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在高考制度深化改革的背景下,高中阶段的学科教学越来越注重学生身体素质的培养,体育成为高考必考的一门科目。为了强化高中生的锻炼身体意识,使其拥有健康的心态和强健的体魄,高中体育课堂上出现了越来越多的运动项目与教学内容,如立定三级跳远等,有利于丰富课堂内容,锻炼学生的各种运动能力。本文针对高中立定三级跳远教学与训练策略展开分析。  相似文献   
立定跳远,在小学三年级的体育教材中被列为学习跳跃的主要教学内容,为了提高了教学的效率和质量,教师经过多次教学改革实践,从传统的"挤牙膏式"的教学,再到套入情境的教学,最后运用翻转课堂教学模式进行教学,一步步地实践并对比和反思,发现运用"翻转课堂教学模式"的立定跳远课不但有趣还有效,教学效果得到明显提高。  相似文献   
Surface engineering of synthetic carriers is an essential and important strategy for drug delivery in vivo. However, exogenous properties make synthetic nanosystems invaders that easily trigger the passive immune clearance mechanism, increasing the retention effect caused by the reticuloendothelial systems and bioadhesion, finally leading to low therapeutic efficacy and toxic effects. Recently, a cell membrane cloaking technique has been reported as a novel interfacing approach from the biological/immunological perspective, and has proved useful for improving the performance of synthetic nanocarriers in vivo. After cell membrane cloaking, nanoparticles not only acquire the physiochemical properties of natural cell membranes but also inherit unique biological functions due to the presence of membrane-anchored proteins, antigens, and immunological moieties. The derived biological properties and functions, such as immunosuppressive capability, long circulation time, and targeted recognition integrated in synthetic nanosystems, have enhanced their potential in biomedicine in the future. Here, we review the cell membrane-covered nanosystems, highlight their novelty, introduce relevant biomedical applications, and describe the future prospects for the use of this novel biomimetic system constructed from a combination of cell membranes and synthetic nanomaterials.  相似文献   
激活民间投资,大力发展民营经济,是青海省“十五”及今后推进和实现民营经济跨越式发展的一条重要途径。本文就目前青海省民间投资发展现状及问题与发展对策作以分析,仅供参考。  相似文献   
“互联网+”技术的快速发展和广泛应用,要求党员教育培训模式实现迭代升级、与时俱进,这既是巨大的挑战又孕育着难得的创新党员教育培训模式的机遇。受新冠肺炎疫情影响,杭州市直机关党员教育培训工作乘势转变理念、手段和方式,在改进传统的线下集中教育培训模式的同时,引入在线直播技术,实现了机关党员教育培训线下集中教育培训模式与“线上直播+党员教育培训”模式的有机衔接、优势互补、立体推进,有效地提高了机关党员教育培训效率与效果。打造以“互联网+”为内涵的“线上直播+党员教育培训”模式金名牌,需要以5G通信、云计算、大数据技术为支撑,不断开拓线上直播教学新形态,精准配套采取对策举措。  相似文献   
随着互联网和跨境电商直播的发展,催生了电商直播的新业态,直播带货是当前备受瞩目的营销模式。随着2020年新冠疫情的爆发,跨境电商直播也得到快速发展,各大跨境电商平台逐渐推出直播功能,跨境电商直播人才需求与日剧增。文章在分析跨境电商直播发展现状、市场人才需求情况的基础上,重点对跨境电商直播人才应具备的特点、培养策略等方面进行探析,研究新形势下跨境电商直播人才培养路径,旨在提升跨境电商直播人才培养的综合能力,推动跨境电商直播行业的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   
本文对在大学体育教育工作中终身体育教育的现状进行了分析,并从如何加强大学体育教育--终身体育教育的对策做了论述,供同行们参考.  相似文献   
军队现代远程教育是一个全新的教学模式,具有传播快捷、不受时空和人数限制;交互能力强、教学效率高等显著特点。积极探索和构建具有我军特色、可持续发展的现代远程教育体系,是满足军队各类人员不断更新知识与能力结构,培养大批高素质新型军事人才,确保我军实现跨越式发展的战略举措。  相似文献   
本文力图揭示介入早期中国古代长篇小说创作的作家的心理机制。这些作家具有鲜明的“予史”人格,作为小说创作主体的人格反而缺失,导致了当时小说家的缺位。在书商、市场和读者的影响下作家的精神在特定时空中暂时的“下野”,以及因惊“奇”而出现的眩惑,都一定程度改变了自己的现实人格,逐渐与文体要求达成一致。在创作过程中,面对的特定题材,使作家的自觉意志再次改变,最终完成小说家人格的嬗变。早期中国古代长篇小说的创作。是作家的一场眩惑中的七采梦。这些小说中最有意义的部分,往往也因作家的眩惑而生成。  相似文献   
Background: Demonstration is a widely used method in sports teaching and coaching, based on the assumption that it is more beneficial than verbal instructions or trial-and-error methods for skill acquisition. Although in teaching/coaching situations, the demonstration is usually carried out in front of the learners, in a research context, it is most often presented via a video. However, a direct comparison between these two types of model has rarely been undertaken in a motor context.

Purpose: In this study, we aimed to compare the effectiveness of the observation of a live and a videomodel for the early acquisition of a complex judo movement.

Research Design: Participants observed either a live or a videomodel executing the task. After observation, they practised for three minutes taking five trials and then performed it for analysis. This procedure was repeated three times. The form and technique of each participant's execution were evaluated using a technical score.

Main results: The results indicated a significant improvement in the task execution by the end of the practice session. However, this improvement occurred only for the video-model group between the second and third blocks of practice.

Conclusions: The video demonstration seems more effective than the live one for the early acquisition of a completely new complex coordination. This may be due to the simplification of the visual information in the former condition because of its two-dimensionality. This simplification may allow the observer to identify the more key elements that would guide him/her for the subsequent performance of the task.  相似文献   
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