关;3)直线弓步蹲与Keiser坐姿上推(偏相关系数=0.711,P<0.05)、无反向纵跳(偏相关系数=0.661,P<0.05)、有反向纵跳(偏相关系数=0.614,P<0.05)和40 cm跳深跳高(偏相关系数=0.754,P<0.01)均呈正相关;肩部灵活性测试得分与Keiser下蹲上推(偏相关系数=0.575,P<0.05)、45°股内收肌群横向收缩力量(偏相关系数=0.585,P<0.05)以及90°股内收肌群横向收缩力量(r=0.867,P<0.01)均呈正相关,与仰桥耐力呈负相关(偏相关系数=0.701,P<0.05);旋转稳定性与40 cm跳深跳高呈正相关(偏相关系数=0.575,P<0.05)。结论:我国优秀花样游泳运动员髋关节主动灵活性和臀大肌-髂胫束联合等肌群的主动柔韧性较好,但存在膝关节、髋关节稳定性差、躯干核心区肌群控制力不足等问题,受主导臂和主导腿均为右侧影响,运动员身体两侧不平衡明显。运动员FMS测试得分并不能全面反映其力量素质的高低,FMS测试得分与部分力量素质测试结果存在相关性,可能与两种测试均涉及同一动力链结构系统肌群的协同工作和动作存在做功类型的相似性有关。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to compare arm–leg coordination and kinematics during 100 m breaststroke in 26 (8 female; 18 male) specialist breaststroke swimmers. Laps were recorded using three 50-Hz underwater cameras. Heart rate and blood lactate were measured pre- and post-swim. Arm–leg coordination was defined using coordination phases describing continuity between recovery and propulsive phases of upper and lower limbs: coordination phase 1 (time between end of leg kick and start of the arm pull phases); and coordination phase 2 (time between end of arm pull and start of leg kick phases). Duration of stroke phases, coordination phases, swim velocity, stroke length (SL), stroke rate (SR) and stroke index (SI) were analysed during the last three strokes of each lap that were unaffected by turning or finishing. Significant changes in velocity, SI and SL (P < 0.05) were found between laps. Both sexes showed significant increase (P < 0.05) in heart rate and blood lactate pre- to post-swim. Males had significantly (P < 0.01) faster swim velocities resulting from longer SLs (P = 0.016) with no difference in SR (P = 0.064). Sex differences in kinematic parameters can be explained by anthropometric differences providing males with increased propelling efficiency.  相似文献   
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