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1. (2005) Listen to the two girls by the window. What language ?A. did they speak B. were they speakingC. are they speaking D. have they been speaking2. (2005) —Did you tell Julia about the result?—Oh, no, I forgot. I her now.A. will be calling B. will …  相似文献   
根据句子及所给汉语提示, 在横线处填上所缺单词的正确形式(每空只 写一个单词)。 2006 年 66. I>m very hungry—I ____(错过) lunch. 67. Jack took a deep ____(呼吸) and then dived into the water. 68. I>ve got a/an ____(普通的) sort of car, nothing special. 69. I want to thank everyone who has ____(鼓励) and supported me. 70. Jenny spends hours in front of the ____(镜子)! 71. It is ____(稍微) colder today than it was yesterday. 72. The story is written by a/an ____(澳大利亚) engineer. 73. Tom was ___…  相似文献   
1.(NMET2003)—Sorry,Joe.Ididn蒺tmeanto...—Don蒺tcallme“Joe”.I蒺mMrParkertoyou,andyouforgetit.A.doB.didn蒺tC.didD.don蒺t2.(NMET2003)—There蒺scoffeeandtea;youcanhave.—Thanks.A.eitherB.eachC.oneD.it3.(NMET2003)—Susan,goandjoinyoursistercleaningtheyard.—Why?Johnissittingtheredoingnothing.A.himB.heC.ID.me4.(NMET2003)—IthinkyoushouldphoneJennyandsaysorrytoher.—.Itwasherfault.A.NowayB.NotpossibleC.NochanceD.Notatall5.(NMET2002)—I蒺mtakingmydrivingtesttomorrow.—!A.Chee…  相似文献   
1.(N M ET2003)A llm orning as she waited for the m edicalreportfromthe doctor,hernervousness.oolrdenA.has grown B.is growingC.grew D.had grown2.(N M ET2003)The old couple have been m arried for40years andneveronce with each other.A.they had quarreled B.they have quarreledC.have they quarreled D.had they quarreled3.(N M ET2003)—W hy don tyou putthe m eatin the fridge?—Itwill fresh for severaldays.A.be stayed B.stayC.be staying D.have stayed4.(N M ET2002)I wonder why Jenny us recen…  相似文献   
全国卷: 8 .Your story 15 Perfeet;I,ve never heard_before. A .the better one B.the best one C .a better one D.a good one 14.—Did you take enough money with you?—No,1 needed_1 thought 1 would. A.not 50 mueh as B.as muehas C .mueh more than D.mueh less than北京卷: 2 1.This washing machine 15 envimnmentally friendly beeause it uses—water and eleetrieity than_medels. A .less,older B.less,elder C.fewer,older D.fewer,elder天津卷: 13.Fiiness 15 important ins卯rt,but of at least_im即rta…  相似文献   
An apple a day deeps the doctor away.每天一个苹果保健康。You have made your bed and you must lie on it.事情是你干的,后果必须由你承担。Beggars cannot be choosers.要饭的哪能挑肥拣瘦。(或饥不择食)。Birds of feather flock together.鸟以群分,物以类聚。The early bird catches the worm.捷足先登。Once bitten twice shy.一次被咬,下次胆小。Don’t cross the bridge until you come to it.不要杞人忧天。A cat may look at a king.猫也有权看国王。(小人物也该有些权利)。The child is the father of the man.三岁定老。…  相似文献   
定语从句既是NMET命题的热点,又是中学英语教学中的重点。它是高中阶段学习的一个大语法项目,无论在单项填空,还是完型填空、阅读理解和短文改错中出现的频率都很高。  相似文献   
1.(NMET2003)Aleft鄄luggageofficeisaplacewherebagsbeeftforashorttime,especiallyatarailwaystation..shouldB.canC.mustD.willNMET2002)—IsJohncomingbytrain?Heshould,buthenot.Helikesdrivinghiscar..mustB.canC.needD.mayNMET2001)Iwasreallyanxiousaboutyou.Youhomewithoutword..mustn蒺tleaveB.shouldn蒺thaveleft.couldn蒺thaveleftD.needn蒺tleaveNMET2000)Acomputerthinkforitself;itmustbetoldwhatodo..can蒺tB.maynotC.couldn蒺tD.mightnotNMET2000)—AreyoucomingtoJeff蒺sparty?I蒺mnotsure.Igotothecon…  相似文献   
Sally usually gets up at a quarterto eight.Steve doesn’t often get up be-fore eight o’clock.The alarm clockwakes them.They usually have cof-fee and toast for breakfast,but theynever have much time.Sally often runs for the bus,but she seldom arrives latefor school.Steve is sometimes late for work.He often takes his toast with himto the office.Before work,they are always in a hurry.They don’t usually saymuch at breakfast;they never have time!一、表示反复动作的频率副词的含义:usually通常often…  相似文献   
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