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本文主要通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法等方法对我国中国式摔跤"竞技运动教材化"的发展现状及该运动发展中存在的问题进行研究分析。研究表明:中国式摔跤"竞技运动教材化"具有无限可能,可以通过提炼专项运动的核心元素,并着重排除过度专业化的素材,使课程保留中国式摔跤运动的半专业性,使大众了解这项运动的价值,并鼓励更多的人参加这项运动。  相似文献   

During the first half of the nineteenth century, Cornish wrestling, which was distinctive to Cornwall, was the county’s most popular sport, with a large number of wrestlers competing for lucrative prizes at numerous tournaments and watched by thousands of spectators. Its popularity also extended to London, where sporting entrepreneurs, mainly publicans, organized and promoted wrestling in the Cornish style, when the best wrestlers were lured to the capital to compete for large prizes, witnessed by substantial crowds, which often included members of the nobility. During the second half of the nineteenth century, Cornish wrestling suffered a serious decline in popularity with fewer wrestlers, tournaments, and spectators. By 1900 the sport had almost died out and only survived due to the efforts of a small group of talented wrestlers who inspired a minor revival in the years leading up to 1914. One factor that contributed to the decline was the practice of ‘faggoting’, which was a form of match-fixing that involved wrestlers agreeing with opponents to share any prize money. Consequently, the sport developed a bad reputation and became very unpopular with spectators. In order to eradicate the practice, wrestling organizers issued regular warnings to wrestlers or excluded them from tournaments.  相似文献   
The artist teacher project set out to facilitate trainee teachers’ creative practice and inform their critical pedagogy in the classroom. The approach outlined in this article encouraged them to consider predictable and formulaic practice, and to question, reflect upon and challenge orthodoxies in their teaching of art, craft and design. They critically appraised their practice within a community of reflective practitioners in critical presentations, and in their reflective writing, and discussed and debated the contradictory positions between what they explored in their individual practices as artists and that experienced in the classroom. This project highlighted how fundamental the critical presentations were because the peer‐review, feedback and support, facilitated dialogue in a creative, dynamic space and community of practice. These ‘crits’ also became a forum for airing frustrations and trying to come to terms with the re‐emergence of their artist identities while at the same time, having to suppress many of their convictions and ideals in order to conform to what they found on school placement.  相似文献   
文学教育的价值追求与理念建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文学精神的核心是“人”,文学教育的本体性价值在于“精神立人”。文学教育的价值追寻将文学引向美育的境界。走向美育的文学教学,注重体验、强调对话,崇尚创造,并且在文学教学方法上,追求与汉语文学习的传统经验、与学生的文学接受心理和文学阅读行为全面对接。  相似文献   
伴随20世纪初中国社会翻天覆地的变化,中国美术史界掀起了一股向西方学习的留学潮。其中女性画家也占有一定的比例,并且对中国近代美术的发展产生了非常大的影响。  相似文献   
作为民间职业画师,李耕的绘画体现了民间审美趣味,具备民间艺术"俗"的特征,但是他的绘画价值、形态和精神追求却具备了主流文人画"雅"的特征。立足于当今雅俗蜕变、新旧交融的文化环境,从民间画师身份、文人画体式、雅俗兼融意趣三个方面为李耕绘画进行艺术定位,为理解传统绘画艺术的发展提供新视角。  相似文献   
摔跤是我国历史上古老的体育运动项目,有着深厚的文化底蕴及历史积淀。山西摔跤作为中国式摔跤的主要流派之一,在山西体育的发展历程中有着不可磨灭的历史功绩。文章主要采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、专家访谈法等对山西摔跤传统项目的现状进行分析,通过"1+1+1"的培养模式,将山西摔跤融入高校进行探讨,以期为山西摔跤传统体育项目的持续发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   
清代前期,商业文化对文艺美术发展影响深刻,“扬州二马”与“扬州八怪”之间的文化互动的史实、缘由及其影响即为这方面的典型个案。对这一典型个案的考论,是正确认识清代文艺美术发展状况的一个有效途径,也可补正梁启超有关清代文艺美术“价值极微”的观点。  相似文献   

Professional wrestling is a popular, global, performance phenomenon that is in many respects sport-like, but tends to be shunned by serious sports fans for its alleged ‘fakeness’. Yet its own fans often behave exactly like regular sports fans: getting caught up in the action, responding emotionally to the performances, and engaging in critical analysis of the competitive strategies and the turns of events. How does this alleged ‘fake sport’ engender such complex and deeply emotional appreciation? Here I provide an analysis of pro-wrestling that explains and emphasises its narrative, dramatic and fictional aspects, showing it to be a complex representational work that can be appreciated aesthetically and emotionally on a number of levels.  相似文献   
山西忻州盛行着一项历史悠久、名为“挠羊赛”的摔跤运动。这是一项集普及性、地域性、娱乐性和竞技性等多种特点于一体的民间体育运动。早在20世纪60年代,忻州就被誉为“摔跤之乡”。2008年6月,忻州挠羊赛经国务院批准,列入第二批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。挠羊摔跤赛因此也成为了忻州一个富有显著地域性的文化象征符号。文章通过对挠羊赛的起源、命名、奖品设置、比赛规则和代表性传承人等方面的分析,对它所蕴含的丰富深广的文化内涵进行一番研究。  相似文献   
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