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立足于我院高职通信班,研究高职数据库教学改革的内容方法。通过实践教学,对高职数据库教学从教学内容、教学方法、教学理念、教学评价等方面进行了研究与实践。  相似文献   
Curvatures estimation on triangular mesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Curvatures are important geometric attributes of surfaces. There are many applications that require as a first step the accurate estimation of curvatures at arbitrary vertices on a triangulated surface. Chen and Schmitt (1992) and Taubin (1995) presented two simple methods to estimate principal curvatures. They used circular arcs to approximate the normal curvature. We find this may cause large error in some cases. In this paper, we describe a more accurate method to estimate the normal curvature, and present a novel algorithm to estimate principal curvatures by simplifying the Chen and Schmitt's method. Some comparison results are also shown in this paper.  相似文献   
通过对少数民族传统体育编目与整理的意义进行研究,发现少数民族传统体育项目的编目与整理,不仅可以方便读者检索、利用,保护我国民族传统体育项目及其文化,而且有着团结少数民族学生、加强了传统文化传播、丰富了学校教学资源、加深了民族传统体育人本位建设的重要教育价值.这些为今后的民族传统体育教学乃至学校体育教学提供一个更加科学,更加合理的指导.  相似文献   
文章采用文献资料、数据分析等方法,对我国学校体育教学中的中国式摔跤这一运动项目进行研究。结果发现:中国摔跤在我国学校体育教学中是以竞技传承的方式为主,开设该项目的院校具有局限性。中国式摔跤在学校的开展能提升现在学生的身体素质与心理素质,并且丰富学校体育教学内容。最后提出培养能胜任中国式摔跤教学的教师与加快学校体育意外伤害事故责任认定的立法是中国式摔跤在学校体育推广的必要条件。  相似文献   
运用文献资料、实证研究等方法,以中国式摔跤进入全运会为视角进行研究,发现中国式摔跤规则完善、爱好者众多、赛事成熟等是中国式摔跤进入全运会的优势.摔柔类项目的冲击与缺少专业运动员是中国式摔跤进入全运会的弊端所在.政府部门的支持、培养中国式摔跤市场、使其进入高校体育教学与培养中国式摔跤的专门人才是中国式摔跤能重返全运会的主要条件.  相似文献   
法案公开征求意见是我国立法程序的重要环节,也是我国立法程序中法案的提出与审议阶段的重要内容。法案公开征求意见对于保障公民平等参与立法的权利以及立法的民主性与科学性有重要作用。但是,我国目前法案公开征求意见的有关法律条款和相关工作还存在一些不足之处,本文提出了完善有关法律条款和做好相关工作的措施。  相似文献   
The problem of computing a piecewise linear approximation to a surface from its sample has been a focus of research in geometry modeling and graphics due to its widespread applications in computer aided design. In this paper, we give a new algorithm, to be called offset surface filtering (OSF) algorithm, which computes a piecewise-linear approximation of a smooth surface from a finite set of cloud points. The algorithm has two main stages. First, the surface normal on every point is estimated by the least squares best fitting plane method. Second, we construct a restricted Delaunay triangulation, which is a tubular neighborhood of the surface defined by two offset surfaces. The algorithm is simple and robust. We describe an implementation of it and show example outputs.  相似文献   
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