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This study seeks to examine the influence of the cultural elements on international students’ country choice. It also examines whether individual values moderate the influence of cultural elements on the country choice of international students. Drawing upon a sample size of 223, the data was analysed using structural equation modelling technique. Among the five cultural elements, education, language and social institutions were found to have a positive significant influence on the international student’s country choice. When moderated by individual values education was found to be the only key significant value to international students when selecting a country to further their education. The cultural elements should be given much attention by marketers, government and managers of academic institutions. An improvement in the standards of education in developing countries would attract more students from developed countries.  相似文献   

This study examined international students’ interests in public issues in the U.S. and motivational factors behind their discourse or avoidance of such issues. In-depth interviews with international students revealed that they discuss certain public issues in the U.S. to gain or exchange information and knowledge, because these issues are relevant to themselves and others, or due to the misconceptions that others have about their country. Moreover, international students tend to avoid certain public issues because of the level of their knowledge and lack of interest in such issues and in order to avoid dissonance caused by the public issues.  相似文献   
The paper offers new, significant insights into the Church engagement experiences of Chinese international students in the UK. Based on a mixed-method research and focusing on a group of international Chinese students participating in local Christian churches, it explores the motivations (for), dynamics and types of connections students establish and maintain with the church communities, and the implications for stakeholders in facilitating intercultural engagement with the local community. The limited cross-cultural interactions alongside other structural and contextual factors often deprive meaningful engagement between international students and host nationals within the campus. According to the research participants, internationalised university is promising and promoting intercultural experiences but not delivering them. Chinese students of usually non-Christian background gravitate towards Christian churches as alternative places to gain desired intercultural experiences. The findings encourage universities to reflect on the quality of intercultural engagement for international students and draw from the reciprocal and respectful intercultural connections that some students discovered through engaging with Christian churches.  相似文献   
城市形象是城市竞争力的重要组成部分。依托全球媒体有关广州的报道,对广州城市形象的全球媒体影响力开展实证分析,并从强化政府主导、畅通参与渠道;融入国家战略、提升传播层级;推进科技创新、塑造崭新形象;发展数字产业、夯实传播基础;布局未来传播、增强舆论引导等方面构建提出了增强广州城市形象全球传播能力的对策建议。  相似文献   
习近平主席提出"一带一路"的理念和经济发展战略规划,标志着我国经济发展以及外交事务进入了一个新的历史阶段,但从经济发展的角度看,这个理念把过去经济发展,特别是国家经济联系的点对点的模式拓展成为一个多方合作共赢的立体网状空间,这为新时期经济发展模式拓展了空间和思路。运动休闲产业作为中国的新型产业,过去对西方国家的依赖太重,这个并不受西方技术壁垒的产业之所以难称民族产业,原因在于西方产品与理念在我国市场上占据了先入为主的优势,"一带一路"建设为我国运动休闲产业的发展或者说起飞提供良好的契机,构建"一带一路"运动休闲产业经济带是我国运动休闲产业全面发展的重要基础。  相似文献   
运用双框架模型对中美竞技体育国际竞争力进行比较研究。认为:①从显现性框架分析,美国竞技体育国际竞争力一直稳定处于高位,而中国则呈现以2008年为峰顶的倒“U”型发展特征,且与美国还存在一定差距;②从解释性框架分析,美国竞技体育国际竞争力已趋于顶峰,而中国稳步提升;③中国竞技体育发展潜力巨大,但短时间内难以赶超美国;④“举国体制”有利于中国竞技体育显现性竞争力的提升,但与美国社会办竞技体育的发展模式相比,市场、社会在竞技体育发展中的作用发挥不足,不利于高经济性项目、高欣赏性项目的发展;⑤坚持“举国体制”、承办2022年冬奥会有利于中国竞技体育显现性竞争力的提升和冬季项目的发展,但同样存在竞技体育项目布局转型的困难和群众体育基础薄弱的困境。  相似文献   
借鉴ACSI顾客满意度测评指数模型,结合中国群众性马拉松赛事的特点,运用探索性因子分析法建立中国马拉松赛事参赛者满意度测评指标体系,基于此,构建中国马拉松赛事参赛者满意度测评指数模型。研究发现:中国马拉松赛事参赛者满意度测评指数模型的指标包括参赛者期望、硬服务质量感知、软服务质量感知、感知价值、参赛者满意度、参赛者抱怨、参赛者忠诚度7个因素。就各个自变量对中国马拉松赛事参赛者满意度的影响路径来看,参赛者对服务的预期通过对软服务质量感知、硬服务质量感知间接正向影响中国马拉松赛事参赛者满意度;参赛者的服务质量感知既直接又间接地正向影响参赛者的满意度,参赛者的软服务质量感知通过硬服务质量感知和感知价值间接正向影响参赛者的满意度,参赛者的硬服务质量感知通过感知价值间接正向影响参赛者的满意度。就各个自变量对中国马拉松赛事参赛者满意度的影响程度而言,参赛者的软服务质量感知对其满意度影响最大,其次依次为硬服务质量感知、服务期望和感知价值。  相似文献   
为使船舶在多船避让环境下适应航行环境的变化并自动复航,提出基于动态分阶势场法的船舶自动避碰系统。该系统基于动态势场避障规划算法,利用模糊综合评价法量化船舶碰撞危险度;依据《国际海上避碰规则》确定本船在不同会遇局面下的避让行动,并据此对斥力势函数进行调整。该系统将本船的避碰过程划分为航迹保持、避让和复航3个阶段,根据不同阶段的要求构建动态分阶势场;利用动态分阶势场法对船舶的航行环境进行建模,进而生成恰当的航向指令;利用自动舵产生舵角指令控制船舶完成避让、复航和航迹保持。仿真结果表明:该自动避碰系统可以引导船舶完成既定的避让行动,并能使船舶在安全会遇距离上驶过;该系统可以适应航行环境的变化,且具备航迹保持能力。  相似文献   
为增强上海国际航运中心建设支持政策的有效性,基于2009—2018年间国家及地方政府层面颁布的19个涉及上海国际航运中心建设的政策文本,应用文本挖掘方式提取评价指标,构建PMC指数模型对政策进行量化评价。分别选取3项针对性政策和3项辅助性政策作为评价对象进行实证分析,结果表明:针对性政策的PMC指数总得分高于辅助性政策的PMC指数总得分,且随着上海国际航运中心建设的不断推进,其引导作用不断加强;辅助性政策虽然只考虑到上海国际航运中心的部分建设需求,但在保障激励等方面给予了高度重视。  相似文献   
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