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以社区为驱动力实现全民健康的研究是一条社区推动全面小康之路,最终目的是解决国民健康面临的现实困境,促进健康中国战略的实施。文章通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,从社区对全民健康计划实施的意义着手,较为全面、系统的分析了社区在全民健康目标实现过程中的作用、价值及内在联系,并提出:以卫生服务管理为突破口,构建新型卫生健康管理服务模式;以社区为单位,提升国民健康素养水平;以环境治理为基点,优化社区环境质量;以国家战略为引领,发展社区健康产业等路径,助推全民健康目标的实现进度。  相似文献   
The biomechanical profile of high-level endurance runners may represent a useful model that could be used for developing training programmes designed to improve running style. This study, therefore, sought to compare the biomechanical characteristics of high-performance and recreational runners. Kinematic and kinetic measurements were taken during overground running from a cohort of 14 high-performance (8 male) and 14 recreational (8 male) runners, at four speeds ranging from 3.3 to 5.6?m?s?1. Two-way ANOVA analysis was then used to explore group and speed effects and principal component analysis used to explore the interdependence of the tested variables. The data showed the high-performance runners to have a gait style characterised by an increased vertical velocity of the centre of mass and a flight time that was 11% longer than the recreational group. The high-performance group were also observed to adopt a forefoot strike pattern, to contact the ground with their foot closer to their body and to have a larger ankle moment. Importantly, although observed group differences were mostly independent of speed, the tested variables showed a high degree of interdependence suggesting an underlying unitary phenomenon. This is the first study to compare high-performance and recreational runners across a full range of kinematic and kinetic variables. The results suggest that high-performance runners maintain stride length with a prolonged aerial phase, rather than by landing with a more extended knee. These findings motivate future intervention studies that should investigate whether recreational runners could benefit from instruction to decrease shank inclination at foot contact.  相似文献   
本文以户外健身走运动为研究对象,运用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等方法,以全民健身为背景研究健身走运动的起源、发展、特征、价值、意义、注意事项以及发展存在的困境,进而对我国健身走运动的发展前景进行展望,为参与者提供科学锻炼的理论依据。  相似文献   
摘要:群众体育是我国体育事业的重要组成部分,经多年发展,逐步形成了“政府主导、部门协同、全社会共同参与”的发展模式。随着市场经济改革进一步深化,我国社会主要矛盾转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾,现有群众体育发展模式已无法满足人民对健康生活的追求,迫切需要在国家治理体系层面上对其进行改革完善。通过文献资料分析法,对群众体育发展模式的结构进行剖析,对未能明确的主要问题进行梳理,发现现有模式存在主体不明、承担者模糊、发展方式单一,体育社会组织参与不够等问题。由此,提出群众体育发展模式的新思路及结构模型,明确政府、社会组织、市场在群众体育发展模式当中各自的作用、发展主体及性质。群众体育“政府引导、社会参与、公民主体、市场推动”的发展新模式将成为新时代体育事业发展的源动力。暨人民中心和公民主体地位充分体现,政府引导方式和责权范围明晰,体育社会组织参与主办承办者身份明确,社会自我组织有效管理,市场参与度高,体育服务供给丰富。以期对我国群众体育的长效发展提供建议及切实有效的发展路径,深入落实全民健身战略,提高人民健康水平。  相似文献   

This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to determine differences in body compositionn between playing standard and age in male rugby union and rugby league athletes. The MOOSE (Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) guidelines for design, implementation, and reporting were followed. Studies were required to be in male rugby union or league and have body composition as the primary or secondary outcome. Data was required to be presented separately for positional groups and body composition presented as whole-body. A systematic search was performed in PubMed, Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, and CINHAHL via EBSCOhost. 57 studies were included for meta-analysis. Results highlighted significantly higher fat-free mass in senior elite than senior sub-elite or junior elite athletes for all RU and RL forwards. Small and non-significant differences were found in fat mass between rugby union playing standards and age categories. Rugby league senior elite forwards had less fat mass than junior elite forwards. Practitioners should prioritise training and nutritional strategies that maximise fat-free mass development, especially in junior elite cohorts.  相似文献   
本文针对学生在《化工原理》学习中对绝热饱和温度概念的错误理解,通过对热质同时传递过程的分析、讨论,阐述了稳定状态和瞬时饱和状态的区别及绝热增湿过程的特点,并给出绝热饱和温度的合理定义。  相似文献   
对几个不同冷季型草坪草品种苗期形态指标和生理指标观察和比较.结果表明:在表观特征上,黑麦草"绅士"、高羊茅"自豪"、和"千年盛世"等三种冷季型草坪草品种表现较好,具有良好的观赏价值;在生理指标上,草地早熟禾的脯氨酸含量、可溶性糖含量、丙二醛含量和根系活力都比其它几个品种高,但其外观品质和观赏价值最差.综合质量评价表明:"自豪"的综合效果最好,生长前期最适宜于本地区生长.  相似文献   
占全国人口十分之一的青少年语用群体是受媒体语言影响较大的一个群体。本文从媒体语言对该群体语言学习及语言教育的促进和负面影响两个方面探讨了目前语言教育中的一些问题,提出语言学习和教育中需要关注的新思路,以求能够探求符合新时期语言学习和教育的指导性策略。  相似文献   
针对以溴化锂水溶液为工质的水平管吸收器,考虑管底部液滴形成和管间下落过程,建立了描述管间滴状形成和下落吸收过程传热传质耦合数学模型。根据数值计算结果,分析了溶液温度、浓度和吸收速率沿管排不同位置和水平管管间的变化,分析了管间距对吸收器整体传热传质性能的影响。结果表明,滴状吸收过程约占总吸收量的30%。与实验数据的对比说明提出的数学模型是合理的。  相似文献   
众创空间作为开放式创新生态系统,具有多主体、多要素、多功能的特点,需要依托行之有效的评价指标体系推动技术创新培育、监督规范管理行为、优化众创空间效率,为产学研深度融合提供有力支撑。目前,以战略生态位管理理论为核心的众创空间管理评价体系仍有待完善,特别是在众创空间的具体功能定位差异、成员准入规则设计、创业要素互构作用、评价指标建模细节等均缺乏实证探析。结合技术创新发展的自身特点,立足调研数据,通过对众创空间主体、客体及环境等要素的梳理,着重挑选与分析和众创空间功能发挥息息相关的预期、网络、学习、市场培育与市场保护因素,运用德尔菲法确定各项指标权重,应用多层次模糊综合评定法阶梯式递进评价,构建完善"投入-产出"三形态两阶段模型,并以广东省众创空间为实例检验评价效果。结论证明,通过加强创业前景规划、规范空间运行、优化革新技术服务、优化市场孵化服务、增强创业市场产出,可有效提升众创空间的实际运行效能。  相似文献   
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