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Although Affirmative Action policies have been enforced in many countries, their consequences are highly understudied, especially in the context of developing economies. Section 12(1)(c) of the Right to Education (RTE) Act enforced in 2009 is the first attempt to introduce affirmative action in primary schools in India. The act requires all private schools to reserve at least twenty five percent seats for children from economically weaker sections. To understand the effect of the act on i) social integration and ii) academic outcomes, we asked 1500 children (grades one to three) from four schools to answer friendship surveys and short tests in Mathematics and English. The schools in our sample vary considerably in constitution and were intentionally chosen to understand the impact of the act in different school settings. The friendship surveys show strong homophily i.e. non-RTE students cite other non-RTE students as friends, while RTE students chose to be friends primarily with other RTE students. Trends in test scores reveal that students admitted under the RTE quota score significantly lower than non-RTE students. However, RTE students who have a higher share of non-RTE friends have better test scores, suggesting that affirmative action may have a positive influence on learning outcomes for RTE children. Further we note that commitment from the school authorities and systematic monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the act will go a long way in bringing out some of the benefits that this act was designed to achieve. Our findings have important policy implications with respect to ensuring proper implementation of the Section12(1)(c) of the RTE act in schools across the country.  相似文献   
在国际化趋势的带动下,人类命运共同体的构建延伸渗透到了各个领域中。体育文化作为中西方存在明显差异的一个部分,如何在新的时代背景下打破原有区隔,树立新的定位和方向,并进一步实现融合是当前发展的关键。为此,文章采用文献资料法等,将围绕命运共同体的构建对中西方体育文化从区隔到融合展开探讨。  相似文献   
In this essay, Hans-Christoph Koller presents a concept of transformational processes of Bildung in an attempt to redefine the German notion of Bildung referring to actual social conditions of educational processes. According to this conception, Bildung is a transformation of world- and self-relations that can come about when subjects are confronted with problems for which they have no established routines of engagement. With reference to theories of Pierre Bourdieu, Bernhard Waldenfels, and Ulrich Oevermann, Koller looks for answers to three questions: (1) Which concepts and theories are able to adequately grasp the world- and self-relations of subjects going through processes of Bildung? (2) How can the problems that trigger processes of Bildung and that challenge subjects to transform be determined more precisely? (3) How exactly does the emergence of new figures of world- and self-relations take place when we “successfully” complete a process of Bildung? Finally, the essay concludes with an attempt to clarify the normative implications of this theory.  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 在科研全面数据化和“十四五”规划的背景下,高校图书馆建设方向和路径对教学和科研具有重大影响,本文旨在提出图书馆智慧化转型的下一步落地和实践思路。[方法/过程] 梳理高校图书馆发展现状,解析发展新态势,以数据意识为出发点,尝试构建智慧图书馆在技术、服务、空间等方面的发展方案。[结果/结论] 智慧图书馆的建设应重点在智能设备、智慧服务平台和智慧空间上“下深功”,此外还需在馆员角色和联盟建设上深入思考。  相似文献   
体育是“一带一路”倡议人文交流的重要依托,体育赛事对实现民心相通发挥积极作用。英联邦运动会的长期举办推动了英联邦国家的整体发展,是体育赛事交流的典型案例。通过对英联邦运动会与“一带一路”体育赛事的对比,分析其对“一带一路”体育赛事的借鉴作用,并探讨“一带一路”体育赛事交流的构想与策略。认为:开展“一带一路”体育赛事交流应建立“一带一路”体育组织,组建相应的工作机构,举办“一带一路”国家运动会;构建“多边体育合作机制”,不断扩大“一带一路”体育赛事的覆盖面,重视赛事风险并避免负面影响,鼓励、支持多国举办“一带一路”体育赛事。  相似文献   
本文通过对S大学的研究,探讨高校第二课堂运行的有效性,并指出目前存在的问题,提供相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

This study seeks to examine the influence of the cultural elements on international students’ country choice. It also examines whether individual values moderate the influence of cultural elements on the country choice of international students. Drawing upon a sample size of 223, the data was analysed using structural equation modelling technique. Among the five cultural elements, education, language and social institutions were found to have a positive significant influence on the international student’s country choice. When moderated by individual values education was found to be the only key significant value to international students when selecting a country to further their education. The cultural elements should be given much attention by marketers, government and managers of academic institutions. An improvement in the standards of education in developing countries would attract more students from developed countries.  相似文献   
皮睿 《科教导刊》2021,(3):78-79
新时代背景下,高职院校扩招增加了更多的生源,而对于学生管理工作的要求就更高.对于高职院校的人才培养来说,我们要做的不单单是学生的技能,更需要从根源上着手,让学生自发学习,有效学习,而这需要建立在有效的思想政治教育的基础之上,为了能达到此效果,就需要对当今的思想政治教育模式进行分析研究,针对其中的不足和学生的特点进行研究,以此得出的实现方法才是科学的、有效的.基于此本文进行研究分析,最终得出思想政治有效教育模式的开展策略.  相似文献   
不良生活习惯和伤后康复不佳导致的肌筋膜疼痛综合征已经成为当前影响人们生活质量的因素之一。本文运用文献资料法,梳理肌筋膜疼痛综合征的诱因及外治(非内服药物治疗)手段,探究其干预手段的疗效,由病因入手,研究最佳干预方法。综合研究表明:(1)肌筋膜疼痛综合征病因包括:骨骼肌及筋膜外伤、风寒入侵机体、慢性劳损、局部肌筋膜慢性炎症损伤等;(2)目前对肌筋膜疼痛综合征康复的方法主要以针刺和温和灸为主,本文纳入针刺治疗和温和灸治疗有效率高达89.5%和100%;(3)其发病的常见部位为腰背部及肩颈部,不同部位、不同病因的肌筋膜疼痛综合征应采取不同的治疗方式,复合治疗方法比单一手段干预效果更佳。  相似文献   
高校众创空间作为高校创新创业人才培养的新兴重要载体,对高校创新创业教育具有重大作用。在创新驱动发展战略背景下,各高校结合自身优势对众创空间建设模式进行了各具特色的实践探索,但在理论研究方面仍缺乏科学梳理和系统思维,在空间布局和功能定位上,缺乏从生态系统的视角打造高校创新创业生态系统。本文通过阐释众创空间的内涵,分析高校众创空间的存在问题,在高校创新创业教育的实践经验基础上,探索以生态位理论视角剖析众创空间的系统结构模型以及要素互动关系,提出高校众创空间生态系统构建的建设策略,全面提升高校众创空间的科学发展。  相似文献   
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