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美国国家档案馆为纪念宪法《第十九条修正案》100周年,发起一项为期18个月的全国性倡议,带动各州庆祝妇女选举权。本文分析指出美国妇女选举权档案开发利用的内容特色——主题集中、关注个体和突出人物;方式特色——多媒介、数字化和关联式开发并行,最后总结出对我国的启示——档案开发利用宜主题集中、方式多样、把握时机的持续性。  相似文献   
文章对美国大学图书馆在信息资源组织与利用方面的创新与实践进行梳理总结,以期为国内图书馆的资源建设提供借鉴。选取美国顶尖的11所大学图书馆作为考察对象,重点介绍它们在馆藏特色文献数据化、资源多样化收集与元数据整合、数字资源全生命周期管理方面的特色和进展。图书馆在资源服务方面所扮演的角色在不断演变,美国大学图书馆正借助先进的信息生产、存储和传递技术,向着实现信息资源共建、共知和共享的目标迈进。国内图书馆需要关注新兴技术,加强特藏资源开发,促进纸质与数字资源融合,优化数字资源业务流程。  相似文献   
主要研究了汇川公司H2U可编程控制器(PLC)的通信技术,实现了两个H2U系列PLC之间基于RS-485的通信,并详细介绍了PLC之间通信的硬件连接方式、通信串口参数配置、触摸屏画面的设计以及程序实现。所讨论的方法已在采用H2U PLC及辅助设备组建的"运动控制系统"课程的教学实验平台上进行了验证,可以拓展应用于多台H2U PLC之间以及其他设备与H2U PLC之间的RS-485通信实现,对工程应用具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
抗战胜利后,追缴中国被日军劫掠的图书成为当时的一件大事。为了索回国立中央图书馆等在香港寄存而被掠走的图书,中国的图书馆界及其他各界爱国人士积极奔走,通过各种渠道搜集线索、证据,何多源在1946年5月14日致袁同礼的信札就是在这样的背景下写就的。透过该信札的内容,我们得以将日军掠夺我国图书的卑劣行径揭露出来,同时也为中国索还行动提供了有力的证据。  相似文献   
2019年6月16日,欧洲运动会羽毛球比赛开始前一周,丹麦"超新星"安东森收到了一份包裹。这份包裹是VICTOR为他提供的豪华羽毛球装备,其中就有一款黑白相间的球鞋——A950太极。随后的故事相信很多羽毛球爱好者已经知晓:A950太极助安东森夺得欧运会男单冠军,实现丹麦全国锦标赛男单三连冠,获得印尼公开赛男单亚军及世锦...  相似文献   
Recently, models that based on Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) have yielded superior results in many sequence modeling tasks. The ability of Transformer to capture long-range dependencies and interactions makes it possible to apply it in the field of portfolio management (PM). However, the built-in quadratic complexity of the Transformer prevents its direct application to the PM task. To solve this problem, in this paper, we propose a deep reinforcement learning-based PM framework called LSRE-CAAN, with two important components: a long sequence representations extractor and a cross-asset attention network. Direct Policy Gradient is used to solve the sequential decision problem in the PM process. We conduct numerical experiments in three aspects using four different cryptocurrency datasets, and the empirical results show that our framework is more effective than both traditional and state-of-the-art (SOTA) online portfolio strategies, achieving a 6x return on the best dataset. In terms of risk metrics, our framework has an average volatility risk of 0.46 and an average maximum drawdown risk of 0.27 across the four datasets, both of which are lower than the vast majority of SOTA strategies. In addition, while the vast majority of SOTA strategies maintain a poor turnover rate of approximately greater than 50% on average, our framework enjoys a relatively low turnover rate on all datasets, efficiency analysis illustrates that our framework no longer has the quadratic dependency limitation.  相似文献   
In social networking services (SNSs), users’ unclear understanding of the large and invisible audience increases the chances of online turbulence, which is a key source of SNS-induced stress. This growing phenomenon has gained increasing attention in academia and industry due to the undesirable consequences for users and SNS platforms. In this study, we draw from the transactional model of stress to examine how audience management strategies impact online turbulence and lead to neglected unintended audience concern and lurking. We also investigate the role of self-monitoring as a stress inhibitor. We test our model with data collected from 301 SNS users. The results show that the four types of audience management strategies have different effects on online turbulence, which significantly impacts neglected unintended audience concern especially when users have high self-monitoring skills. We believe that this work contributes, both from scientific and practical standpoints, to the understanding of the interventions and stressful responses of online turbulence in SNSs.  相似文献   

This article answers the question “Are the sourcing practices in Finnish online journalism trustworthy?” Here, trustworthiness is operationalized as the fulfillment of audience expectations towards sourcing practices. To this end, expectations of young Finnish adults (aged 18–28) were compared to the observed practices of Finnish online journalists. A total of 36 news items (from 12 journalists working in three newsrooms, published in 2013 and 2017) were analyzed. The analysis indicates that online journalists’ sourcing practices largely do not conform to this audience segment's expectations. Namely, the audience expects more comprehensive investigation and thorough verification than what is common practice in online journalism. The use of high-credibility sources is both expected and commonplace. The results imply that transparency may be harmful rather than beneficial to journalism's credibility, as the unveiled practices do not always meet audience expectations.  相似文献   
不良生活习惯和伤后康复不佳导致的肌筋膜疼痛综合征已经成为当前影响人们生活质量的因素之一。本文运用文献资料法,梳理肌筋膜疼痛综合征的诱因及外治(非内服药物治疗)手段,探究其干预手段的疗效,由病因入手,研究最佳干预方法。综合研究表明:(1)肌筋膜疼痛综合征病因包括:骨骼肌及筋膜外伤、风寒入侵机体、慢性劳损、局部肌筋膜慢性炎症损伤等;(2)目前对肌筋膜疼痛综合征康复的方法主要以针刺和温和灸为主,本文纳入针刺治疗和温和灸治疗有效率高达89.5%和100%;(3)其发病的常见部位为腰背部及肩颈部,不同部位、不同病因的肌筋膜疼痛综合征应采取不同的治疗方式,复合治疗方法比单一手段干预效果更佳。  相似文献   
With the creation of interactive tasks that allow students to explore spatial ways of knowing in conjunction with their other ways of knowing the world, we create a space where students can make sense of information as they organize these new ideas into their already existing schema. Through the use of a Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) and data from Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMA), students can explore the communities in which they live and work, critically examining opportunities and challenges within a defined space.  相似文献   
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