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This paper responds to a trend of contracting out subjective well-being econometrics to demonstrate social return on investment (SROI) for evidence-based policy-making. We discuss an evolving ecology of ‘external’ research taking place ‘between’ the academy and commercial consultancy. We then contextualise this as waves of research methodologies and consultancy for the cultural sector. The new model of ‘external between’ consultancy research for policy is not only placed between the University and the market, but also facilitates discourse between policy sectors, government, the media and the academy. Specifically, it enables seductive but selective arguments for advocacy that claim authority through academic affiliation, yet are not evaluated for robustness. To critically engage with an emergent form of what Stone calls ‘causal stories’, we replicate a publicly funded externally commissioned SROI model that argues for the value of cultural activities to well-being. We find that the author’s operationalisation of participation and well-being are crucial, yet their representation of the relationship problematic, and their estimates questionable. This case study ‘re-performs’ econometric modelling national-level survey data for the cultural sector to reveal practices that create norms of expertise for policy-making that are not rigorous. We conclude that fluid claims to authority allow experimental econometric models and measures to perform across the cultural economy as if ratified. This new model of advocacy research requires closer academic consideration given the changing research funding structures and recent attention to expertise and the contracting out of public services.  相似文献   
大卫.休谟作为极端的经验论者,认为因果联系和归纳推理既不是唯理论所谓的不证自明,也不是从经验中获得,而是习惯性联想的产物,这就是历史上著名的"休谟问题"。休谟对因果推理的合理怀疑动摇了西方科学知识的理论基础,为了维护科学知识的权威和建立自己的批判哲学体系,康德以先天综合判断如何可能来回应"休谟问题"。尽管康德对"休谟问题"的解决必定会存在不足,但其对"休谟问题"独特的解决方式及在推动西方认识论发展,特别是关于主体能动性思想发展方面还是起着十分重要的作用的。  相似文献   
Organizations face increasing pressure to implement artificial intelligence (AI) within a variety of business processes and functions. Many perceived benefits surround AI, but a considerable amount of trepidation also exists because of the potential of AI to replace human employees and dehumanize work. Questions regarding the future of work in the age of AI are particularly salient in pre-adoption organizations, before employees have the opportunity to gain direct experience with AI. To cope with this potentially stressful situation, employees engage in cognitive appraisal processes based on their own knowledge and personal use of AI. These pre-adoptive appraisals of AI influence both affective and cognitive attitudes, which in turn trigger behavioral responses that influence an organization’s ability to leverage AI successfully. Our survey of 363 Taiwanese employees shows that perceptions of AI’s operational and cognitive capabilities are positively related to affective and cognitive attitudes toward AI, while concerns regarding AI have a negative relationship with affective attitude only. Interaction effects of employee knowledge and affective attitude are also observed. This work’s main contribution lies in the development of an empirically-tested model of the potential impact of AI on organizations from an employee perspective in the pre-adoption phase. These results have practical implications for how organizations prepare for the arrival of this transformative technology.  相似文献   
Many of our cognitive and metacognitive judgments are based on sheer subjective experience. Subjective experience, however, may be contaminated by irrelevant factors, resulting in biased judgments. Under certain conditions people exert a metacognitive correction process to remedy such biased judgments. In this study we examine the proposition that even after a judgment has been corrected to avoid the biasing effects on subjective experience, subjective experience itself remains biased. We asked participants to judge the difficulty of anagrams for others. When they were aware of having been exposed to the solutions of some of the anagrams, they corrected their difficulty judgments for these anagrams. Despite this correction, their speeded choices in a subsequent task disclosed their biased subjective experience that these anagrams were easier to solve. Implications for the study of metacognition and for the educational domain are discussed.
Ravit NussinsonEmail:
对于争议中的纪实小说,不应丙作单向度的判断,而应给予多维的审美批评,就写实特而言,或以新闻的叙事立场进行“实体化”写实,体现其信息价值,或以个人的亲历与经验侧重于“主体化”写实,体现其,坐 体实验上,则显示出“边缘化”的写实风格,实践着学现代审美理想与追求。  相似文献   
作者引入模糊数学中贴近度的概念来衡量人工阅卷中的得分点,利用模糊数学聚类分析过程来模拟人工阅卷的给分过程,设计了主观题的自动阅卷算法,并在系统中灵活设置了人工阅卷模块,构建了主观题网络考试系统。  相似文献   
胡风的“主观战斗精神”是在对“主观公式主义”和“客观主义”的批判中建构起来的,其理论精髓是作家面对客观世界要表现出蓬勃高昂的人格力量和对客观世界进行改造、批判的战斗精神。它是在人民大众反帝反封建的斗争中产生出来的,它突出“实践”意识和行为,即作家只有在现实政治的第一线中才能体现自身价值。  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate the differential prospective relationships of social-oriented achievement motivation (SOAM) and individual-oriented achievement motivation (IOAM) with student's adoption of specific achievement goals and their affective wellbeing (AWB). A total of 332 Chinese university students (Mage = 19.139; Female = 75%) voluntarily participated in the baseline and the 1-year follow-up surveys of this study. The factor score path analysis results showed statistically significant positive paths from SOAM and IOAM at baseline to performance goals and mastery goals, respectively, at follow-up. Moreover, a statistically significant positive path was found from SOAM at baseline to negative affective experiences, at follow-up, and no association was found between IOAM and AWB, after controlling for achievement goals. The findings suggest the usefulness of raising educators' and parents' awareness regarding the double-edged sword of utilizing socially valued motives to promote performance approach goals in individuals because such values potentially lowering their psychological wellbeing.  相似文献   
在现代汉语中,有几类常见的取舍句式,它们在语义的表达上有较大差异,这些差异与取舍句的预设有直接的关系。详细分析了这几类取舍句式的语义预设和语用预设,从中得出:除与预设直接相关外,取舍句式在表达上的差异还与取舍者的主观态度有密切的关系。  相似文献   
积极心理学:理念、视野及动向   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
积极心理学是二十世纪末在美国兴起的新的心理学研究思潮,它关注人性中的积极层面,包括积极情绪体验、积极人格特征、积极社会环境,力图完成从消极心理学模式向积极的心理学模式转换,使被现代主流心理学所遗忘的人类的积极品质从边缘转向中心,从幕后走向前台,从而开辟了现代心理学研究新趋向、新视野和新领域,成为心理学研究中新的极具生命活力的生长点。  相似文献   
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