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随着信息技术日新月异、行业形态不断改变、新业态源源不断出现,社会对人才培养也随之提出更高的要求。在开放教育中,综合实践教学虽然处在战略性地位,但是在学习者专业技能培养中,往往只偏重于理论教育,实践技能教育存在流于形式、学习内容陈旧、实践资源缺失等问题,导致人才培养与实际岗位需求脱节。为了适应开放教育的发展趋势,结合当前开放教育综合实践教学中存在的实施不足、教学方式单一和实践基地弱化等问题,提出开放教育综合实践教学模式应以“学分银行”理念为基础,对综合实践教学进行行之有效的改革,以提升其教学质量和有效性。  相似文献   
This article explores consequences for children’s education in custodial institutions in a contemporary market society, England and Wales. It finds that policy decision-making designed to ‘transform’ prison education for children is primarily influenced by a desire to limit the cost to the public purse of custodial placements. This paper argues that market values influence decision-making in the youth custody sector and shape the nature and quality of provision that children are permitted to access. The consequences associated with this include further fragmentation of prison provision for children, an imbalance in the types of custodial place made available, (with children disproportionately contained in the cheapest type of provision), geographical discrepancies and persistent high re-offending rates. The concern with the costs of custody is particularly prominent in a society subject to ‘austerity’ measures across a wide range of public services, particularly in the criminal justice sector (Ismail, 2020). However, it is inconsistent with contemporary knowledge and understanding of children in custody, their needs and their vulnerabilities. The transformation supposedly sought is unlikely to materialize while annual cost-per-child place is a dominant driving force. Instead, we need to start with an understanding of what individual support children in prison need in order to be ‘education ready’.  相似文献   
Within the context of Information Extraction (IE), relation extraction is oriented towards identifying a variety of relation phrases and their arguments in arbitrary sentences. In this paper, we present a clause-based framework for information extraction in textual documents. Our framework focuses on two important challenges in information extraction: 1) Open Information Extraction and (OIE), and 2) Relation Extraction (RE). In the plethora of research that focus on the use of syntactic and dependency parsing for the purposes of detecting relations, there has been increasing evidence of incoherent and uninformative extractions. The extracted relations may even be erroneous at times and fail to provide a meaningful interpretation. In our work, we use the English clause structure and clause types in an effort to generate propositions that can be deemed as extractable relations. Moreover, we propose refinements to the grammatical structure of syntactic and dependency parsing that help reduce the number of incoherent and uninformative extractions from clauses. In our experiments both in the open information extraction and relation extraction domains, we carefully evaluate our system on various benchmark datasets and compare the performance of our work against existing state-of-the-art information extraction systems. Our work shows improved performance compared to the state-of-the-art techniques.  相似文献   
本文采用文献资料、个案研究等方法,对莆田学院应用型人才培养模式下的“开放式”体育教学改革进行调查研究,旨在剖析其改革的具体方法,并提出以下建议:(1)宏观方面,建议政府出台支持政策,积极引导校企合作,建议企业依据自身需要,将相关需求的市场信息反馈给学校,实现地方社会事业、学校和企业的“三方”共赢。(2)微观方面,学校积极提升自身的“软”与“硬”实力,结合市场需求,充分利用校企合作的市场机遇,调整人才培养模式,充分运用现代信息技术,实现体育教学理念、教学内容要和方法、教学时间和空间、教学评价体系上的开放,培养满足市场需求的专业技术人才。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,从非均衡国家治理角度对我国职业足球改革面临的困境进行研究。通过梳理相关文献提出,当前国家治理模式具有非均衡性,存在各主体参与失范、治理权责分配失衡的问题,市场、社会、个人主体话语权较弱、参与性不足,形成了较强的政府依赖路径。对职业足球改革各主体之间的关系进行阐述,认为政府和足协是改革话语权的掌握者和资源的分配者,其他主体参与改革作用较小。指出,尚未明确职业足球的发展动机、足协组织能力与管理效能不足、各主体缺乏有效联系与合作是非均衡国家治理模式的具体表现;政府的非市场手段治理、市场失灵与第三部门失灵、个体意识与自我治理不足是其深层次原因。在此基础上提出相应的发展对策。  相似文献   
随着消费社会的深化发展,现代消费已成为影响城市空间形态演化的重要因素。以此为出发点,以消费文化的视角来考察城市空间,揭示20世纪80年代以来澳门半岛滨水空间形态的演化特征。研究表明:消费时代,城市主要根据经济诉求组织空间的生产,借助资本的熔铸,澳门半岛滨水空间建设呈现出博彩旅游化、高层豪宅化和空间巨构化等特征,并最终实现空间形态的重塑。在此基础上进行批判性反思,如城市消费空间与传统城市意象的协调发展、城市空间的阶级化和滨水空间的公共性等问题。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 梳理人文社科专著众筹OA出版的发展现状,分析具有公益性特点的OA出版物和具有商业性特点的众筹出版所引起的冲突,以期对学术专著众筹出版提出有价值的思考。[方法/过程] 从发起者、投资者和众筹平台3个基本要素梳理Open Book Publishers和Knowledge Unlatched的众筹模式,比较异同点,探讨两者在竞争中引起的问题。[结果/结论] 目前,欧美国家的学术专著众筹出版分为高校、众筹商和OA出版社3种模式。Knowledge Unlatched是期望通过对图书馆的优质服务获得收益的众筹商,Open Book Publishers是借助网络开展众筹出版的OA出版社,两者属于商业化大型公司和非营利性OA出版社的竞争关系,在OA出版物的商业化开发、财务公开透明、垄断性的销售模式和审核制度方面值得高度关注。  相似文献   
《海国图志》的重要思想及其对日本社会的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《海国图志》系魏源愤于鸦片战争失败,为了寻求抵抗西方侵略方策而编辑的一部名著,倾注在这部著作中的"师夷"、"制夷"的反侵略思想,集中反映了魏源的爱国主义情怀。这部书传播到日本后,引起日本社会的广泛共鸣,在介绍和传播"西洋情形与一般近代文化"、"关于国际法和立宪政治的知识"以及影响日本维新运动的发展上曾起过重要的作用。  相似文献   
加拿大的各开放大学因为得益于联邦制的国家行政体制,所以在远程教育制度安排上,形成了与众不同的体制设计和运行机制,这样就为其构建"政府管理中的地方自治模式"、"独立办学中的因校制宜模式"、"教育教学中的团队合作模式"、"关照需求的人本化管理模式"、"强调效能的人性化教学模式"、"突出主体的个性化学习模式"等打下了很好的基础.加拿大各开放大学丰富多彩的远程教育校本发展模式给我们的启示是:只有立足国情、地情和校情,坚持独立办学,才能为开放大学远程教育模式建构,奠定成功的制度基础.  相似文献   
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