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随着新时代中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系的发展,双方在各领域的合作不断深化,由于语言文化差异导致的跨文化交际问题愈发突出。加强语言文化能力培养,提高俄语专业学生跨文化交际能力,有助于促进两国间的语言文化交流及更高层次的合作,为中俄新型关系建设提供助推作用。  相似文献   
企业集群具有创新效应,科技企业孵化器具有企业集群的特征。然而,大多科技企业孵化器并未形成真正的企业集聚体。分析科技企业孵化器的集群特征以及科技孵化企业集群化的障碍,提出了科技孵化企业集群化发展的对策建议。  相似文献   
水是中国古代文学中重要的审美意象,“水-爱情”的书写模式更是值得关注的。文章以《诗经》中的爱情诗为例,分析了水成为审美意象的成因,并探寻了水与爱情的共通之处。  相似文献   
模因理论(memetics)是近年来语用学界的新兴理论,它是基于达尔文进化论的观点来解释文化进化规律的。在介绍模因和模因理论的基础上,指出了模因理论与科技英语教学的关系,以便英语教育者更好的进行英语教学,取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   
在高校教育所提倡的"自主学习"模式中,教师教育观念的转变更新和自我能力的提高尤为重要,只有教师具有新的教学观念和出色能力,才能在教学中不断进行改革和创新,最终培养出新世纪所需要的创造性、自主型、多元化人才。  相似文献   
《关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》(以下简称《意见》)明确了考试招生制度改革方案,总体来看,考试制度改革的任务主要是促进教育公平和增强学生自主选择权,并未为单科的改革提供具体要求。但是,大量的调查数据显示:语文学科教学方向的变革已经围绕着"传统文化"、"生活实际"、"独立思考"和"个性发展"等关键词展开。可以说,考试制度改革与高中语文教学方向的变革同时进行着,并且随着考试制度改革的深化,高中语文教学方向的变革将会成为考试制度改革明文规定的一部分,因为政策的不明朗已经成为阻碍语文教学发展的"拦路虎"。  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive study of a coherent feedback network where the main component consists of two distant double quantum dot (DQD) qubits which are directly coupled to a cavity. This main component has recently been physically realized (van Woerkom et al., Microwave photon-mediated interactions between semiconductor qubits, Physical Review X, 8(4):041018, 2018). The feedback loop is closed by cascading this main component with a beamsplitter. The dynamics of this coherent feedback network is studied from three perspectives. First, an analytic form of the output single-photon state of the network driven by a single-photon state is derived. In contrast to the experimental observations made in the above paper where a laser is used as input, new interesting physical phenomena are revealed by means of single-photon input. Second, excitation probabilities of DQD qubits are computed when the network is driven by a single-photon input state. Finally, if the input is vacuum but one of the two DQD qubits is initialized in its excited state, the explicit expression of the steady-state joint system-field state is derived, which shows that the output single-photon field and the two DQD qubits can form an entangled state if the transition frequencies of two DQD qubits are equal. This analytical expression can be used to interpret experimental results in the existing literature.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the distributed secondary control problem for multiple distributed generators in an islanded microgrid. A distributed fixed-time secondary controller is designed for each generator using only its neighbors’ information, where saturation functions are introduced to the designed controllers to constrain the adverse influence of abnormal data from neighbors. Several indicator variables are introduced to reformulate the saturation function to reduce conservatism. The objective of this paper is to realize the recovery of the frequency and voltage as well as the active power-sharing within a fixed time. The fixed-time convergence of the proposed distributed control algorithm is analyzed through rigorous analysis. Also, the upper bound of the settling time is derived, which does not depend on the system’s initial state. Finally, a simulation example is utilized to verify the effectiveness of the proposed distributed control scheme by using the MATLAB/SimPowerSystems toolbox.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the synchronization control of power complex networks with switching parameters. In the meantime, the node state constraints are considered during the synchronization process. Admittedly, synchronization problem encountered in power complex networks is becoming progressively important due to the increasing connection and disconnection operations resulting from sustainable energy and controllable load. Hereon, the network model considering switching parameters of each node is established to describe the topology variation of power systems that may be confronted in practical terms. Then, by utilizing the adaptive backstepping technique with a barrier Lyapunov function (BLF), a novel synchronization controller is constructed recursively which accomplishes the nodes full states tracking within the predefined transient behavior. Owing to the characteristic of BLF, the designed controller as well as its adaptive law could guarantee both the constrained state of each node restricted by a prescribed range and the synchronization performance. Meanwhile, the bounded output of the system could track the desired trajectory. Finally, scenario simulations are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.  相似文献   
随着高校改革的深入发展,高校体育的教学内容和教学方法也在不断改革。开放式教学符合新时期高校体育教学实际,提供给学生一个自由发展、自主学习的教学环境,充分发觉学生自身的潜力和创造力,从而使学生在积极主动的探索过程中,各方面能力得到全面发展。通过文献资料、实验等方法对开放式教学在高校健美操教学中的应用进行研究,旨在打破原有的教学模式,为学生营造良好的教学环境,为学生的终身体育意识培养打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   
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