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Recently, models that based on Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) have yielded superior results in many sequence modeling tasks. The ability of Transformer to capture long-range dependencies and interactions makes it possible to apply it in the field of portfolio management (PM). However, the built-in quadratic complexity of the Transformer prevents its direct application to the PM task. To solve this problem, in this paper, we propose a deep reinforcement learning-based PM framework called LSRE-CAAN, with two important components: a long sequence representations extractor and a cross-asset attention network. Direct Policy Gradient is used to solve the sequential decision problem in the PM process. We conduct numerical experiments in three aspects using four different cryptocurrency datasets, and the empirical results show that our framework is more effective than both traditional and state-of-the-art (SOTA) online portfolio strategies, achieving a 6x return on the best dataset. In terms of risk metrics, our framework has an average volatility risk of 0.46 and an average maximum drawdown risk of 0.27 across the four datasets, both of which are lower than the vast majority of SOTA strategies. In addition, while the vast majority of SOTA strategies maintain a poor turnover rate of approximately greater than 50% on average, our framework enjoys a relatively low turnover rate on all datasets, efficiency analysis illustrates that our framework no longer has the quadratic dependency limitation.  相似文献   
This study examines the impact of the caste-class association on enrolment in elementary education in Uttar Pradesh (UP), the largest state of India. Using data from the 71st round of NSSO, with the help of a probit model, it is found that class has a stronger impact on the enrolment ratio than caste in UP. There is a strong and direct association between caste and class at the extremes of the caste system. The association between upper-caste and upper-class significantly augments the enrolment ratio, while the association between lower caste and lower class adversely affects it. However, the cross-associations at the higher side of class, i.e., lower caste with the upper class significantly augments enrolment but the association between lower class with upper-caste is found to be adversely affecting the enrolment, though some of the interaction terms are insignificant statistically. This also ensures the dominance of class effect. This pattern is observed in the case of both rural and urban UP across genders.  相似文献   
后脱钩时代,全国单项体育协会坚持依法自治不仅是"依法治体"的基本要求,而且也是脱钩改革有效落实的基本保证。针对全国单项体育协会存在的自治权性质界定不统一、非营利性属性规定不明确、体育行政权力异化、内部法人治理机制不健全的法治困境,从实体和程序上两方面来保障实现全国单项体育协会自治的法治化,以便真正实现单项协会的实体化,具体提出了单项协会自治主体性质的明确、相关法律规定的完善、非营利性标准的明晰界定等措施。  相似文献   
职业裁判制度是足球职业化发展到一定阶段的必然产物,其引入将有力提升我国裁判执法水平,助推我国足球事业发展。认为,职业裁判是职业联赛健康发展的关键力量,是足球运动技术发展的客观要求,是提升足球裁判整体水平、统一集中管理的需要。目前,我国的足球裁判存在基数小、水平低、待遇低、环境差等问题。只引入足球职业裁判制度而无配套措施,可能无法解决根本矛盾;目前的国内联赛规模也还无法满足职业裁判发展需求,职业转换难度大及退休保障不足,也阻碍着我国职业足球裁判制度的实施。指出,应加快足球联赛发展,与职业裁判发展互促互进;健全体育裁判法律法规,改革职业裁判组织管理方式;建立健全职业裁判员的薪酬和退休保障体系;注重青少年裁判培养,全面提升在职裁判员业务水平。多管齐下,使足球职业裁判制度发挥更好的效果。  相似文献   
运用文献研究法、饱和经验法、典型案例分析法对苏、浙、沪三省市地方足球协会进行实证研究,依据软法制定主体和实施主体的不同,提炼概括了当前地方足球协会的两种软法治理模式,即省级层面地方足球协会"政府主导型"软法治理模式和市级层面地方足球协会"多维互动型"软法治理模式,并对这两种模式的特征进行比较分析。继而归纳了当前地方足球协会软法治理"程序缺失、责任制度不规范、承诺滞后和权利救济缺失"的四个困境,从"内部法人治理结构、相关主体法治观念、软法的程序、监督问责机制"四个方面阐释了产生软法治理困境的原因,最后提出四项地方足协软法治理的对策建议。  相似文献   
Pre-service teachers' attitudes and beliefs about English Learners (ELs) are especially critical as they enter their professions among an increasingly diverse student population. This study uses an Implicit Association Test to explore implicit and explicit beliefs and attitudes of pre-service teachers about ELs. Pre-service teachers from a Southeastern U.S. university hold generally positive implicit beliefs about ELs and express positive expectations for working with ELs and school support. Implicit association test measures have potential as tools for preparing pre-service teachers and evaluating the impact of interventions that seek to improve teachers’ readiness to serve this population.  相似文献   
探索性活动与利用性活动之间存在知识冲突与需求张力,如何从旨在长期获益的探索性活动和着眼于短期利益的利用性活动之间找寻平衡,是学术和管理实践迫切需要解决的难题。自1991年March提出探索与利用张力以来,相关研究迅速蔓延到组织的许多领域。本文以WOS中1991-2016年间"探索与利用"研究的施引文献为研究对象,从关键词共现、作品共被引、关键路径3个层次进行分析,挖掘该领域的研究热点,知识基础及关键路径,以期为学者提供文献分析的便利。基于上述分析发现,当今"双元性(Ambidexterity)"是该领域的热门研究主题,与"知识管理"、"动态能力"等研究紧密相连;本研究的样本文献从基础理论,"探索与利用"张力相关研究话题,研究方法论3个方面构建了该领域的知识基础;该领域研究存在着"探索与利用"张力的表现形式及解决办法两条关键发展路径,未发现转折点。  相似文献   
系统总结深圳借助互联网金融缓解科技初创企业融资困境的五种模式,旨在完善金融市场体系、打破银企信息不对称。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]针对同一事件新闻报道与舆情评论既相互依存又偏离的现象,通过话题识别与主题关联分析,探索新闻报道引发的舆情评论在主题内容与时间阶段上的异同,拟为研究以舆情评论表达的舆情事件和以新闻报道表达的社会现实之间的共振与偏离,进而为探究社会舆情传播规律提供参考,为服务政府科学决策提供依据。[方法/过程]以拉斯韦尔(5W)模型、LDA主题模型和Python工具为基础,设计研究思路和流程,从腾讯新闻和知乎平台上抓取新闻报道和评论的数据,经过处理加工过后加以分析挖掘。[结果/结论]研究发现:舆情事件主题会一定程度偏离社会现实主题,衍生出更多隐性主题;舆情事件与社会现实的发展走向较一致;此外,社交媒体相较于新闻媒体所衍生的舆情事件主题更多,而两者反映的社会现实主题类似。  相似文献   
新时代单项体育协会的改革与发展,不仅需要硬法也需要构建完善的软法体系加以保障,这是现代体育治理的客观要求。通过探讨软法对单项体育协会自治发展的作用,梳理单项体育协会脱钩实体化后运用软法保障其权责利的理论与实践依据。研究提出,脱钩与实体化后的单项体育协会,需要通过制定软法完善和补充硬法鞭长莫及的问题,发挥软法在单项体育协会治理中柔性、灵活性及协商性约束的优势,使其成为平衡、协调、规制各主体利益的“内部法律”,促使软法与硬法相衔接,确保单项体育协会改革的有效性与实效性。  相似文献   
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