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为推动健康中国的建设,增强我国人民的健康水平,国务院在2016年印发并实行了《健康中国2030规划纲要》。"健康中国"的提出,各大高校纷纷响应政策,改善高校体育教学方式,以此培养学生终身体育的习惯,实现全民健身、终身运动,推动健康中国的发展步伐。在高校武术课堂上,原先的教学方式以技巧为主,通过教师示范、学生不断练习达到教学目的,课堂的枯燥,影响了学生的学习兴趣,阻碍了终身体育习惯的养成。对此,本文对武术课程的教学新思路展开探讨。  相似文献   
审视中国古代镖局中镖师武术的技术特征、传承传播、发展演变,能够再现早期武术发展状况,丰富武术历史研究内容,还可总结历史经验,为新时代推广武术、弘扬武术文化提供借鉴。运用文献资料法和历史分析法,就镖局对清末民初武术发展之推动作用进行分析。认为,镖局是实现武术功能职业化转型的重要组织,推动了武术的顺时代创新演变,开辟了多元的武术传播途径,稳固了师徒传承方式,推动了武术价值的多元化发展,促进了暗器、轻功等罕见武技的深造与传承,为“以武报国”提供了重要的物力支撑。  相似文献   
为了有效促进学生武术核心素养的培育,针对我国武术教学中存在套路内容“繁难”、教法单一、重“形”轻“击”、重知识灌输,轻自主性培养、重教师的“教”,轻学生的“学”“学生不喜欢武术课”等一系列问题,提出了有效促进武术认知、武术运动能力、武术人格培育的原则,基于此原则,对“化难为易”策略、“化浅为深”策略、“化无趣为有趣”策略、“化技术为实践”策略、“知新温故”等策略进行了具体探索性设计,并对上述策略的具体实施方法进行了阐述,为中小学武术教学改革提供现实指导。  相似文献   
时至今日,武术仍未能很好地进入校园,其原因何在,如何从柔道、跆拳道、空手道的成功现代化和国际化当中寻求启发,成为紧迫论题。主要运用文献资料法,基于对学校武术历史、现状的反思和日韩武技现代化的启示,对我国学校武术的根本问题和根本方略做出探讨。研究认为,学校武术开展的现状不能实现中华民族赋予它的文化使命,日韩武技现代化的经验可为我们提供启示——将传统意义上的搏杀武技改造为一项现代文明搏击项目,该项目需满足几个趋势保证安全文明化、保持技击本质性、具有游戏趣味性、彰显民族独特性。在此基础上,做出武术以太极推手形式进入校园的提案。  相似文献   
Consecutive proximal-to-distal sequencing of motion is considered to be integral for generating high velocity of distal segments in many sports. Simultaneous usage of proximal and distal segments as seen in martial arts is by far less well investigated. Therefore, the aim of the study was to characterise and differentiate the concepts of consecutive (CSM) and simultaneous (SSM) sequence of motion in straight reverse punches as practised in Practical Wing Chun. Four experienced martial artists succeeded an eligibility test for technical proficiency in both concepts and performed a total number of 20 straight punches per concept. Eight MX13 Vicon cameras (250 fps) and Visual3D were used for motion capture and analyses. Both motion concepts showed proximal-to-distal sequencing of maximal joint velocities but, in SSM, this was coupled with simultaneous initiation. Key characteristics were: high pelvis momentum and backswing of shoulder and elbow (CSM); and importance of shoulder involvement (SSM). Different ranges of motion, timing aspects and achieved maximal angular velocities distinguished both concepts, which led to differences (p < 0.05) in fist velocity at contact, execution time, distance and horizontal shift of the centre of mass. Proper application of both concepts depends on the environmental setting, situational requirements and individual fighting style.  相似文献   
Attitudes toward multiculturalism in educational contexts – i.e., multicultural attitudes – are desirable qualities for good teaching practices. Unfortunately, little is known about the antecedents of prospective teachers’ multicultural attitudes. Before this backdrop, we argue that prospective teachers’ multicultural ideology, national pride, and intergroup contact are related to their multicultural attitudes. Studying these relationships can offer valuable insights for initial teacher education programs. We assessed prospective teachers’ (n = 72) multicultural attitudes (adapted version of the Teachers’ Multicultural Attitude Survey), multicultural ideology (Multicultural Ideology Scale), national pride (single item from large scale studies) and intergroup contact (experiences in multicultural classrooms and intergroup friendship). Results showed that higher multicultural ideology and lower national pride were related to more positive multicultural attitudes. We found no such relation for intergroup contact. Based on these new insights into prospective teachers’ multicultural attitudes, we argue that initial teacher education programs should reinforce and develop prospective teachers’ multicultural ideology and consider the role of national pride.  相似文献   
