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主要研究了多带工作的特性,并通过设计矩形贴片微带天线--包含不同数目的并放置在两辐射端的槽, 进行分析. 分析基于MOM仿真软件包, 结论表明一个贴片上有3个槽的天线具有多带特性: 4个振荡频率分别在1. 6, 1. 8, 2. 65, 和4. 83 GHz, 并且具有足够的反射损耗和增益值. 同时证明了带有2对槽的贴片天线(槽分别位于两辐射端)有双带特性, 其振荡频率分别在1. 64和1. 8 GHz, 而且返回损耗和增益值很好.  相似文献   
经济型数控车床约占数控机床总量的25%。由于其结构及其经济性,尾座没有自动进给功能,零件需钻孔时,按常规的做法,仍然是和在普通车床上一样在尾座上安装钻头,通过转动尾座手轮进行钻孔。批量生产中,操作者的劳动强度增大,生产效率较低,而且孔的深度尺寸精度也不高。鉴于此,本文特设计了一套能实现经济式数控车床自动钻孔的夹具,以进一步完善经济型数控车床的自动化功能,既保证了产品的质量又较好地捍高了牛产妁率。  相似文献   
本文提出了一种在贴片上加载改进的U形缝隙的新型双频微带天线。该天线结构简单,可以应用在无线局域网802.11b(2.4~2.48GHz)和802.11a(5.150~5.350GHz)的系统中,而且只需简单修改天线尺寸参数就可以实现对天线高频段和低频段的调节。本天线使用Ansoft公司的HFSS软件进行仿真和优化,在低频和高频分别获得100MHz和300MHz的带宽,并且能达到实际应用的波束宽度、增益和交叉极化电平。  相似文献   
归纳和总结了3种计算机电源Dc/Dc变换器,并对其进行效率分析。重点介绍了高效率的有源箝位正激变换器和LLC谐振变换器。指出有源箝住正激变换器和LLC谐振变换器可大幅提高计算机电源效率。  相似文献   
采用HFSS10电磁场仿真软件设计和仿真了一种新型宽频带双层微带贴片天线,本文中天线采用聚四氟乙烯和空气两层介质,通过增加空气介质层的厚度,同时利用圆形金属电容片补偿馈电探针引起的电感,对微带天线进行耦合馈电,仿真结果表明天线的阻抗带宽达到了23%(VSWR≤2),从而实现了宽频带微带天线的设计.  相似文献   
Antenna is very crucial to radiotelemetry capsules which can measure the physiological parameters of the gastroin- testinal (GI) tract. The objective of this paper is to design a novel spiral slots microstrip patch antenna for the radiotelemetry capsules communicating with external recorder at 915 MHz located in ISM (Industry, Science, and Medical) bands. The microstrip patch antenna is designed and evaluated using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. Return loss characteristics and the effect of the human body on resonant frequency are analyzed, and the performances of radiation patterns at different positions of the human alimentary tract are also estimated. Finally, specific absorption rate (SAR) computations are performed, and the peak 1-g and 10-g SAR values are calculated. According to the peak SAR values, the maximum delivered power for the designed antenna was found so that the SAR values of the antenna satisfy the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) limitations.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on a pattern design method for a 3D triangular garment surface. Firstly, some definitions of 3D style lines are proposed for designing the boundaries of patterns as drawing straight lines or splines on the triangular surface. Additionally some commonly used style lines are automatically generated to enhance design efficiency. Secondly, after style lines are preprocessed, a searching method is presented for quickly obtaining the boundaries and patches of a pattern on the 3D trian- gular surface. Finally a new pattern design reuse method is introduced by encoding/decoding the style line information. After style lines are encoded, the pattern design information can be saved in a pattern template and when decoding this template on a new garment surface, it automates the pattern generation for made-to-measure apparel products.  相似文献   
介绍了在MTS TestStar四立柱疲劳试验机上疲劳预制钢轨实物轨腰水平裂纹的研究。对应具体的轨型,设计并加工了用于疲劳预制钢轨轨腰水平裂纹的夹具。改变夹具工作部分的形状并去除与轨腰对应的夹具部分,可用于疲劳预制对应轨型的轨腰裂纹。试验采用位移控制方式。  相似文献   
对[2]中的单种群扩散模型进行了推广与改进,研究了fi(xi(t-τ))=ai(t) di(t)(∑j=1xjnxj-1)n ε bi(t)xi(t-τ)-ci(t)xi2(t-τ)(i=1,2,…,n)与gi(xi(t-τ)=ai(t) di(t)(∑j=1jnxj-1)-ε bi(t)xi(t-τ)-ci(t)x2i(t-τ)(i=1,2,…,n)的正根存在性及种群密度函数的特性,利用数学分析的方法证明了在条件ai(t)≥εdi(t)下,该种群是持续生存的。  相似文献   
在城市景观园林设计中,由于绿化斑块聚集,区域复杂,难以实现对遥感信息光谱特征的有效提取,制约城市景观设计科学规划。提出一种基于绿化斑块合并技术的景观格局光谱绿化廊道分区处理技术,首先进行城市绿化景观格局模型构建,分析城市绿化景观生态风景园林设计的现状,设计绿化斑块合并技术,提出绿色景观格局分析的绿化廊道光谱特征提取算法。实现对城市绿化景观格局的光谱绿化廊道的分区处理方法改进。研究结果表明,该方法能有效对城市景观中的绿化廊道进行特征提取和廊道分区,廊道分区的峰值信噪比提高,为城市景观和风景园林建设提供准确的数据依据。  相似文献   
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