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The primary obstacle that can derail the effectiveness of a debate is one in which few students are involved and all of the energy and learning is limited to a few students. This leaves the majority of students passively absorbing information and does not encourage participation among those students that typically do not talk in class. This quick fix proposes a technique to increase the involvement of all students in the debate.  相似文献   
在多年教学和研究的基础上,分析了目前植物分类学教学内容存在的主要问题,即最新的被子植物分类系统APG系统没有在国内教材中体现,知识严重滞后。为解决此问题,从APG网站的使用方法、APG系统与传统分类系统比较、一些异质科范围的变化以及生物地理学在植物分类学教学中的渗透几个方面进行了阐述。通过教学内容的改革,学生的知识得到了更新,了解了植物分类学发展动态,为他们的学习、考研和就业奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   
在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下对南五味子属Kadsura 11种植物36个样品的种子宏观形态及种皮微 形态特征进行了研究。结果表明其种子形状为肾形、椭球形、心形或肾状扁球形。在扫描电镜下种子表 面特征有种间差异,其纹饰可分为3种类型,即近平滑型、负网纹型和网纹型。短梗南五味子K. borneensis和披针叶南五味子K.lanceolata为近平滑型,其种子表面近平滑;黑老虎K.coccinea和柄果 南五味子K.verrucosa 为负网纹型,其种子表面具负网纹,网眼凸起,网脊凹陷;异形南五味子K.hetero- clita、毛南五味子K.induta、南五味子K.japonica、冷饭藤K.oblongifloia、狭叶南五味子K.  angustifolia、 南洋南五味子K.scandens 和大叶南五味子K.marmorata为网纹型,其种子表面具网纹,网眼凹陷,网脊 凸起,此类型在南五味子属中最为普遍。种皮微形态特征在种内相当稳定,在一些种的划分上具有较重 要的意义。南五味子属种皮微形态特征的研究结果支持将多子南五味子K.polysperma和凤庆南五味子 K. interior 归并入异形南五味子以及将长梗南五味子K.longipedunculata归并入南五味子的分类学处理。本文还对南五味子属植物种皮微形态的各种类型的演化趋势作了讨论。  相似文献   
中国木犀属小志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present paper a new species, Osmanthus gracilinervis Chia ex R. L. Lu, is described from Guangxi.  The new species is also distributed in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Hunan and Sichuan.  Based on the analysis of a great deal of specimens, eight spe- cies, i.e. Osmanthus corymbosus H. W. Li, O. longispermus H. T. Chang, O. angustifolius H. T. Chang, O. triandrus H. T. Chang, O. longicarpus H. T. Chang, O. omeiensis Fang ex H. T. Chang, O. nanchuanensis H. T. Chang and 0. cylindricus H. T. Chang, are reduced as the synonyms of O. marginatus (Champ. ex Benth.)  Hemsl. var. marginatus. O. longissimus H. T. Chang and O. pachyphyllus H. T. Chang are respectively reduced to varieties of O. marginatus, i.e.O.  marginatus var. longissimus (H.T. Chang) R. L. Lu and var. pachy- phyllus (H. T.Chang) R. L. Lu.  And finally O. maximus H. T. Chang is treated in this paper as a synonym of O. matsumuranus Hayata.  相似文献   
分析了目前我国基础教育学生评价存在的主要问题:测量对象的局限性,教师训练方式的僵化,知识与技能关系分离等。认为现代学生评价应该在四个方面进行改革:评价观念、评价内容、评价方法以及评价功能。强调通过对学生掌握知识和认知过程的评价,凸显评价的发展性功能,以达到帮助学生获得全面发展的目的。  相似文献   
在当今日新月异的信息时代,高校人才培养的首要目标是培养既能精通会计、财务等经济管理知识,又能掌握国际通用信息技术相关知识和技能的复合型人才。XBRL(ExtensibleBusinessReportingLanguage,可扩展商业报告语言)是当前国际上最新的在互联网环境下披露企业信息的标准化财务报告电子语言,在将相互关联的元数据与会计信息自动转换方面,XBRL具有重要作用。世界大多数发达国家已经在各种多样化的信息价值链中自愿或强制地使用XBRL,提升了会计信息质量。XBRL对高校本科会计课程及教育模式具有重要影响,基于布卢母教育目标分类学理论,可以将XBRL与高校本科会计学专业课程进行整合。  相似文献   
翻转课堂自2012年被引入中国以来,在学者、教师、家长中引起不同反响。该文从与相关人群针对“翻转课堂”的访谈及相关文献研究入手,基于教育外界的Gartner技术炒作周期曲线(Hype Cycle)观察近年在国内中小学翻转课堂的发展概貌,审思翻转课堂的定位、假设、技术和流程;在与国际上的同伴教学、混合式学习、国内的“先学后教”等相近教学模式的比较中揭示翻转课堂的核心和本质,辅以对翻转课堂技术要素的分析,认为翻转课堂属于一种微创新。旨在为研究者和实践者对翻转课堂形成较为系统、冷静的认识提供借鉴,该文分析了翻转课堂的优势和局限,提出了模式适用范围、学习动机保持、教师基本素养、技术应用及课程体制等实践策略,以推动翻转课堂有效应用。在教师基本素养部分特别建议借助布卢姆(B·S·Bloom)认知目标分类学,根据认知规律和学生认知基础,对教学内容进行分析归类,以便在恰当的时机恰当地应用技术。  相似文献   
Developing formative assessments for postgraduate students in engineering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper outlines an approach taken to produce computer-based formative assessments for two modules in a one-year taught MSc programme in Road Management and Engineering. It presents the aims of the assessments, the taxonomy adopted to ensure that the formulation of the questions addressed learning outcomes related to the development of higher order skills and the choice of software used. Further, the students’ qualitative perception of the assessments is presented together with a discussion on key elements that affected the implementation procedure. This included an understanding of the higher order skills assessed, knowledge of the facilities offered by the software to be used, and the commitment needed to designing, delivering and improving flexible learning materials.  相似文献   
This study is aimed at identifying and determining the percentage of occurrence frequency of cellulose decomposing soil fungi. The soil samples were inoculated into culture plates prepared in Sabouraud medium under sterilized conditions and incubated at 30 ℃ for 4 to 7 d. The identified fungal species were incubated in self-designed cellulose medium for testing their cellulolytic ability. Forty-two species, including2 nova species, representing sixteen genera showed growth and sporulation in the cellulose medium. Most of the isolated species were from genus Aspergillus and Penicillium. Aspergillus niger and Mucor hiemalis showed highest occurrence frequency (45% and 36% respectively), as these species were collected from about 80% of soil samples. Being agar free and cheaper, the new fungal medium designed showed results equivalent to Sabouraud medium.  相似文献   
思辨能力的培养是高等教育改革的目标之一,大学英语作为大学必修课程,在教学中加强思辨能力的培养是大势所趋。文章以布卢姆教育分类理论为基础,探讨分析了如何从大学英语阅读的教学目标的制定、教学评价制度的完善和教师自身思辨能力的提高等方面加强对学生思辨能力的培养。  相似文献   
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