武术套路的渊源可以追溯到远古时期的武舞。运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等,从哲学、美学、历史学、文化学、武术学等角度对先秦时期的武舞文化现象重新审视,以期揭示早期武舞所呈现出来的审美特征及其对武术套路所产生的深远影响。研究认为,先秦武舞所具有的"以舞通神、以舞习武、教化功能、中和适度"的特点深刻地影响了武术套路的形式、功能与审美特征,它们在一定程度上可视为中华武术套路审美意识的基因。  相似文献   
This study sought to identify biomechanical factors that determine fast and skilful execution of the seoi-nage (shoulder throw) technique by comparing kinematics between elite and college judo athletes. Three-dimensional motion data were captured using a VICON-MX system with 18 cameras operating at 250 Hz as three male elite and seven male college judo athletes performed seoi-nage. No significant difference was found in motion phase time of the turning phase between the two groups, indicating that motion phase time is not necessarily a factor contributing quickness in seoi-nage. The maximum relative velocity of the whole body centre of mass along the anterior–posterior direction was significantly greater in the elite athletes (2.74 ± 0.33 m/s) than in the college athletes (1.62 ± 0.47 m/s) during the turning phase (p = 0.023). The overall angular velocity of the body part lines, particularly the arm line, tended to be greater in the elite athletes (p = 0.068). The results imply that the velocity of the thrower relative to the opponent in the forward drive and turning motion reflects high skill seoi-nage. Coaches should recognise the relative forward velocity as a factor that may contribute to a successful seoi-nage when teaching the judo throw technique.  相似文献   
自治、法治、德治“三治合一”的乡村治理体系,为探索民间武术组织服务于乡村治理提供了新思路。在传统社会,民间武术组织以武德传承强化乡村德治机制,以门规戒约规范乡村法治秩序,以家长制参与乡村自治实践。而进入现代社会,民间武术组织服务于乡村治理面临着传统德治弱化、法治建设不完善、参与自治机制不健全三方面的困境。提出,民间武术组织要建立新的道德体系,营造乡村治理的德治氛围;加强组织治理,强化乡村治理的法治理念;深化自治实践,主动承担乡村治理职责功能,旨在为更好促进民间武术组织有效治理、推动乡村发展提供参考。  相似文献   
In this study, we examined the relationship between 159 predominately White pre-service teachers’ color-blind racial attitudes, emotion regulation, and psychological inflexibility with stigmatizing thoughts about race. Results indicated strong relationships between color-blind racial ideology and psychological inflexibility with stigmatizing thoughts about race. Specifically, emotion regulation difficulties (suppression strategies) served as a mediator between color-blind racial ideology (unawareness of racial privilege) and psychological inflexibility with stigmatizing thoughts about race. In addition, emotion regulation difficulties (lack of emotional clarity) served as a moderator between color-blind racial ideology (blatant racial issues) and psychological inflexibility with stigmatizing thoughts about race. Similarly, emotion regulation difficulties (impulse control difficulties) served as a moderator between color-blind racial ideology (institutional discrimination) and psychological inflexibility with stigmatizing thoughts about race. The study’s overall findings highlight pre-service teachers’ difficulties with regulating their emotions in racial situations as well as how this difficulty in turn influences their ability to change negative thoughts regarding other racial groups. The study has implications for how pre-service teachers regulate racial emotions in the classroom as well as how they may potentially interact with racially diverse students.  相似文献   
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