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本主要讲述了网页(站)制作的相关知识,以及图书馆进行网页制作的粗浅过程.  相似文献   
The University of Helsinki established a Teachers’ Academy to reward excellence in teaching. This study focuses on teachers’ significant networks and their meaningful conversations about teaching and learning before the establishment of the Teachers’ Academy. The research data consisted of answers to open-ended questions, and were examined using social network analysis. The teachers’ network consisted of significant relations with (1) colleagues and other teachers, (2) peers in pedagogical courses and pedagogical experts, (3) students, and (4) family members and friends. The conversations with different parties varied in nature, content and the level of confidentiality.  相似文献   
跨国劳动力流动大量增加,反映在国际私法立法方面,就是劳动合同法律适用规则的创设和完善。当事人意思自治原则与最密切联系原则是确定劳动合同准据法的最主要方法。但是,随着国家对经济生活干预的不断加强以及弱者利益保护原则日益得到重视,强制性规则对劳动合同法律适用的影响显著增强。劳动合同法律适用规则呈现出复杂化、精细化、体系化等多种发展趋势。我国《法律适用法》有关劳动合同法律适用的规定,虽然体现了多数国家的一些普遍做法,也有利于提高审判效率,但它排除了当事人意思自治原则的适用,对最密切联系原则的贯彻也不彻底,导致过多地适用本国法,值得反思。  相似文献   
针对区域居民生活用电用水量问题,以阶梯电价的设置标准为切入点,对A、B地区季度用电用水量数据进行统计分组、加权平均、数据拟合等处理,运用对比分析法、回归分析法、单因素分析法等分别构建了区域用电量水平模型、区域阶梯电价实行标准模型及用电用水量关系模型。运用Matlab、Eviews等软件得出了节水设备的经济效益与社会效益的判别标准。最后,将模型结果与实际结果相结合,强调了实行阶梯电价和采用节能设备的重要意义。  相似文献   
“把”是数词,也是系数词,具有粘着性。在数词内部可激发位数词进行核心移位,推导出“位数词+把”格式;在数词内部如果没有位数词满足其融合要求,就会激发量词进行核心移位,推导出“量词+把”格式。“把”的粘着现象表明数词是扩展量词的句法核心。  相似文献   
As elite youth sport becomes more organized and professionalized, the role of the family is increasingly acknowledged as being significant in the development of young talent. High-profile examples across a range of professional sports, both positive and negative, have drawn attention toward this important stakeholder. Accordingly, this review first examines the key issues in relation to family involvement in talent development in relation to what is perceived as good and bad practice on behalf of the family. Next the key theoretical underpinning is considered, Family Systems Theory, and how it may be integrated within elite youth sport. Finally, the article concludes with a summary of where the current literature leaves us and where we can progress from here. Two possible inputs are suggested that could benefit the effectiveness of family involvement: a focus on the family holistically and a second on the role different family members can play.  相似文献   
Previous work has identified time spent in nature as a child as a precursor to active care for the natural world (i.e. environmental commitment), but a paucity of data exists on what happens to environmentally committed people’s relationship to nature over time, including the time spent in nature and the quality of that experience. In addition, previous work has not more finely categorized these nature experiences, with the exception of natural history-oriented professionals. I address these gaps by conducting in-depth interviews with 12 faculty in the environment at Duke University regarding relationships with nature throughout their life. The interviews reveal that the amount of time spent in nature, and the quality of that experience, changed for this cohort over time. Moreover, these interviews revealed nuanced aspects of relationships with nature that changed with life stage, complementing that work which was conducted on natural history-oriented professionals. This work suggests that more research is needed on the changing relationship with nature among adults and environmental educators.  相似文献   
体育仲裁院(CAS)仲裁庭认定俄罗斯著名运动员莎拉波娃的兴奋剂违纪行为并非故意,且不构成重大过错,将她的禁赛期由2年减缩到15个月。但该案的裁决存在若干问题。运动员在没有医药专业背景或专业人士的帮助下自行核对兴奋剂禁用清单存在重大风险。适用于马术案件的“委托理论”对其他体育项目内的兴奋剂案件并不合适,代理人的错误应当由运动员本人承担责任。运动员在兴奋剂检测时故意隐瞒自己的药物使用情况可能构成重大过错的证据之一。由于运动员有义务知悉禁用清单的内容,体育组织未能即时告知禁用清单新修订的情况并不能减轻运动员兴奋剂违纪的过错。违禁物质的代谢时间长可能会对判断运动员的过错程度产生影响。在认定运动员兴奋剂违纪的故意时,以客观主义的解释方法代替主观主义的解释方法,来分析运动员对兴奋剂违纪高风险的认知程度,更有利于打击兴奋剂违纪行为。  相似文献   
摘要:主要运用文献资料法并结合现代冲突法理论对国际体育仲裁院的实体法律适用规则进行分析,旨在对国际体育仲裁院实体法律适用规则的完善提出具体建议。研究表明:国际体育仲裁院为普通仲裁程序和上诉仲裁设置了不同的实体法律适用规则,均接受了意思自治原则,并且排斥了利用冲突规则选法的途径,而是直接选择适用相关实体法,国际体育仲裁院实体法律适用规则有其合理性,但同时也存在赋予仲裁庭较大自由裁量权、最密切联系原则缺失等不足。尊重当事人意思自治,灵活采用最密切联系原则进行法律选择是当今法律选择方法的发展趋势,国际体育仲裁院实体法律适用规则应该注重形式正义与实质正义的统一,强调法律适用的结果,保护弱势群体利益,兼顾商事性和体育专业性。国际体育仲裁院应该将最密切联系原则纳入其实体法律选择规范中,限制仲裁庭的自由裁量权。  相似文献   
视整个语言教学为一个系统,包括母语教学和英语教学两个分系统,每种语言教学系统又都包括听、说、读、写四个部分。为提高听力教学的效能,对系统要素听、说、读、写以及英语和语文的相关性进行定性和定量的分析,得出结论:听说、听读、听写、英语和语文存在正相关。提出改革建议:坚持听说、听读、听写结合训练,促进英语和语文的正迁移,避免负迁移。  相似文献   
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