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Spatial ability (SA) is the cognitive capacity to understand and mentally manipulate concepts of objects, remembering relationships among their parts and those of their surroundings. Spatial ability provides a learning advantage in science and may be useful in anatomy and technical skills in health care. This study aimed to assess the relationship between SA and anatomy scores in first- and second-year medical students. The training sessions focused on the analysis of the spatial component of objects' structure and their interaction as applied to medicine; SA was tested using the Visualization of Rotation (ROT) test. The intervention group (n = 29) received training and their pre- and post-training scores for the SA tests were compared to a control group (n = 75). Both groups improved their mean scores in the follow-up SA test (P < 0.010). There was no significant difference in SA scores between the groups for either SA test (P = 0.31, P = 0.90). The SA scores for female students were significantly lower than for male students, both at baseline and follow-up (P < 0.010). Anatomy training and assessment were administered by the anatomy department of the medical school, and examination scores were not significantly different between the two groups post-intervention (P = 0.33). However, participants with scores in the bottom quartile for SA performed worse in the anatomy questions (P < 0.001). Spatial awareness training did not improve SA or anatomy scores; however, SA may identify students who may benefit from additional academic support.  相似文献   
Beginning and expert supervisors’ cognitions and cognitive structures were compared via concept mapping, a mixed methods design. Both beginning and expert supervisors reported a variety of cognitions representing developmental characteristics in 3 areas: assessment of supervisees, conceptualization and management of supervision, and supervisory relationship.  相似文献   
体医融合是获得健康的根本法则之一,是民族健康强盛的必然要求。探索我国体医融合之路,必须基于文化自信,紧跟时代主旋律,借鉴传统体育和中医融合的历史经验及其启示。仔细体会传统体育中武术、养身体操等运动对体医融合的贡献,在学习借鉴传统体育和传统医学的基础上,探讨如何走出一条政府主导、社会协同、学校先行、法制健全的协同发展道路。研究认为体医融合试点践行中,可以在以下四个方面加大力度:制度保障,法规护航;培养人才,科学指导;学校为主,三教合一;媒介传播,课程参与。  相似文献   
体医融合和非医疗健康干预可以有效促进疾病管理与健康服务模式的形成,但体医融合项目治理初期仍然受到理念融合、体医融资、部门协同等因素的影响。该文以病毒、人体免疫与体育运动的体医融合关系视角,依据共生理论对体医融合项目的风险治理逻辑进行了阐述。采用文献资料法、数理统计法等对体医融合项目风险治理的相关个案进行了整理,并基于NVIVO11.0质性分析软件对体医融合个案进行识别分析,构建了体医融合项目风险治理的影响因素评价指标体系,包括13个一级指标30个二级指标。最后提出了体医融合项目风险治理的路径选择(1)将体医融合理念提升至构建公共卫生保障体系战略的高度;(2)落地变现体医融合项目购买方案;(3)打造政府精准购买体医融合项目区块链。  相似文献   
以人民健康为中心,主动健康为导向,发挥全民科学健身在健康促进、慢性病预防和康复等方面的积极作用,把健康关口前移到健康维护和疾病防控,推动形成“体医融合”的疾病管理与健康服务模式,是健康中国行动的目标与任务。国家运动处方库建设是在健康中国战略指引下,在借鉴学习国外运动处方研究、推广和应用先进成果的基础上,通过对我国运动处方内容系统、运动处方师培训系统、运动处方应用系统的构建,通过健康人群、疾病风险人群、慢性疾病人群、功能受损人群、发展性障碍人群运动处方的制定及运动处方推广应用路径的选择,将我国运动处方的研究、推广和应用向着科学、严谨、规范、深入推进,让具有科学性、针对性、有效性、可操作性并适合中国人体质特点的运动处方惠及我国亿万民众,为增强国民体质、增进国民健康,实现健康中国目标做出应有贡献,为世界运动处方的理论与实践提供中国经验与借鉴。  相似文献   
The authors examined supervisor cultural humility as a predictor of supervisee intentional nondisclosure. Using multiple regression in a sample of 101 post-master's counselors, the authors found that 20% of supervisees' intentional nondisclosure was explained by their perceptions of their supervisors' level of cultural humility.  相似文献   
运动作为防治疾病的一味"药",正迅速被越来越多的医生所认可,并走进了大众的日常生活。运动既然是"药",就不该是"多多益善",而应该是"量体裁衣"、个性化定制,也因此需要处方。文章旨在回顾运动处方过去和现在的发展与对未来发展需求的猜测,对这个方兴未艾的领域增进了解,并进行系统介绍。追溯运动处方的研究和发展历史,大致可以分为4个时期3个阶段,从认识到运动对健康的重要性到运动成为防病治病的良药以及运动处方的发展走过了近70年的历程。国外大量科学的研究(尤其是追踪研究)和数据是支持运动处方不断前进的基石。从运动处方科学发展中所学到的智慧将会对中国传统运动处方的建设、中国大众的健康促进作出积极贡献。  相似文献   
工学结合教学模式是现代高等职业教育中教学方法改革的方向和目标,是培养高等职业专业人才的有效途径。结合我校药物制剂技术专业的特点,对仿真工学结合的实训教学模式作为工学结合的一种补充,进行了有效的尝试,取得了突破性进展。  相似文献   
消除运动性疲劳的10种中药及其元素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近20年来,国内运动医学界已开始重视并运用中药和元素等中药疗法来治疗运动性疲劳、缩短恢复时间、提高运动能力,取得了一些研究成果.本文用ICP/AES法对10种抗运动性疲劳中药中的17种元素进行了分析.研究发现:运动性疲劳与中医的“虚证”是十分相似的;中医的补虚类中药中微量元素含量与临床上治疗各种虚证的疽效有密切关系.  相似文献   
Nucleic acids in plant tissue lysates can be captured quickly by a cellulose filter paper and prepared for amplification after a quick purification.In this study,a published filter paper strip method was modified by sticking the filter paper on a polyvinyl chloride resin(PVC)sheet.This modified method is named EZ-D,for EASY DNA extraction.Compared with the original cetyl trimethylammonium bromide(CTAB)method,DNA extracted by EZ-D is more efficient in polymerase chain reaction(PCR)amplification due to the more stable performance of the EZ-D stick.The EZ-D method is also faster,easier,and cheaper.PCR analyses showed that DNA extracted from several types of plant tissues by EZ-D was appropriate for specific identification of biological samples.A regular PCR reaction can detect the EZ-D-extracted DNA template at concentration as low as 0.1 ng/μL.Evaluation of the EZ-D showed that DNA extracts could be successfully amplified by PCR reaction for DNA fragments up to 3000 bp in length and up to 80%in GC content.EZ-D was successfully used for DNA extraction from a variety of plant species and plant tissues.Moreover,when EZ-D was combined with the loop-mediated isothermal amplification(LAMP)method,DNA identification of biological samples could be achieved without the need for specialized equipment.As an optimized DNA purification method,EZ-D shows great advantages in application and can be used widely in laboratories where equipment is limited and rapid results are required.  相似文献   
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