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Representative learning design provides a framework for the extent to which practice simulates key elements of a performance setting. Improving both the measurement and analysis of representative learning design would allow for the refinement of sports training environments that seek to replicate competition conditions and provide additional context to the evaluation of athlete performance. Using rule induction, this study aimed to develop working models for the determination of high frequency, representative events in Australian Rules football kicking. A sample of 9005 kicks from the 2015 Australian Football League season were categorised and analysed according to the following constraints: type of pressure, kick distance, possession source, time in possession, velocity and kick target. The Apriori algorithm was used to develop two models. The first consisted of 10 rules containing the most commonly occurring constraint sets occurring during the kick in AF, with support values ranging from 0.15 to 0.22. None of the rules contained more than three constraints and confidence values ranged from 0.63 to 0.84. The second model considered ineffective and effective kick outcomes and displayed 70% classification accuracy. This research provides a measurement approach to determine the degree of representativeness of sports practice and is directly applicable to various team sports.  相似文献   
This study examines the impact of the caste-class association on enrolment in elementary education in Uttar Pradesh (UP), the largest state of India. Using data from the 71st round of NSSO, with the help of a probit model, it is found that class has a stronger impact on the enrolment ratio than caste in UP. There is a strong and direct association between caste and class at the extremes of the caste system. The association between upper-caste and upper-class significantly augments the enrolment ratio, while the association between lower caste and lower class adversely affects it. However, the cross-associations at the higher side of class, i.e., lower caste with the upper class significantly augments enrolment but the association between lower class with upper-caste is found to be adversely affecting the enrolment, though some of the interaction terms are insignificant statistically. This also ensures the dominance of class effect. This pattern is observed in the case of both rural and urban UP across genders.  相似文献   
临时停赛是反兴奋剂工作中较为常见的管理手段,依托反兴奋剂规则体系的建设,临时停赛规则整体上体现出了一致性和灵活性兼备的特点。但由于《世界反兴奋剂条例》临时停赛条款关键内容的缺失,以及各反兴奋剂组织的反兴奋剂规则补充规定的不完善,临时停赛规则的一致性和灵活性相结合的优势未能获得充分发挥,不利于运动员权利的保护,也影响了国际反兴奋剂工作公平协调地进行。完善临时停赛规则应当强调《世界反兴奋剂条例》与各体育组织、反兴奋剂机构的反兴奋剂规则之间的“分工”,并重点关注临时停赛的适用标准、停止条件、违规后果、时长标准和赔偿规则等问题。我国的临时停赛规则存在实践适用较少、认定标准简单的问题,应当借鉴国际经验进一步完善相关规定,助力我国反兴奋剂事业的发展。  相似文献   
