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Recent theories suggest that negative effects of fatigue on performance are determined by perception of effort and motivation rather than being directly caused by reaching physiological limits. In the current experiment, the influence of motivation on fatigue-induced decrements in soccer performance was experimentally investigated. Sixty amateur soccer players performed a validated soccer-passing test before and after a fatigue protocol. Results showed that players’ motivation and performance decreased after the fatigue protocol for players in the control group. In contrast, players in the motivation group (i.e., with motivation experimentally induced after the fatigue protocol) were able to uphold their motivation and increase their performance. These results indicate that motivation plays a crucial role in performance under fatigue, as fatigue-induced decrements in soccer passing performance can be counteracted by high levels of motivation. Future research may explore the limits of this counteracting effect and extend findings to other relevant performance aspects.  相似文献   
为充分发掘分布在不同位置上的雾节点的计算资源,任务卸载被寄予众望。在雾计算场景下,以尽可能减少任务卸载的长期成本为目标,试图寻找一个高效的在线任务卸载方法。为此,这一问题被建模成一个随机规划问题,该问题中系统参数所对应的随机变量的期望会在未知时刻突变,系统参数相关信息只能在任务完成后的反馈中获得。基于非稳态多臂老虎机模型,提出一个高效的算法来解决这一具有挑战性的随机优化问题,给出理论分析证明该算法的渐进最优性。数值实验证明了该算法的优越性。  相似文献   
任务卸载是雾计算的主要技术之一,即计算能力不足的节点将任务卸载给具有富余资源的节点帮助计算。以优化任务平均卸载时延和提升卸载服务成功率为目标,利用多臂老虎机理论为动态雾计算网络提出一种基于在线学习的任务卸载算法,可实时做出最优卸载决策。将该算法扩展到非稳定网络状态,使之可以动态追踪网络中节点的资源与环境变化,实时调整卸载决策。详细分析所提出算法的性能、复杂度和存储占用情况。仿真结果表明,这两种算法可达到的长期平均任务卸载时延均十分接近理想算法下的最优时延,卸载服务成功率也得到显著提升。此外,所提算法在非稳定的网络状态下能够追踪到计算资源与环境的变化。  相似文献   
本文采用文献资料法、观察法、问卷调查法、数据统计法,对第十一届大学生舞龙舞獅锦标赛中北獅运动员竞赛难度动作完成情况进行分析,探寻影响北獅难度动作完成的因素,发现影响因素有心理因素、技术因素身体素质因素、比赛场地因素、比赛道具因素、天气因素、出场顺序。基于上述问题,本文尝试提出以下措施:在训练中提升难度动作的完成率、加强难度动作的编排合理性、注重心理训练、提前磨合方桌、服装、道具等,以及科学的训练方法。旨在为促进舞獅运动进一步发展提供有效借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
Task-based language teaching(TBLT) refers to an approach based on the use of tasks as the core unit of planning and instruction in language teaching.The present research aims to explore the correlation of TBLT and students’ oral proficiency and the effectiveness of TBLT.During a one-term experiment,the author chooses 82 English majors in two natural classes as the controlled class and experimental class.With the help of qualitative approach and quantitative approach,it proves that TBLT is effective in improving students’ oral proficiency.  相似文献   
Assessing a student's acquisition rates (ARs) is a reliable way to determine how many new words should be taught in one lesson without reducing retention. Exceeding a student's AR can result in frustration and problem behaviors. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of AR on the off‐task behavior of kindergarten students while participating in a commonly used sight‐word instruction video. Participants included 39 kindergarten students whose ARs were assessed before showing the sight‐word video. Behavior was measured as on‐ and off‐task using momentary time‐sampling with 10‐s intervals. Results indicated that students' time off task increased after exceeding their ARs, with a noticeable immediate increase. The implications and limitations of these results are discussed.  相似文献   
欧宇 《林区教学》2021,(4):112-114
《普通高中语文课程标准(2017年版)》的颁布与实施,揭开了语文课程改革的新篇章。与2003年实验版课标相比,新课标更加顺应时代发展趋势和时代潮流,综合考虑新时代对学生综合素质与发展的要求,突出高中语文学科特点,提出两个新概念:一是语文“核心素养”,二是“学习任务群”。就“学习任务群”作出研究述评,为后续的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
列宁高度重视青年教育,在《青年团的任务》中,列宁从理论和实践两个向度阐述了青年教育的重大意义、教育内容和教育策略,这些思想对我国的青年教育事业具有深刻的现实启示。新的时代条件下,推进我国青年教育事业的发展,就要推动青年教育服务于中华民族伟大复兴、加强对青年的全面教育、拓宽青年教育的教育路径。  相似文献   
“三农”问题是国家发展战略中的重难点,培育新型职业农民是解决“三农”问题的必然选择,而科学培育的首要前提是对新型职业农民胜任素质模型构建问题进行深入探究。依据整体研究范式,采取“目标式/判断式+滚雪球”抽样方法对长三角地区35位“生产经营型”新型职业农民进行“行为事件访谈”,并通过9位岗位专家进行“工作任务分析”收集要素,实现真实性与完整性的验证及融合。基于此,采用建构主义扎根理论编码方式概括提炼素质要素构成与概念框架,并对初始框架进行验证修订。研究结果表明,“生产经营型”新型职业农民胜任素质模型框架包括“元素质、过程性素质以及整体化设计素质”等3大模块以及与之相对应的创业动机、职业承诺、农场生产与情境领导、市场商机识别、风险承受力等12个素质概念。该新型职业农民胜任素质模型可用作新型职业农民职业教育培训方案、资格评价标准等的制定依据。  相似文献   
某大型体育场工程首层环向楼板面积大,设计为无黏结预应力砼结构。施工上具有一定难度,经过详细分析和计算,采取了可靠的技术措施。  相似文献   
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