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文化功能也就是"出之于人,归之于人",江口土家族"金钱杆"起于秦末时期的西楚霸王,形于族人生产生活实践中。经过研究发现,"金钱杆"是具有彰显土家族文化的独特符号、"常"与"非常"之间转换的独特节点、教化孩童的重要载体以及增强体质的独特途径的少数民族传统体育活动。本研究主要探求"金钱杆"发展逻辑,旨在为"金钱杆"的传承和发展提供有益的指导。  相似文献   

Historic Japanese textiles from over 1000 years ago generally show marked deterioration and only very rare examples show their original forms and much information about textile reproduction has been lost. The replication of textile braids lacks systematic methodology and is still being practiced by only few individual braiding experts. The recreation of original braids as close as possible to original braids is a part of Japan’s intangible cultural heritage. The aim of this study is to clarify the decision-making procedure through which the braiding experts can decipher the original braiding structures. As a preliminary study of this project, interviews of a braid researcher and a replicating expert, Makiko Tada were performed regarding her working practices. It is important to clarify the braiding parameters for structural analysis such as the number of transits and the balance of ridges, and it became clear that the orientation of multiple colored threads plays an important role. The expert’s replicate works were also analyzed using a text-mining statistical technique to clarify the relationship of braiding parameters. The relationship between each braiding parameter and production method such as loop manipulation and Taka-dai became clear. As a result, the process of deciphering the original braid structure has been compiled in simplified workflows, which could contribute to the standardization and improvement in efficiency of replication of cultural property braids.  相似文献   
李慧  胡吉霞 《图书情报工作》2020,64(18):114-125
[目的/意义] 针对包含单一类型知识单元的知识网络难以全面反映学科知识结构的问题,提出一种从多维度进行知识网络结构融合的方法,为学科领域知识结构挖掘提供借鉴。[方法/过程] 利用LDA及TF-IDF方法抽取学科知识单元,然后运用语义相似度和关键词共现分析方法构建3个学科知识子网络:主题网络、关键词网络和实体网络,并采用空间节点传递对齐方法对齐子网络节点,接着设计基于图卷积操作的自编码模型对知识节点进行表示,最后通过计算余弦相似度重构学科知识网络。[结果/结论] 实验部分以人工智能领域为例,构建融合主题、关键词和实体的学科知识网络并展开分析,实验结果表明,本文所提方法能有效地揭示学科领域研究内容和知识结构,为学科知识发现与组织研究提供有益参考。  相似文献   
在新时代体育产业发展进程中,我国体育产业结构性失衡问题显得尤为突出,而推进体育产业供给侧结构性改革对破解体育产业结构性失衡具有现实意义。采用供给经济学、产业经济学等相关理论,剖析我国体育产业结构性失衡的表现形式,解构我国体育产业结构性失衡的形成原因,探寻我国体育产业结构性失衡的供给侧破解路径。研究表明:1)我国体育产业结构性失衡表现在:体育产业的产值结构、就业结构、供给结构等方面。2)体育产业结构性失衡的形成原因有:经济体制决定体育产业结构、体育发展战略固化体育产业结构、大众需求结构钢化体育产业结构。3)体育产业结构性失衡的供给侧破解路径为:明晰政府与市场边界,发挥市场在体育资源配置中的决定性作用;完善体育产业结构政策,发挥体育产业在体育发展战略中的作用;推进体育供需平衡,发挥体育产业在促进体育消费中的作用。  相似文献   
北京冬奥会雪上项目将在张家口市崇礼区进行,冬奥会筹备工作的重点也就集中在了这个过去名不见经传的小镇上了。虽然距冬奥会开幕还有近2年的时间,但崇礼区作为滑雪运动圣地已蜚声海内外,国外专业滑雪运动队将它作为训练基地外,国内业余滑雪运动者也从全国各地涌向这里。如今,张家口市整个经济被冬奥会激活了,其产业结构也已因崇礼区滑雪运动休闲基地实现了从农业经济向资源旅游经济的转型。虽然冬奥会筹备是国家级的大事,但张家口崇礼区的建设筹备仍然对全国休闲运动基地建设具有示范指导意义。  相似文献   
采用问卷调查和数理统计方法,研究了不同收入的居民对体育消费结构和体育消费需求的影响。结果表明,随着居民收入的增加,各类体育消费都呈现上升趋势,实物型体育消费增长速度变慢,观赏型体育消费和健身型体育消费增长速度变快,当居民年收入在10万以上时,观赏型体育消费和健身型体育消费开始急剧增加。制约体育消费需求的主要因素是居民的收入、体育消费的价格、体育消费结构和居民的可支配时间。  相似文献   
运用中国知网(CNKI)检索库进行检索,共查找到期刊文献115篇,其中国内期刊65篇,硕士论文31篇。通过Cite Space和中国知网(CNKI)文献分析功能,对国内身体功能训练研究进行计量学分析。研究的基本特征表现为:研究机构多,文献期刊发表数量较少,核心期刊占比较少,论文质量与数量之间存在差异。研究热点以身体功能训练为主,并突显了“功能训练”“训练”和“体育工作者”等关键词,作者合作比较少,仅形成数个微小的作者合作网络。  相似文献   
传统武术在我国有着悠久的历史,是我国优秀的传统文化,集强身健体、技击防卫、娱乐观赏等价值功能于一体。“一带一路”倡议的提出对传统武术在现今社会中的价值和功能产生了新的影响。文章运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,从“一带一路”倡议对传统武术产生的影响、“一带一路”倡议下传统武术的当代价值、“一带一路”倡议下传统武术的当代功能三个方面进行深度分析,探究“一带一路”倡议下传统武术的当代价值与功能。  相似文献   
本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法对身体功能训练的研究背景、现状及相关理论问题进行分析。目的:明确身体功能训练理论基础与应用基础,区分现代身体功能训练与传统体能以及力量训练的关系,结合我国实际情况展望未来身体功能训练的发展。结论:身体功能训练是一项新兴的训练方法,通过实际应用得出,身体功能训练不仅对伤病的损伤与预防有一定的作用,还对提升运动能力相比于传统体能训练方法更加的全面与科学。身体功能训练的研究、普及与发展,不仅仅有利于我国运动队综合成绩的提高,也符合我国全民健身计划。  相似文献   
Problem-based learning (PBL) emerged during the 1970s in response to demands for active learning methods capable of developing transferable knowledge and skills in the training of doctors. Over succeeding decades, PBL was gradually adopted in other fields of education. This systematic review aimed to identify key streams of theory and empirical research that have emerged over time in PBL research and practice. The review sourced 12,036 Scopus-indexed documents published between 1974 and 2019. Science mapping was used to reveal the ‘intellectual structure’ or key research themes that have evolved in this literature over the past 45 years. The science mapping tool used in this review was author co-citation analysis conducted in VOSviewer software. Author co-citation analysis identified three schools of thought that together describe the intellectual structure of the PBL knowledge base: Design of PBL Curriculum and Instruction; PBL Effectiveness; Theory and Practice in Active Learning. In addition to portraying the intellectual structure of the literature as a whole, the review also conducted longitudinal analyses aimed at highlighting structural changes in this field over time. These analyses found that although the size and impact of schools of thought associated with Design of PBL Curriculum and Instruction and PBL Effectiveness increased over time, they remained stable in terms of theoretical foci. However, the Active Learning school evolved from a small school of authors associated with Cognitive Learning Theories prior to 2000 into the largest school of thought during the most recent decades. These findings both reaffirm the theoretical underpinnings of the PBL knowledge base and highlight its increasing integration with other forms of active learning.  相似文献   
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