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封乔周 《贵州教育》2011,(19):7-8,12
心态就是人的心理状态。良好的心态能促进教师专业成长,良好的专业素养能促进教师心态年轻化。良好的心态能使我们积极向上、感受人生的美好;良好的心态有助于我们的专业成长;良好的心态能让我们与人和谐相处。有什么样的心态,就会有什么样的未来。  相似文献   
Many teachers want to be a happy teacher.But how can we? Here are some ideas to share with you. First,do our work well.I think if we want to be a happy teacher,we should work hard.We should love our work and do our work well.Here is a story.There was a student,who,even though he was in Senior Three,still wet the bed.Nobody knew his secret,because every morning after he got up,he covered the wet sheet with the quilt.This secret was finally discovered by Mr.Wang,his Chinese teacher.However,Mr.Wang didn't tell anyone about the situation.What he did was,every day after the student went tO class,he would take the wet sheet off the boy's bed and hang it in the sun to dry.Possibly the boy who wet the bed knew what was going on but no one else knew.Nobody knew how long Mr.Wang continued to dry the boy's bed sheet.In a word,Mr Wang continued to dry the boy's sheet for however long the boy continued to wet his bed.  相似文献   
如今,很多农村英语教师感到英语难教。究其原因,不是他们的英语水平不高,而是不愿意开口说英语。要提高农村英语教师口语能力,关键是要使他们开口说英语。2011年10月,我到北京大学参加TIP(顶端、尖端)全封闭英语口语培训,感悟颇深,下面结合TIP一些教学理念和自己的一些思考,谈谈农村英语教师口语突破策略。  相似文献   
记得有一次,一群朋友在一起谈及我时,说我有智慧,意思是夸我当教师很合格。听到这样的评价,当时我真的很开心,也很自豪。有的教师工作很认真,教得很辛苦,学生也学得也辛苦;而有的教师教得很轻松,学生学得也轻松愉快。二者的教学效果是不言而喻的。教学需要智慧,做教师就要做一个智慧型的教师。  相似文献   
封乔周 《贵州教育》2013,(13):36-37
前不久,六盘水市教研室送课到盘县淤泥乡,其中初中英语课是六盘水师院的两个外教执教,他们互相配合,全英语教学。说也奇怪,平时老师用英语上课,同学们基本听不懂。可这次,很多同学都能按照外教的要求完成任务。县教育局的陈老师也观摩了这节课,她不是学英语的,也不是英语教师,基本不懂英语,但却能按照外教的指令和学生一起完成任务。这是为什么呢?我们来看看这两位外教是怎么上的。  相似文献   
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