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以现有图元体系为基础,立足于管理人员的认知需求,以技术和煤炭领域专业知识为构筑原则,构建"管理场景五图",即系统平面图、局部细化图、人员定位状态图、设备信息图以及环境信息图。其中,构筑原则主要依据煤炭相关专业知识,以现有图元体系为基础创建图元库,最终选择.NET API作为AutoCAD的二次开发工具,将AutoCAD作图功能嵌入到CERP系统中形成功能模块或直接开发为自动成图辅助程序。最终实现了煤矿安全可视化管理场景的拼接和组合。  相似文献   
目前,我国城市配电网中电力电缆的应用愈来愈广泛,系统电容电流越来越大,在发生单相接地时电弧不能熄灭,会造成电弧间歇性的熄灭与重燃,形成弧光接地电压或激发磁谐振危及电气设备绝缘,严重时有可能发展为相间短路,引起事故。为限制单相接地故障电流,6-35KV系统采用中性点通过消弧线圈接地来补偿单相接地时的电容电流使电弧熄灭,限制弧光接地过电压和消除铁磁谐振过电压,现已取得较多的运行经验和较好运行效果。  相似文献   
雷莉霞 《科技广场》2007,(3):182-183
将Agent技术应用于电子商务的自动协商,有效地代替了人进行谈判。本文描述了电子商务中基于Agent的自动协商,介绍了协商模型和基于交易的Agent协商框架。  相似文献   
A new dictionary-based text categorization approach is proposed to classify the chemical web pages efficiently. Using a chemistry dictionary, the approach can extract chemistry-related information more exactly from web pages. After automatic segmentation on the documents to find dictionary terms for document expansion, the approach adopts latent semantic indexing (LSI) to produce the final document vectors, and the relevant categories are finally assigned to the test document by using the k-NN text categorization algorithm. The effects of the characteristics of chemistry dictionary and test collection on the categorization efficiency are discussed in this paper, and a new voting method is also introduced to improve the categorization performance further based on the collection characteristics. The experimental results show that the proposed approach has the superior performance to the traditional categorization method and is applicable to the classification of chemical web pages.  相似文献   
基于ARM芯片的自动报站系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李民生 《科技广场》2007,(3):211-212
本文给出了利用GPS卫星定位系统来采集车辆运行时的地理位置的经纬度、方位以及速度等信息的实现方法,及ARM芯片与ISD4004语音芯片的通信方式。利用该系统,可在上述采集信息经过ARM芯片处理后,对预存的数据进行方向和距离误差分析,并在车辆到达预定位置时,通过ISD4004语音对预先录制好的语音进行播报,通过点阵型LED显示屏显示温度、站名和文明宣传语,以视、听两种感觉媒体给司机与乘客提供多种信息。  相似文献   
王靖刚 《科技广场》2007,(5):253-254
本文结合工作实际,着重对自动灭火系统有关问题进行分析,并提出一些个人观点供各位同行参考。  相似文献   
针对人类学习的生理特点,从满足学生需要循序渐进地掌握知识和教师需要授课时间相对集中的需求上,分析了如何使课程表安排得更加合理,在课表空间分布角度上提出课时节次、工作日合理布局的解决方案,并依此提供了一个自动排课算法的流程图。  相似文献   
The profusion of online resources calls for tools and methods to help Internet users find precisely what they are looking for. Quality controlled gateway CISMeF provides such services for health resources. However, the human cost of maintaining and updating the catalogue are increasingly high. This paper presents the automatic indexing system currently developed in the CISMeF team to be used as such for preliminary indexing, or after human reviewing for the final indexing. The system architecture, using the INTEX platform for MeSH term extraction is detailed. The results of a first evaluation tend to indicate that the automatic indexing strategy is relevant, as it achieves a precision comparable to that of other existing operational systems. Moreover, the system presented in this paper retrieves keyword/qualifier pairs as opposed to single terms, therefore providing a significantly more precise indexing. Further development and tests will be carried out in order to improve the coverage of the dictionaries, and validate the efficiency of the system in the indexers’ everyday work.  相似文献   
We present a new paradigm for the automatic creation of document headlines that is based on direct transformation of relevant textual information into well-formed textual output. Starting from an input document, we automatically create compact representations of weighted finite sets of strings, called WIDL-expressions, which encode the most important topics in the document. A generic natural language generation engine performs the headline generation task, driven by both statistical knowledge encapsulated in WIDL-expressions (representing topic biases induced by the input document) and statistical knowledge encapsulated in language models (representing biases induced by the target language). Our evaluation shows similar performance in quality with a state-of-the-art, extractive approach to headline generation, and significant improvements in quality over previously proposed solutions to abstractive headline generation.  相似文献   
多媒体技术正逐步形成一个新的分支──工业多媒体技术,它是自动控制技术、现代控制理论、信息工程、电子技术、传感器技术和计算机多媒体技术的多学科交叉,在应用中,它需建立分布式超媒体数据库。本文主要探讨多媒体技术的多学科交叉,在应用中,它需建立分布式超媒体数据库。本文主要探讨多媒体技术自动化和测控中应用的学科交叉及分布超媒体数据库。  相似文献   
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