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According to the goal orientation model, students’ achievement goals and beliefs are interrelated. Within this framework, research and theory have so far assumed that achievement goals are associated with students’ beliefs of causes of success, the latter representing students’ subjective beliefs about the factors contributing to success at school. So far, this line of research has been restricted to a few cross-sectional studies. We examined the temporal relations between achievement goals (mastery, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals) and students’ beliefs of causes of success, the latter operationalized by asking the students to rate the subjective importance of diligence, effort, and ability for school success. Achievement goals and beliefs of causes of success were measured twice with a time lag of one school year with a sample of N = 2044 German secondary school students. Cross-lagged panel models were estimated to examine the temporal relations between achievement goals and beliefs of causes of success while controlling for students’ secondary school track, socio-economic status, and Grade Point Average. Former mastery goals were found to be positively related to later importance ratings of diligence for school success; former performance-approach goals were found to be positively related to later importance ratings of ability. Boys and girls were found to display similar relations among constructs but they showed differential mean levels on both the achievement goal constructs and the beliefs of causes of success. Implications for research on achievement goals and practice using intervention approaches are discussed.  相似文献   
Magnetic-inertial measurement units (MIMUs) are becoming more prevalent in sports biomechanics and may be a viable tool to evaluate kinematic parameters. This study examined the accuracy of a MIMU to estimate orientation angles under static conditions and dynamically from a squash racket during a forehand drive shot. A MIMU was mounted onto a goniometer and moved through 0–90°, with static data collected at 10° increments during 10 repetitions of all three axes. Typical error analyses showed the MIMU to be very reliable (TE ≤ 0.03°). MIMU accuracy was determined via intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) (r > 0.999, p < 0.001). An ordinary least products regression showed no proportional bias and minimal fixed bias for all axes. Dynamic accuracy was assessed by comparing MIMU and optical motion capture data of squash racket swing kinematics. A MIMU was fixed onto a racket and 10 participants each hit 10 forehand shots. Mean orientation angle error at ball impact was <0.50° and ICC showed very high correlations (r ≥ 0.988, p < 0.001) for all orientations. Swing phase root mean squared errors were ≤2.20°. These results indicate that a MIMU could be used to accurately and reliably estimate selected racket swing kinematics.  相似文献   
Participants from the Netherlands (n = 52), China (n = 50), and South Africa (n = 166) either read a self-targeted or a family-targeted fear appeal message about chlamydia. Seven aspects of individual cultural orientation were measured, and six effects of the different messages. Interactions between nationality and target of threat were found on perceived severity, perceived susceptibility, and danger control. Only for perceived susceptibility, a difference in cultural orientation partly explained this interaction. The outcomes add to the doubts about claims in earlier literature about the relevance of receivers’ nationality and cultural orientation for developing a fear appeal message.  相似文献   
分析了体育人类学学科发展及其特点,探讨了该学科的薄弱之处,通过学科在国际上发展的大趋势,针对我国情况具体问题具体分析,对体育人类学在体育学科体系中的定位进行思考。研究认为,体育人类学具有综合性、跨学科和反思性研究的学科特色,当前中国体育人类学应进一步明确学科发展的理论基础,理顺与体育人文社会学、民族传统体育学等相关学科的关系,构建学科方法体系,加强课程建设与改革,着眼于学以致用的应用趋向,为体育学在社会实践的融合应用中做出自己独特的贡献。  相似文献   
女性作家群体的崛起是河南文坛的新现象。以邵丽、乔叶为代表的女性作家最初大胆书写女性情感经验,接受后现代主义观念,质疑由男性作家主导的本质化宏大叙事,为河南文学提供了新的面相,冲击了当代文学中以表现乡土苦难、批判乡村权力见长的"中原经验"。女性作家的创作在走向成熟的过程中,逐渐摆脱了单向度的女性意识表达,对社会历史的复杂性有了深入的体认,开始直面城镇化转型中的中原大地现实,创作出了社会关怀强烈、生活观照深入、情感指向博大的作品,较好地丰富了当代文学中的"中原经验"。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 大数据政策是大数据应用和发展的推动力量,其价值取向分析可以为我国政府大数据政策的制定、执行和评估提供借鉴,为大数据政策未来的发展方向提供依据。[方法/过程] 收集国务院及其各部门门户网站发布的政务大数据政策文本共计58份,运用主题分析方法对政策文本中表达政务大数据价值取向的主题进行编码分析,编码过程以NVivo12软件为辅助工具。[结果/结论] 通过主题分析,构建大数据政策价值取向总体框架,框架总结政治、经济、社会、生态与科技5个维度的价值取向,并探讨各维度及其具体价值取向间的交互关系。  相似文献   
考虑到生鲜品的易腐性、高时效性和对运输环境要求高的特点,为减少生鲜品配送企业的配送成本,提高客户满意度,在车辆载重、时间窗、生鲜品保质期等约束条件下,提出将配送总成本最小化和生鲜品新鲜度最大化的多目标车辆路径优化模型。利用改进的非支配排序遗传算法(non-dominated sorting genetic algorithmⅡ,NSGAⅡ)对模型进行求解。求出满足配送总成本最小和生鲜品新鲜度最大的相对较优解,证明模型的有效性。该模型在大规模配送和客户地理位置分布较为分散的情况下,对生鲜品新鲜度的优化较为明显。  相似文献   
为充分发掘分布在不同位置上的雾节点的计算资源,任务卸载被寄予众望。在雾计算场景下,以尽可能减少任务卸载的长期成本为目标,试图寻找一个高效的在线任务卸载方法。为此,这一问题被建模成一个随机规划问题,该问题中系统参数所对应的随机变量的期望会在未知时刻突变,系统参数相关信息只能在任务完成后的反馈中获得。基于非稳态多臂老虎机模型,提出一个高效的算法来解决这一具有挑战性的随机优化问题,给出理论分析证明该算法的渐进最优性。数值实验证明了该算法的优越性。  相似文献   
中国儒家“五常”思想承载了丰富的创新创业品质。高校创新创业教育应从儒家“五常”思想中汲取精髓,深入挖掘其中有助于培育大学生创新创业教育的思想资源,积极将儒家“五常”思想融入大学生创新创业精神培育的全过程。儒家“五常”思想与大学生创新创业精神培育在修身立业、财富积累、人际交往、终身学习、信誉至上等观念的培养上具有高度的契合性。儒家“五常”思想融入大学生创新创业教育,需要在观念、思想和文化上与时俱进,实现“三个转变”,设置切实可行的实践路径。  相似文献   
为降低冷链物流成本,研究多温共配模式下生鲜农产品冷链配送问题。采用多温区冷藏车,构建考虑运输成本、货损成本、制冷成本的路径优化模型,利用遗传算法对算例进行求解,借助ArcGIS规划最短路径。算例结果显示,与传统配送模式相比,多温共配模式可减少2辆冷藏车的调度,总成本降低34. 1%,实际运输距离缩短54. 1%。多温共配模式可有效解决生鲜农产品配送小批量、多品种、高成本的问题。  相似文献   
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