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Press credentialing practices are a vital, yet understudied site of scholarly research on journalistic norms and practices. Press credentialing not only structures internal professional hierarchies, but they also signify the boundaries of the journalistic field itself. This paper explores the legal and theoretical implications of press credentialing to cover the United States Congress, drawing on the concepts of boundary work and journalistic authority to demonstrate the material impact of the space between fields on professional legitimation in journalism. Using WorldNetDaily (WND) as a case study, I argue that the Standing Committee of Correspondents (SCC) occupies a hybrid boundary zone between the journalistic and political fields, generating a unique tension in First Amendment jurisprudence that places journalists in a paradoxical role as both the professional embodiments of free speech and its constitutional steward. The resulting jurisdictional conflict between the SCC and WND extends the relational model of journalistic authority by articulating how journalist-state relations can fundamentally augment the process of legitimation at its fuzzy boundaries. The relevance and implications for press credentialing practices in the digital age are discussed.  相似文献   
大学教育“德育为先”学、思录   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过重温教育经典,重温"育人为本,德育为先"的指导思想,指出:要有先进的、世界一流的科学技术,首先要有人,要有道德的现代人。这是包括大学教育发展在内的整个社会可持续、协调、有序和健康发展,即科学发展的前提。有实效的道德教育,也是将大学争取诺贝尔奖的热情、出大师的期望,奠基于"明德"、"至善"的"新民"成长、成熟之上的最根本举措之一。  相似文献   
在辛亥革命时期,湖南因其特殊的历史机缘成为举足轻重的省区之一,具有重要的历史地位,如在国内率先发动的长沙起义、震惊中外的萍浏醴起义、社会广泛参与的湖南保路运动、声势浩大的长沙抢米风潮以及首先响应武昌首义、派遣湘军援鄂等都是辛亥革命史链条中的重要环节。而湘籍志士作为一个群体在整个辛亥革命运动中广泛开展舆论宣传、深入进行组织发动、拥戴和捍卫孙中山的领袖地位以及领导反清武装起义等方面都作出了不可磨灭的贡献。  相似文献   
二十世纪六十年代,西方文论的研究重心由作品自身转移到了读者,伽达默尔受海德格尔的启发,对审美主体(读者)的作用进行了深入的探讨和阐释。他指出作品必须经过被接受、被参与、被读者再创造,才具有真正的意义,将读者推上了决定性地位。针对赫施等人"保卫作者"的论调,他提出文本的"真意"是流动和无限的。读者对同一文本产生不同的理解缘于其"先行结构"的不同。"读者中心"论的提出真正打开了解释学大门。  相似文献   
目前在传媒界有一种流行的说法,把报社所办网站称为“报纸网络版”,从词面上看,它是以报纸为主体,属于报纸范畴,从这种提法的背景看,它缘于报社办网站初期,传媒界相当一部分人对报纸和报纸网络版关系的模糊认识,即把报纸和“报纸网络版”混为一谈。报纸和“报纸网络版”在属性、特性、功能、表达方式、发行方式、传统方式、读对象、版面设置、受地域限制程度、管理机构等方面都有明显的不同,两属于不同范畴;这种称谓也反映出传媒界对报社所办网站定位认识上的模糊性。将报社所办网站称为“报纸网络版”是不科学的,称为“报纸网站”比较合适。  相似文献   
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what about graphs? Although graphs have the potential to bring data to life, numerous studies show that learners struggle with graphical comprehension. Furthermore, many textbook examples on graphs are boring and appear meaningless to students. Students want to know more about something which is interesting, meaningful, and worth knowing, in other words, something relevant. With the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in December 2019, COVID‐19 is dominating the news worldwide, and the internet is flooded with visual presentations about the virus. To make statistics more fascinating and exciting, relevant and real‐world data such as these can be used in the classroom to stimulate the learning of important statistical concepts such as graphs. Curcio's three levels of graphical comprehension were used as a framework in this study, while the importance of developing a global view on distributions was also emphasized.  相似文献   
How accurate are teachers’ first impressions and what moderates the degree of first impression accuracy? In previous teacher judgment accuracy research, teachers judged students who were well-acquainted to them, focusing on single traits. Here, we follow the zero-acquaintance paradigm and apply the Social Accuracy Model (SAM; Biesanz, 2010) to examine teachers’ first impressions regarding students’ personality profiles. Three groups of perceivers (student teachers, experienced teachers and psychology students; N = 285) rated students’ (N = 10) academic self-concept, intrinsic motivation and intelligence based on brief videos. SAM analyses revealed that teachers were accurate regarding the average students’ profile of characteristics (normative accuracy), but were not successful at detecting students' unique personality profiles (distinctive accuracy). Moreover, likeable students and those evaluated as more physically attractive were perceived with higher normative accuracy. Personality similarity and teaching experience were unrelated to accuracy. Implications for teacher judgment accuracy research and educational practice are discussed.  相似文献   
申艳艳 《天津教育》2021,(3):107-108
艺术源于生活,又高于生活,我们不是缺乏美,而是缺乏发现美的眼睛。我们可以从生活中寻找艺术的灵感,激发创作的热情。紫藤花由于姿态优美、造型典雅,是众多画家笔下争相表现的题材,在写意花鸟画里颇具代表性。  相似文献   
"双一流"建设是中国不懈追求世界一流大学的接续努力和高级阶段,"211工程"、"985工程"是"双一流"建设的逻辑起点和继承基础。"双一流"建设的创新体现为建立动态调整能上能下机制、设立"双一流"建设专家委员会、采取认定而非申报的遴选方式三个方面。"双一流"建设的继续推进应考虑平衡不同学科入选数量的差距,理清国际学科排名中的学科与中国学科的对应问题,其动态调整最好要有一个缓冲期。相信经过几个周期的"双一流"建设,中国一定会出现一批世界一流大学和众多的世界一流学科,使中国成为屹立于世界的高等教育强国。  相似文献   
在“双一流”建设的大背景下,以提高教学质量,培养地方应用型高级专业人才为出发点,以成果或产出导向(OBE)教育理念为指导,针对计算机类专业操作系统课程进行教学改革。通过精心组织课程教学内容,采用线上线下混合教学模式,实施科学课程评价,并将课程思政教育融入专业教学全过程,以此构建地方高校操作系统一流课程。教学实践证明,学生学习效果稳步提升,教学质量进一步提高。  相似文献   
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