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1.Both sides exchanged their view s on a wide of topics they wereinterested in atthe m eeting.A .am ount B .collection C .num ber D .range2.Jim s close to his brother m ade people m istake them for one an-other.A .identification B .m em bershipC.probability D .resem blance3.She said she could not allthe inform ation given in the broadcast.A .accum ulate B .absorb C .adm ire D .appoint4.Itw ould be a m istake to this law to situations which are outsidethis range.A .apply B .use C .em ploy…  相似文献   
和很多从乡村来的艺人一样,沃尔夫冈·阿玛德斯·莫扎特急不可耐地逃离家乡,来到五光十色的大城市。他在幼年时曾周游欧洲各国,虽然旅途非常精彩,也被人们称为神童,可他仍然觉得在萨尔斯堡作红衣主教的大提琴师和交响乐指挥悒悒寡欢。他最终还是离开了这份宫廷工作,飞到维也纳直到35岁时穷困潦倒而亡。莫扎特在世时,奥地利人,尤其是萨尔斯堡人对他并不怎么赏识。不过,今天的萨尔斯堡人,至少是那些旅游业界的人已经为他们的前人弥补了一些罪过。他们建立了音乐基金会、博物馆,甚至弄了一种以莫扎特命名的巧克力糖浆,以表示对他们最著名的同乡…  相似文献   
1.The projectis designed to give low-incom e fam ilies a m onthly . A .budget B.finance C.allowance D .discount 2.A n increasing num ber ofpeople do not ofanim altesting. A .confirm B.convince C.appeal D .approve 3.A llthe parts ofthis washing m achine are ,so thatitis very con- venientto replace them . A .norm alized B.m odernized C.m echanized D .standardized 4.A lcohol is a leading cause ofdeath in the world. A .am use B.abuse C.accuse D .refuse 5.She worked for a large after she gra…  相似文献   
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