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下面的文字在莎士比亚的戏剧对白中是绝对找不到的。罗密欧与朱丽叶的这段搞笑对话是我们献给读者的一个“莎剧现代版”,它能让你学会如何用英语表达迟到的借口,好好儿学着吧!  相似文献   
Arm walk arm in arm:to walk with each other's arminterlocked. 手挽手地走The pupils always walk arm in arm across the streetafter school. 小学生们放学后总是手挽手儿过街道。cost an arm and a leg:花大价钱的;极其昂贵的——想想看,某样东西价值一只胳膊一条腿,够贵了吧! The apartment cost him an arm and a leg. 买这套房子他可花了血本。Bone feel in one's bone(that):确信;确有把握——不是一般的相信,而是连骨头眼儿都这么认为。She felt in her bone that China must win the bid for applying for 2008 Olympic Games; sure enough, China won.  相似文献   
献给已婚者和不愿结婚者: 1.结婚就像和朋友上馆子,点菜时点你所爱的,上菜后却总希望点的是朋友的那份。2.鸡尾酒会上,一个女人问另一个:“你的结婚戒指是不是戴错了手指了?”回答是:“是的,那是因为嫁错了人。”  相似文献   
Are You Clever?     
If you can answer every question right, you are obviously a genius. But any mortal with the normal complement of brains should get between 5 and 6 right out of the 10.  相似文献   
About the Authoress: Emily Bronte (1818-1848)was the 5th child of the Reverend Patrick Bronte, a stern Evangelical curate, in Thornton, Yorkshire. When Emily was three, her mother died of cancer, and her Aunt Branwell, a strict Calvinist, moved in to help rasie the six children. They lived in a parsonage in Haworth with the bleak moors of Yorkshire on one side and the parish graveyard on the other. When Emily was 6, she went to a  相似文献   
About the Authoress:Jane Austen was born at Steventon,Hampshire,in 1775,the daughter of a clergyman. At the age of nine she was sent to school with her elder sister Cassandra,who was her lifelong friend and confida-nte,but largely taught by her fath-er.She began to write for recreation while still in her teens.In 1801 the family moved to Bath,the scene of so many episode in her books and,after the death of her father in 1805,to Southampton and then to the village of Chawton,near Alton in Hampshire.Here she lived uneventfully until May 1817,when the family moved to Winchester seeking skilled medical attention for her ill health,but she died two months later.She is buried in Winchester Cathedral.  相似文献   
About the Author:Thomas Hardy(1840-1928),son of a mason,was bom near Dorchester.At 16,he was apprenticed to a local architect.Six years later he went London to work for a famous architect.During his spare time,he studied widely:language,literature,history,philosophy and art,and he won two prizes for essays on architectural subjects.But architecture was never his desired profession.Soon he turned to literary creation.In 1871,his first novel "Desperate Remedies" was published and well received.His "Under the Greenwood Tree"(1872) and "A Pair of Blue Eyes"(1873) are the most interesting idyllic love stories.He became noted when he published "Far from the Madding Crowd"(1874)."The  相似文献   
Easter is a time of springtime festivals. In Christian countries Easter is celebrated as the religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. But the celebrations of Easter have many customs and legends that are pagan in origin and have nothing to do with Christianity.  相似文献   
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