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Historically, Blacks have out of necessity prioritized survival in educating their younger generations for existence in the racially hostile and divided context of the U.S. This education and religious education has occurred formally and informally in homes, schools, community organizations, and in congregations. This paper examines three aspects of survival: survival and emancipatory education, survival and justice, and survival with emerging Black generations. Three examples will be offered that highlight each aspect of survival. The examples will demonstrate how education generally and religious education in particular have undergirded pedagogies of the sacred for the survival of Black life.  相似文献   
Historically, disaster response efforts have focused primarily on basic physical survival and safety—addressing medical emergencies and ensuring adequate shelter and supplies of food and water. However, in addition to physical survival, relief efforts must also consider strategies to promote emotional healing and psychological well-being. In particular, those who intervene must consider the acceptability of intervention strategies, taking into account survivors' cultural background, religious customs, and spiritual beliefs. This article offers recommendations to better align school-based therapeutic interventions with children's religious and spiritual beliefs.  相似文献   
乾隆晚期,清朝从康乾盛世的繁华中衰败下来,整个社会朝政失措,纲常大坏。纪昀担心"积百年冤愤之气,而发之一朝",希望通过神道设教,依托自己的鬼神思想,宣传儒家传统之礼,以修整日渐腐化的社会,恢复和谐、稳定、平衡的社会秩序。  相似文献   
政教分离,宗教信仰绝对自由和宗教行动受限制三大原则构成宗教信仰自由制度的支柱。我国《宪法》应明确政教分离原则,完善打击宗教恐怖组织和邪教组织的相关法律,完善宗教信仰自由的宪法保护。  相似文献   
Critical Religious Education (CRE) is a contemporary pedagogy of religious education developed by Andrew Wright and various colleagues over the past two decades. There has been widespread academic discourse about the pedagogy in theory but increasingly commentators have called for examples of it in practice. Over the past seven years a writing group associated with The Forum of Religious and Spiritual Education at King’s College London have been developing practical materials aimed at supporting teachers in embedding the pedagogy in practice. Of particular relevance to this paper is the development of an introductory scheme of work, aimed at year 7 students, which has been trialled in a number of schools in and around London. In 2013, focus group interviews took place in four of these schools in order to ascertain the reception that the materials had received. The data suggests a very positive response to the introductory scheme of work and the CRE approach in general, partially dispelling some criticisms levelled at it in academic discourse. The author has thus suggested that the approach and the work of the writing group need further exposure, especially in schools, at conferences and on initial teacher education programmes.  相似文献   
一直以来,在学术界对德莱塞都有着这样一个较为普遍的认知:德莱塞,一位伟大的美国自然主义作家。由于作品中强烈的自然主义风格及作者本人对外宣称不信仰宗教,使得学界对于德莱塞的研究很少注意到其作品中的宗教意识。而我们细读德莱塞的每一部长篇小说就会感觉到,他的小说中或多或少地都渗透着宗教的情结。所以本文试图以叙事学这种在国内还较为新兴的、强势的研究方法为切入点来探讨德莱塞长篇小说中的宗教意识产生原因。  相似文献   
宗教文化是传统文化的重要组成部分,对人类文化的发展产生了极其重大的影响。随着旅游业的不断发展,宗教文化与旅游的关系日益密切,是极具吸引力的文化旅游资源。文章运用模糊综合评价法对宗教文化旅游资源进行定量评价,并以石竹山道教文化资源作为实证研究。结果表明:石竹山道教文化旅游资源的综合评价结果为较好。鉴于此,为促进石竹山道教文化旅游的可持续发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   
近年来,信教大学生群体有不断扩大的趋势,大学生的宗教信仰问题也逐渐引起了学术界的广泛关注与探讨。通过对西安市13所高校大学生宗教信仰状况进行调查,认为应当加强对大学生宗教政策、宗教知识的教育,探索新形势下爱国宗教团体在大学生宗教信仰问题上的积极作用,并建立宗教事务部门与学校管理部门的长效沟通机制。  相似文献   
玄天上帝由物象神格崇拜到道教神格崇拜,是中国特有的宗教文化现象,尤以武当道教崇拜为甚。而玄天上帝崇拜在历代武当山志中的宗教文化意义是不容忽视的,它是特殊地缘道教文化现象在武当文化中的一个反映,并且在山志各条目中贯一始终,成为本山宗教文化的一条主线。  相似文献   
在长期的社会生活和生产实践中,澜沧江流域的彝族形成了自己独特的信仰体系,他们对水、日、月等自然万物形成自然现象崇拜;对虎、蛙等动物形成动物崇拜;对毕摩、苏尼等形成人物崇拜;对灶君、仓笼神、火神、赶鬼寨等形成多神崇拜。这些都是其宗教信仰的基础,报告通过以西双版纳州勐腊县象明彝族乡为调研地点,通过查阅当地珍贵的资料、欣赏传统节目,采访彝族老人来探寻其宗教信仰的种类及根源,以便更好的从这些具有民族特色的宗教信仰中寻找与其他宗教的异同点,期望为建设和谐、稳定的边疆作出贡献。  相似文献   
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