后脱钩时代,全国单项体育协会坚持依法自治不仅是"依法治体"的基本要求,而且也是脱钩改革有效落实的基本保证。针对全国单项体育协会存在的自治权性质界定不统一、非营利性属性规定不明确、体育行政权力异化、内部法人治理机制不健全的法治困境,从实体和程序上两方面来保障实现全国单项体育协会自治的法治化,以便真正实现单项协会的实体化,具体提出了单项协会自治主体性质的明确、相关法律规定的完善、非营利性标准的明晰界定等措施。  相似文献   
职业裁判制度是足球职业化发展到一定阶段的必然产物,其引入将有力提升我国裁判执法水平,助推我国足球事业发展。认为,职业裁判是职业联赛健康发展的关键力量,是足球运动技术发展的客观要求,是提升足球裁判整体水平、统一集中管理的需要。目前,我国的足球裁判存在基数小、水平低、待遇低、环境差等问题。只引入足球职业裁判制度而无配套措施,可能无法解决根本矛盾;目前的国内联赛规模也还无法满足职业裁判发展需求,职业转换难度大及退休保障不足,也阻碍着我国职业足球裁判制度的实施。指出,应加快足球联赛发展,与职业裁判发展互促互进;健全体育裁判法律法规,改革职业裁判组织管理方式;建立健全职业裁判员的薪酬和退休保障体系;注重青少年裁判培养,全面提升在职裁判员业务水平。多管齐下,使足球职业裁判制度发挥更好的效果。  相似文献   
以户外罹难者为研究对象,通过卡方检验、对称度量探索户外罹难事故的基本特征及其规律。研究结果显示,自本世纪以来,户外罹难事故逐年攀升,并由高海拔向低海拔、由挑战型向娱乐型和健身型转移,罹难者年龄由中、青年向边缘年龄延伸;自发组织是驴友参与山地户外运动的主要形式,但其"非盈利性"降低了组织稳定性和责任意识,带来了极大的安全隐患;由于缺乏科学的户外精神,山地户外运动正朝向无序、浮躁的方向发展,人为诱因成为了最大的隐形杀手。  相似文献   
采用文献资料等方法,梳理国际乒联21世纪以来的规则改革,反思其存在的问题。21世纪以来,国际乒联在器材、技术和赛制等方面进行了一系列的改革。一系列规则改革在技术上使得运动员技术选择和使用随意性增大,比赛胜负的偶然性增大;在国际乒坛秩序上产生了正、反两方面影响,一方面改变了中国队"一家独大"的局面,国际大赛的奖牌分布趋于多元化,另一方面,使得运动员打法逐渐呈现单一化趋势。同时国际乒联频繁修改规则还存在规则修改程序正义性、规则相对稳定性,以及权力行使过于随意等问题。要维系国际乒坛秩序的良性发展,国际乒联还需出台具体的规则改革制度,保证竞赛规则的相对稳定性,并合理行使规则修改的权力。  相似文献   
运用文献研究法、饱和经验法、典型案例分析法对苏、浙、沪三省市地方足球协会进行实证研究,依据软法制定主体和实施主体的不同,提炼概括了当前地方足球协会的两种软法治理模式,即省级层面地方足球协会"政府主导型"软法治理模式和市级层面地方足球协会"多维互动型"软法治理模式,并对这两种模式的特征进行比较分析。继而归纳了当前地方足球协会软法治理"程序缺失、责任制度不规范、承诺滞后和权利救济缺失"的四个困境,从"内部法人治理结构、相关主体法治观念、软法的程序、监督问责机制"四个方面阐释了产生软法治理困境的原因,最后提出四项地方足协软法治理的对策建议。  相似文献   
Pre-service teachers' attitudes and beliefs about English Learners (ELs) are especially critical as they enter their professions among an increasingly diverse student population. This study uses an Implicit Association Test to explore implicit and explicit beliefs and attitudes of pre-service teachers about ELs. Pre-service teachers from a Southeastern U.S. university hold generally positive implicit beliefs about ELs and express positive expectations for working with ELs and school support. Implicit association test measures have potential as tools for preparing pre-service teachers and evaluating the impact of interventions that seek to improve teachers’ readiness to serve this population.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]针对同一事件新闻报道与舆情评论既相互依存又偏离的现象,通过话题识别与主题关联分析,探索新闻报道引发的舆情评论在主题内容与时间阶段上的异同,拟为研究以舆情评论表达的舆情事件和以新闻报道表达的社会现实之间的共振与偏离,进而为探究社会舆情传播规律提供参考,为服务政府科学决策提供依据。[方法/过程]以拉斯韦尔(5W)模型、LDA主题模型和Python工具为基础,设计研究思路和流程,从腾讯新闻和知乎平台上抓取新闻报道和评论的数据,经过处理加工过后加以分析挖掘。[结果/结论]研究发现:舆情事件主题会一定程度偏离社会现实主题,衍生出更多隐性主题;舆情事件与社会现实的发展走向较一致;此外,社交媒体相较于新闻媒体所衍生的舆情事件主题更多,而两者反映的社会现实主题类似。  相似文献   
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