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Evidence of the internal consistency of standard-setting judgments is a critical part of the validity argument for tests used to make classification decisions. The bookmark standard-setting procedure is a popular approach to establishing performance standards, but there is relatively little research that reflects on the internal consistency of the resulting judgments. This article presents the results of an experiment in which content experts were randomly assigned to one of two response probability conditions: .67 and .80. If the standard-setting judgments collected with the bookmark procedure are internally consistent, both conditions should produce highly similar cut scores. The results showed substantially different cut scores for the two conditions; this calls into question whether content experts can produce the type of internally consistent judgments that are required using the bookmark procedure.  相似文献   
网球比赛均是从发球开始,速度快、力量大、旋转强大发球势必会影响对手的接发球,为自己第三拍进攻奠定基础。因此对网球选手发球技术运用的分析显得尤为重要。本文运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、录像观察统计法、数理统计法等体育科学研究方法对王蔷在2018珠海WTA超级精英赛发球技术进行细致分析,旨在总结王蔷在比赛中发球局阶段存在的优势和不足,为王蔷在训练、比赛中提供针对性的理论参考,以期为中国女子网球的发展做出贡献。  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2019,22(1):142-152
To reach and include socially vulnerable people through sport, it is important to create partnerships between sports organisations and public health organisations (i.e., sport-for-health partnerships). Working in sport-for-health partnerships is challenging, however, and little is known about how to manage such partnerships. To explore possible predictors of successful sport-for-health partnership, the authors administered a questionnaire among 86 participants in Dutch sport-for-health partnerships. The questionnaire included measures pertaining to three indicators of successful inter-sectoral partnership (i.e., partnership synergy, partnership sustainability, and community outcomes) and nine partnership elements that may predict its success. Multivariate results suggest that (a) partnership synergy may be best predicted by communication structure and building on the partnership participants’ capacities, (b) community partnership outcomes may be best predicted by partnership visibility and task management, and (c) partnership sustainability may be best predicted by partnership visibility. Hence, the authors would recommend actors in sport-for-health partnerships to pay particular attention to communication structure, building on capacities, visibility, and task management.  相似文献   
One commonly used compromise standard-setting method is the Beuk (1984) method. A key assumption of the Beuk method is that the emphasis given to the pass rate and the percent correct ratings should be proportional to the extent that the panelists agree on their ratings. However, whether the slope of Beuk line reflects the emphasis that panelists believe should be assigned to the pass rate and the percentage correct ratings has not be fully tested. In this article, I evaluate this critical assumption of the Beuk method by asking panelists to assign importance weights to their percentage correct and pass rate judgments. I show that in several cases that the emphasis suggested by the Beuk slope is noticeably different from what one would expect and is inconsistent with importance weight ratings. I also suggest two ways that the importance weights can be used to calculate alternate cut scores, and I show that one of the ways of calculating cut scores using the importance weights leads to larger potential differences in cut score estimates. I suggest that practitioners should consider collecting importance weights when the Beuk method is used for determining cut scores.  相似文献   
The relation between teacher-set performance goals for 361 individual students and these students’ mathematics achievement was investigated. High performance goals were found to strongly relate to student performance, with an effect size of d = 0.80. The performance goals were set by the teachers at the end of a step-by-step procedure, consisting of initial teacher expectations, the use of data, and team input. This procedure was expected to decrease negative expectancy bias. Higher teacher performance goals than teachers’ initial expectations, so-called positive changes, were positively associated with the performance of initially low achievers. Initially high achievers, for whom the teachers made a positive change, performed worse than comparable students for whom initial expectation and final goal were the same.  相似文献   
唐山建材工业学校创建于1979年,2002年并入唐山学院。学校23年间培训和培养了大批专业技能型人才,为唐山乃至全国建材行业发展作出了突出贡献,其办学历程为职业院校技能型人才培养提供了有价值的经验和启示,对当今职业教育发展具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   
女子高中是美国单性别教育的重要体现。私立女子高中由于开办历史较长且女性人才辈出而具有特殊社会地位,其课程设置集中体现了美国学校女性人才的培养理念。本文通过对波特女子高中课程理念、课程状况、课程实施等方面的分析,认为该校与时俱进,持续创新开发课程,发展跨学科课程,重视科学技术类课程,并积极营造促进女生发展的校园氛围,以致力于将女性培养成世界公民。该校教育成果斐然,曾被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为“全美第一女子寄宿高中”。  相似文献   
新工科形势下随着测绘新技术的出现和发展,社会对测绘工程专业毕业生能力有了新的要求,特别是以北斗+为核心的多源传感器,融合位置服务、人工智能、无人驾驶等新兴测绘应用领域,使得传统的以经典测绘理论和技能为主的培养模式逐渐满足不了新型测绘用人单位对毕业生能力的需求。以新工科发展和中国地质大学测绘专业工程专业认证为背景,结合中国地质大学测绘工程专业课程体系、教学方法、教学平台等现状,以提高学生掌握新测绘知识与能力为出发点,探讨新工科形势下提升测绘工程专业学生能力的教学改革方案。  相似文献   
孙莉 《教育教学论坛》2021,(13):143-146
本文基于商务英语专业的能力要求及商务英语专业学生高层次思维能力存在的问题,展开了对批判性思维的研究,指出了批判性思维的重要性,总结了商务英语专业思辨型人才培养的现状及不足,从课程设置和学业导师制两个方面提出了批判性思维的培养模式:增加中西方经典哲学原著阅读和学术文献阅读课程,增加读书报告任务和科研助理工作,从而训练学生的思考、判断、分析和解决复杂问题的能力。  相似文献   
论中国国情与课程改革   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
对于基础教育课程改革要不要从中国国情出发的问题,当前学术界存在着适应国情论和不问国情论两种针锋相对的观点。其中,不问国情论是新课改理论专家所坚持的,它承认新课改脱离国情,认为适应国情论是过时的观念,国情是可以改变的,课程改革不必适应国情而贵在适应潮流和真理。这些认识,值得商榷。第一,关于要不要适应国情的论争,贯穿于20世纪的中国历史进程,而历史发展的基本结论是只有适应国情才能获得成功。第二,基础教育课程改革要适应真理,这个真理就是教育的一般规律、现代教育的基本规律和中国现代教育的特殊规律。适应真理最核心的工作,不是脱离国情去宣扬空洞的理念,而是要深入研究中国基础教育实际,全面把握中国教育的国情。第三,国情是一种动态的社会历史存在,人创造历史又为历史所创造。国情不能随心所欲地改造,只有深刻地洞察国情,积极利用国情资源,具有历史责任感和主体能力,才有可能积极改善国情。由此可见,不问国情论是站不住脚的,我国基础教育课程改革必须坚持从国情出发的思想原则。为了健康地推进我国基础教育课程改革,必须深入揭示课程改革的国情制约性规律,努力全面地、辩证地、理性地认识中国国情,能动地适应中国国情。  相似文献   
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