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目的:临床试验表明,Ⅰ类抗心律失常药物虽能抑制心肌梗塞病人的室性心律失常,但增加死亡率,而胺碘酮(Ⅲ类药物)可提高心肌缺血患者的生存率.心室中层肌细胞(M细胞)有其独特的电生理特性并在心律失常发生中起重要作用.方法:采用细胞内玻璃微电极技术,用含胺碘硐或心律平的模拟缺血液灌流M细胞,了解在缺血情况下,两种药物分别对M细胞电生理有何影响.结果:(1)犬左心室M细胞的动作电位呈现出与心外膜层肌细胞相似的峰-谷-穹窿(spike and dome)形态;动作电位时程(APD)随基础起搏周长(BCL)延长而明显延长,即频率依赖性.(2)模拟缺血使M细胞的静息电位(RP)除极、动作电位幅值(APA)和Vmax减小、APD缩短,其APD的频率依赖性减弱或消失.(3)胺碘硐可延缓或减轻缺血引起的电生理变化.(4)心律平明显抑制M细胞的Vmax、APA,并随频率加快而作用增强.进一步加重了缺血引起的动作电位参数的改变,并可造成传导延缓或阻滞.结论:胺碘酮可减轻而心律平则加重缺血引起的M细胞的电生理改变.部分地解释了上述临床试验的结果.  相似文献   
加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作,不仅是新时代"立德树人"的要求,也是高职院校自身生存与发展的需要。以创新意识构建教师、学生、管理服务者三位一体的"大思政"格局,通过明道、信道、传道,使育人者先受育;通过联动四个课堂,运用四个载体,实现学生思政"春风化雨",润物无声;通过创新领导、责任、制度、环境四个协同,强化服务理念来提高管理服务者思政水平。切实落实全员全过程全方位育人,守住思政教育"立德树人"的底色。  相似文献   
高等职业教育注重培养学生的专业知识与实践技能,对从事高等职业教育的教师综合素质有较高要求,他们既是拥有高尚师德及专业知识素质的教育者,又是学生成长道路的引领者和未来就业的指导者,同时高职教师还必须不断扩充知识内涵、掌握专业实践技能以迎接新的挑战。  相似文献   
目的观察不同强度乒乓球训练对男性大学生机体免疫力的影响.方法男性大学生乒乓球学员随机分为低强度训练组和中等强度训练组,检测首次训练前后和4周训练过程中外周血T淋巴细胞亚群和IL-6水平.结果首次训练后和训练4周后两组CD4 T细胞比例和CD4/CD8比值较对照组和训练前水平均显著增加(P<0.01).首次训练后两组的IL-6水平明显高于对照组和训练前水平(P<0.01),而在持续训练4周后各组间IL-6水平均无显著性差异(P>0.05).结论低、中强度的乒乓球训练可以提高男性大学生机体免疫力.  相似文献   
住院医师规范化培训要求医生在短时间内掌握基本临床技能和专业知识。人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)近年来已经逐步走进了日常临床和教学工作中,本文拟将AI辅助教学应用于医学影像学规范化培训中,并探讨AI在规范化培训中的应用模式和意义。  相似文献   
This study is concerned with the problem of reachable set estimation for linear systems with time-varying delays and polytopic parameter uncertainties. Our target is to find an ellipsoid that contains the state trajectory of linear system as small as possible. Specifically, first, in order to utilize more information about the state variables, the RSE problem for time-delay systems is solved based on an augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional. Second, by dividing the time-varying delay into two non-uniformly subintervals, more general delay-dependent stability criteria for the existence of a desired ellipsoid are derived. Third, the integral interval is decomposed in the same way to estimate the bounds of integral terms more exactly. Fourth, an optimized integral inequality is used to deal with the integral terms, which is based on distinguished Wirtinger integral inequality and Reciprocally convex combination inequality. This can be regard as a new method in the delay systems. Finally, three numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and merits of the theoretical results.  相似文献   
Objective: To demonstrate the validity and reliability of volumetric quantitative computed tomography (vQCT) with multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) for hip bone mineral density (BMD) measurements, and to compare the differences between the two techniques in discriminating postmenopausal women with osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures from those without. Methods: Ninety subjects were enrolled and divided into three groups based on the BMD values of the lumbar spine and/or the femoral neck by DXA. Groups 1 and 2 consisted of postmenopausal women with BMD changes <-2SD, with and without radiographically confirmed vertebral fracture (n=11 and 33, respectively).Group 3 comprised normal controls with BMD changes ≥-1SD (n=46). Post-MSCT (GE, LightSpeed16) scan reconstructed images of the abdominal-pelvic region, 1.25 mm thick per slice, were processed by OsteoCAD software to calculate the following parameters: volumetric BMD values of trabecular bone (TRAB), cortical bone (CORT), and integral bone (INTGL) of the left femoral neck, femoral neck axis length (NAL), and minimum cross-section area (mCSA). DXA BMD measurements of the lumbar spine (AP-SPINE) and the left femoral neck (NECK) also were performed for each subject. Results: The values of all seven parameters were significantly lower in subjects of Groups 1 and 2 than in normal postmenopausal women (P<0.05, respectively).Comparing Groups 1 and 2, 3D-TRAB and 3D-INTGL were significantly lower in postmenopausal women with vertebral fracture(s) [(109.8±9.61) and (243.3±33.0) mg/cm3, respectively] than in those without [(148.9±7.47) and (285.4±17.8) mg/cm3,respectively] (P<0.05, respectively), but no significant differences were evident in AP-SPINE or NECK BMD. Conclusion: the femoral neck-derived volumetric BMD parameters using vQCT appeared better than the DXA-derived ones in discriminating osteoporotic postmenopausal women with vertebral fractures from those without, vQCT might be useful to evaluate the effect of osteoporotic vertebral fracture status on changes in bone mass in the femoral neck.  相似文献   
<正>消化内科研究领域涉及胃、肠、肝、胆、胰等重要脏器,涵盖消化道肿瘤、肝胆胰疾病、胃肠疾病等,既是与人口健康密切相关的重要问题,也是基础研究与临床新技术、新理论蓬勃发展的研究领域。  相似文献   
实践教学是形成高职教学特色的关键环节,也是教学管理运行质量监控的重要内容。科学合理的实践课教学质量评价标准和途径是高职院校保证教学质量的重要方面。本文分析了当前高等职业教育实践课教学质量评价现状和存在的问题,探讨高职实践课教学质量评价的设计思路及实施途径。  相似文献   
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