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Although Affirmative Action policies have been enforced in many countries, their consequences are highly understudied, especially in the context of developing economies. Section 12(1)(c) of the Right to Education (RTE) Act enforced in 2009 is the first attempt to introduce affirmative action in primary schools in India. The act requires all private schools to reserve at least twenty five percent seats for children from economically weaker sections. To understand the effect of the act on i) social integration and ii) academic outcomes, we asked 1500 children (grades one to three) from four schools to answer friendship surveys and short tests in Mathematics and English. The schools in our sample vary considerably in constitution and were intentionally chosen to understand the impact of the act in different school settings. The friendship surveys show strong homophily i.e. non-RTE students cite other non-RTE students as friends, while RTE students chose to be friends primarily with other RTE students. Trends in test scores reveal that students admitted under the RTE quota score significantly lower than non-RTE students. However, RTE students who have a higher share of non-RTE friends have better test scores, suggesting that affirmative action may have a positive influence on learning outcomes for RTE children. Further we note that commitment from the school authorities and systematic monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the act will go a long way in bringing out some of the benefits that this act was designed to achieve. Our findings have important policy implications with respect to ensuring proper implementation of the Section12(1)(c) of the RTE act in schools across the country.  相似文献   
以社会控制理论的方法探析先秦射礼的社会治理行为,认为:基于权威关系、核心利益以及情感号召基础上的强制、交换、动员等社会控制要素,在从大射仪到乡射礼的社会治理路径上存在着不同的分配与行使机制。"君与"的大射仪通过意识形态的施压、推行"知识体系"和树立"模范"标杆为强制手段,以"身份"和"资本"交换贵族的"中"与"忠",结合内在动机的激励式动员,达成了表彰"国家意志"的准集权式强制型治理形态;而"君不与"后的乡射礼则是立足政策规范,以"兴贤能"的号召、塑造"社会背景"以及引导自我操控等动员形式为举措,辅之以"禄仕"和"射义"作为民众"道德"与"君子"的回馈而实现的体现"地方行动"的分权式动员型治理风格。从"国家意志"到"地方行动",先秦射礼践行了一种准集权式的强制型与分权式的动员型治理共生共存的社会治理模式。  相似文献   
通过文献资料调研、实地考察、专家访谈等方法,基于社会主要矛盾转化视角,对体育产业供给侧改革的投入要素、行动逻辑与实施路径进行研究。研究认为:1)中国特色社会主义步入新时代,社会主要矛盾的转化对体育产业供给侧改革提出了新要求,而体育产业供给侧改革可以有效破解体育产业中不平衡和不充分的发展问题;2)推进体育产业供给侧改革的核心工作是通过改革与创新,优化产业结构,提高劳动力、土地、资本、制度等要素的投入力度,提高全要素生产率;3)行动逻辑是构建“强政府-强市场”结合模式,不仅要用好政府“有形之手”,也要放开市场“无形之手”,发挥市场在体育资源配置中的决定性作用。具体实践中,通过深化体制机制改革、促进产业跨界融合、实施产业创新驱动、补齐产业发展短板等途径推进体育产业供给侧改革。  相似文献   
文章采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、视频分析法和数理统计法,对李大勋在重大国际赛事中的交手回合、基本技术、组合技术的应用频数以及成功率等指标进行统计分析。根据2018-2019年度世界跆拳道联盟公布的最新奥运积分显示,李大勋拥有605.94个奥运积分且高于第二名将近300余分,目前世界排名第一,其技战术风格具有一定的代表性。结果显示:李大勋在比赛中习惯采用前腿侧踢与前腿横踢技术进行主动进攻、控制距离、防守破坏、封堵迎击;利用后腿横踢技术进行补充击打;灵活使用中变中、中变高等变线技术突破对手;新规则后近身贴靠时攻防转换技战术变化多样,"推+踢"技术运用巧妙,增加了其得分手段。分析认为,在实施新规则的比赛中李大勋结合判罚尺度与分值的变化,优化了进攻方式,增加了得分手段,提高了时局节奏,同时反映出现阶段跆拳道项目技战术发展趋势。  相似文献   

The basic aim of this paper is to discuss the concept ‘Knowledge Democracy’ (KD) and what it can mean in the school context, its implications on knowledge production and dissemination and on the educational practices. We try to enrich this discussion by presenting action research projects to provide case studies of how thinking about KD can reshape educational practice. We consider that the discussion on KD has to be enriched as the concept seems very promising with good prospects towards school’s democratization. On the other hand, as it is quite new, it can encompass internal contradictions that can cause problems at the level of practice. So, we consider very important any contribution to this discussion not as another theoretical sample of the debate on the ‘politics of knowledge’, but because any improvement at the thinking of the issue can be reflected on school practices. Any challenge to traditional politics of knowledge can lead to a deeper understanding of the world of schooling and to transformations through new discourses and new approaches to teaching and learning in school.  相似文献   
