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为保障大风浪条件下引航员登船安全、周边船和被引船的安全以及港口的安全高效运营,选取合理的引航员登船水域至关重要。综合考虑熵权法和TOPSIS法的优点,基于熵权-TOPSIS模型对大风浪条件下引航员登船水域进行优选研究。以大风浪条件下广州港引航员登船水域选址为例,运用该模型对3个备选方案进行评价,求得方案2的相对贴近度最大。该方案所述的引航员登船水域为大风浪条件下最优登船水域,且与实际选址一致。经实例验证,该模型较为可靠,实用性强。  相似文献   
通过150例飞行人员阻生齿拔除术后的分组对照观察,发现甘草锌和硫酸锌对拔牙的创面愈合有促进作用,两锌剂治疗组创面愈合优等率为91%,而对照组为52%,经X2检验锌剂治疗组和对照组存在着明显差异(P<0.01),表明补充锌剂对阻生齿拔除术后有明显减轻创伤反应、促进创面愈合的作用,因此,术后常规补充锌剂不仅适用于阻生齿术后修复,还可用于临床各类拔牙术和口腔小手术的术后修复治疗  相似文献   
Increasing evidence indicates that individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) might benefit from phonics‐based reading instruction. However, research and instruction in this field has predominantly focused on sight word reading. Models for complex interventions recommend that feasibility research be conducted prior to conducting randomised studies to assess efficacy of interventions (Thabane et al., 2010). The aim of the current paper is therefore to investigate feasibility questions relating to conducting a full‐scale randomised controlled trial (RCT) evaluation of an online, phonics‐based reading programme (Headsprout? Early Reading; HER) with children with ID. Employing a randomised pre‐test post‐test group design, this study explores and trials important aspects of a RCT evaluation to inform a full‐scale RCT. We also found that HER had a significant effect on reading skills when compared with ‘education as usual’, with large effect sizes on the main outcome measure. This indicates that further, more robust evaluations using HER with children with ID are a worthwhile pursuit.  相似文献   
创建电工电子示范实验室,强化创新能力培养   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
电工电子示范实验室建设加速了实验教学改革和管理创新,加强了硬件环境建设,实施了开放式、智能化、网络化等现代化管理,创建了现代化人才培养新模式,改革了教材,强化了综合性、创新性实验,既加强了基础训练又强化了综合和创新能力的培养。  相似文献   
以学习者为中心的理念蕴含了丰富的人性化和个性化内涵,触及了远程开放教育的深层理念,这一理念的渗透将积极引导远程开放教育实践健康持续地发展。上海电视大学在积极参与"中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点"项目的过程中,立足区域社会经济发展,努力实现办学思想的转变,提炼出"两个一切"的办学宗旨,并以此为指导,积极提升学校核心竞争力。本文对"两个一切"的产生、内涵、试点项目实践的推进及总结性评估后的整改实践与思考进行了阐述。  相似文献   
本文介绍了德国"双元制"职业教育的最新进展情况,首先描述了"双元制"的历史由来和结构体系,然后分析了职业教育的总体情况,最后提出了职业教育现代化改革过程中的试验计划.  相似文献   
面对社会对创新型和应用型人才的需求,首先分析湖北理工学院化学与化工学院化工专业实践技能教育教学中存在的问题,然后系统论述培养学生实践技能的主要途径,以期为创新人才培养模式提供参考。  相似文献   
现代学徒制试点是我国深化产教融合、健全职业技能培训体系,推动职业教育高质量发展的重要形式。现代学徒制试点的实施路径是否合理,是关系到我国现代学徒制试点专业教育能否顺利开展的前提。基于此,文章在对现代学徒制试点的提出背景、实施主体的认识误区、实施原则及实施路径设计思路作全面分析基础上,进而重点对现代学徒制试点的实施路径进行了深入探索,即如何选择合作企业、选拔导师团队、制定学徒培养方案、校企联合培养以及教育教学资源建设,并对实践个案作简要概述,同时提出了相关建议与思考。  相似文献   
The case study was conducted to examine the feasibility of an early intervention curriculum called Responsive Teaching with two five-year-old children from Turkey who had significant developmental delays. This study determined whether Turkish mothers might be successful in learning to become more responsive to their children, and whether this would result in significant improvements in their children’s development. Both dyads received 28 individual parent–child intervention sessions which were conducted over a four-month period of time. Pre-, mid-, and post-assessments indicated improvements in the mothers’ responsiveness to their children and the children’s levels of engagement with their parents. There were also improvements in the children’s language and personal social development. Mothers reported that Responsive Teaching helped them learn to interact more effectively with their children and that this resulted in longer and more enjoyable interactions with them. Results from this investigation are discussed in terms of their implications for providing developmental services to preschool-aged children with disabilities in Turkey.  相似文献   
创新方法是自主创新根本之源,TRIZ创新方法对提升企业自主创新能力具有重要作用。以黑龙江省为例,在区域创新现状分析基础上,制定TRIZ创新方法区域推广战略目标,设计TRIZ创新方法“宣传普及→试点应用→全面推广”梯度推进战略框架,提出各阶段战略重点、推广模式及实现路径,建立“以点带面、梯次发展、协同创新、辐射区域”的TRIZ创新方法区域推广体系,旨在为区域创新驱动发展战略实施提供有效支撑和决策借鉴。  相似文献   
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