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徐棻、胡成德同志所创编的川剧《田姐与庄周》,改编自传统剧目《大劈棺》,被称为“化腐朽为神奇”的一出好戏。川剧《田姐与庄周》的成功改编是运用现代意识重审的方法来获得主题新生,以纵向开掘人性深度的方式来达成人物形象的重塑,在横向借鉴其他艺术形式手法的同时固守自身剧种特色等手段来实现传统文化的现代转换,《田姐与庄周》的成功改编为戏曲改革的深入发展提供参考。  相似文献   
Theorisation of culture is often absent from research on production in the creative and cultural sector. Further, cultural production has been largely untouched by the insights of the cultural economy approach. Culturalisation is a means of addressing the question of what constitutes culture and thus a cultural (economy) approach. It is the process by which culture and cultural production combine in the ‘operationalisation of the real.’ Culturalisation underpins much scholarship in this journal by posing the (economic) real as a problem of definition in order to illustrate the operations involved in its temporary resolution. The implications of this position need further addressing. There is a feedback between culture as a problem of definition and a cultural approach. Devices can interrogate the relationship between processes of cultural definition and the conceptual parameters of a cultural economy approach. Workshopping, projects and events are put forward as cultural devices emerging from a 10-month ethnography of literary performance in Bristol, England. This illustration shows firstly, how culturalisation occurs in a designated cultural sector to contingently realise culture; and secondly, the implicit logic of cultural economy as culturalisation, typified by the device as method, so as to open a debate concerning its implications.  相似文献   
经过采用Nvivo质性分析软件对某教育集团下属应用型高校经管类专业培养方案进行词频分析,并将统计结果与案例教学法教学效果进行比较分析,可得出,案例教学法同样能有力支持应用型人才的培养。根据高校学生阅读素养调研数据反映的能力特征和教学案例的规范模式,设计适用的决策型教学案例正文创作模式,可以课程知识点为决策点,在高校所在区域选取案例企业,以及参照纪录片创作模式进行写作。教师能够发挥创作模式的最佳效能,教学案例创作亦可畅通教师“教研融合”的专业发展路径。  相似文献   
台州地处浙东南沿海,历史积淀深厚,非物质文化遗产众多且特色鲜明.但是大部分非遗项目面临传承困难,创新应用转化率极低的困境.在新媒体浪潮之下,充分发挥新媒体沉浸性、交互性和即时性特征的优势,以“数字产品”和“文化产品”的方式重新演绎传统民间艺术,建立符合台州地域特色的非物质文化遗产数字化展示平台、传播平台、商业开发与营销平台相结合的网络化体系.将是当下地方非遗保护、传承与创新应用的最佳模式.  相似文献   
高校人力资源开发与管理机制创新的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在阐述当前高校人力资源开发与管理工作中存在问题的基础上,对知识经济时代下高校人力资源开发与管理机制创新进行了探索与研究,提出了高校人事部门转变人才管理理念,创新选人用人机制;做好人才引进、培养、使用工作;健全科学的激励机制,促进人力资源增值等创新举措,真正使“以人为本、人才第一”的管理理念在高校人力资源开发与管理中得以实施,实现高校跨越式发展。  相似文献   
当代创业企业:创新知识的综合定价机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,创新知识是创业企业诞生的起始点,是理解创业企业的关键。基于自身的特性,创新知识无法直接经由一次性的市场交易来给予定价。创新知识所有者是通过创办企业,以拥有创业企业所有权的形式来实现收益的。因此,当代创业企业在本质上是一种创新知识的综合定价机制。  相似文献   
文化创意产业发展的信息技术分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
新世纪以来,全球文化创意产业蜂拥而起,中国的文化创意理念也隆重而强有力地推出。同时从发展因素看,信息技术对文化创意产业起着巨大的推动作用。因为它对传统文化资源的再创造一方面增加了传统产业的文化附加值,另一方面也调整了现代文化产业的发展方向,对于优化产业结构和促进经济增长有着重要的战略意义。  相似文献   
基于本土企业201份员工的问卷调查数据,探索了建设性越轨行为对个体创新绩效的影响,尤其是检验了组织内部社会资本的调节作用。结果表明:(1)建设性越轨行为与个体创新绩效之间存在倒U型关系,即适度的建设性越轨行为可以促进个体的创新绩效,而过度的建设性越轨行为则会降低个体的创新绩效;(2)组织内部社会资本调节了建设性越轨行为与个体创新绩效之间的关系,即相对于组织内部社会资本水平较低的组织,对组织内部社会资本水平高的组织来说,建设性越轨行为与个体创新绩效之间关系的转折点出现在更高的建设性越轨行为水平上。研究结论揭示了“建设性越轨行为是一柄‘双刃剑’”的本质,为企业创新管理实践提供了有益启示。  相似文献   
张效赤 《情报杂志》1992,11(4):16-19
运用创造性思维的基本原理,阐述了情报人员创造性思维的基本含义,重点论述了情报人员创造性思维的基本特点和培养创造性思维的基本方法。旨在于拓宽情报学理论研究的领域,改变情报人员传统思维方式,探索情报人员创造性思维的规律。  相似文献   
Concepts of school ‘ethos’ or ‘culture’ have been widely debated in education since the 1980s. This is partly as a consequence of marketisation, partly because ethos has been identified as a low-cost route to school improvement. Corporate, authoritarian, and most recently ‘military’ models of ethos have been widely promulgated in the UK. Another significant strand of educational thinking, however, has emphasised ethos for and as learning: how schools might prefigure alternative, more socially just, worlds. This article argues that accounting for such divergent notions of ethos demands greater attention to the intellectual resources mobilised in interpreting educational processes. We discuss schools that used their work with the English creative learning programme, Creative Partnerships, to develop what we describe as ‘considerate, convivial and capacious’ school ethos. We aim thereby to value their achievements, provide tools to contest dominant discourses around ethos, and advocate more critical, reflexive approaches to researching school cultures.  相似文献   
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