Analyzing university faculty and graduate students data for ten of the top U.S. economics departments between 1987 and 2007, we find persistent differences in the gender compositions of both faculty and graduate students across departments. There is a positive correlation between the share of female faculty and the share of women in the PhD class graduating six years later. Using instrumental variable analysis, we find robust evidence that this relation is causal. These results contribute to our understanding of the persistent under-representation of women in economics, as well as for the persistent segregation of women in the labor force.  相似文献   
In the context where immigration divides the political space of Western societies, perceived social polarization as an explanation of collective action is surprisingly understudied in contemporary social psychology. We hypothesize that the more people perceive polarization, the more they will engage in collective action in line with their attitudes. Moreover, this effect should be explained by two interrelated factors: identification and perceived efficacy. Perceived polarization should shape how important immigration attitudes are for individuals’ self-definition and thereby believing oneself capable of making a change, which in turn triggers collective action. To test our predictions, we conducted three studies (Studies 1 and 2 were correlational and Study 3 experimental) among mobilized and non-mobilized samples in two countries (i.e., Belgium and Switzerland). Results partially support our predictions that perceived social polarization on immigration issues relates to engaging in collective action. Indirect effect analyses revealed the predominant role of identity dynamics in the social psychological processes linked to perceiving polarization. These results provide potential explanations to the strong mobilization that emerged since 2015 following the so-called migrant crisis. Implications of our findings for collective action literature are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined how work–family conflict (WFC) is associated with mechanisms of relational turbulence, conflict tactics, and marital satisfaction. Six hundred and thirty-three married workers completed an online survey. Family interference with work and spouses’ work interfering with one’s family predicted greater relational uncertainty and interference from partners, whereas one’s own work interfering with family did not predict these mechanisms of turbulence. All three sources of relational uncertainty, and interference from partners, predicted increased avoidance and distributive tactic use. Facilitation from partners predicted increased use of integrative tactics. Finally, relational uncertainty, interference from partners, and distributive conflict tactics partially mediated the associations of WFC with marital satisfaction.  相似文献   
Given the history of caste politics in India, it is not surprising that the socially marginalized students face discrimination, especially after the introduction of the reservation policy (affirmative action) in educational institutes. Our qualitative study, informed by Meyer’s Minority Stress model, analysed in-depth interviews with 30 undergraduate students, 3 faculty members, and 4 administrative officials at a premier Indian university to examine the psychological wellbeing of the reserved category students. We analysed how the discrimination processes contributed to students’ poor academic performance, low self-esteem, and weak motivation. Student group affiliations and university resources created a supportive environment for the socially marginalized, despite a small risk of stigmatization due to enrolment in a few campus support-programs. Moreover, there existed a palpable frustration among the socially privileged students, resulting in discriminatory attitudes against reserved categories but not “lower” caste. Our findings call for the attention of college administrators, policymakers, and the society at large to ensure that well-intended social justice policies are efficiently implemented, to deliver justice to the underprivileged students of India.  相似文献   
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