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The perception of threat to security on the part of young people reflects a central aspect of the societal phenomenon of attitude formation, whose primary function is, ideally, to meet the need for security. In all modern societies, however, the process of socialization — which by its very nature is educational in that it prepares individuals to function as members of society — operates on the principle of systematically frustrating this need by employing a system of reward and punishment based on competition.This system creates a fundamental insecurity and a corresponding attitude (de)formation in the individual, which is exploited by the state in order to consolidate the power of the dominant groups. Due to this fundamental insecurity, the individual is incapable of coping rationally with threat and seeks pseudo-security, e.g., in conformity. Threat — particularly global threat — is perceived as an external factor over which the individual has no control, i.e., it is perceived as falling exclusively within the province of those in power, whose control is further strengthened by this perception.Since the essential damage to the individual's attitude system has been done by the time he leaves school, this undesirable condition of modern societies can only be rectified by a socialization process in general — and an educational process in particular — which cultivates in the individual the development of critical judgment, free self-realization and the spirit of co-operation instead of competition.
Zusammenfassung Die Vorstellung der Jugendlichen, daß die Sicherheit bedroht ist, spiegelt einen zentralen Aspekt des gesellschaftlichen Phänomens des Meinungsprozesses wider, dessen primäre Funktion es sein sollte, dem Wunsch nach Sicherheit zu entsprechen. In allen modernen Gesellschaften jedoch ist der Sozialisierungsprozeß insofern seiner Natur nach erzieherisch, als er den Einzelnen auf seine Rolle als Mitglied der Gesellschaft vorbereitet. Dieser Prozeß beruht auf dem Konkurrenzprinzip und frustriert dieses Sicherheitsbedürfnis, indem er sich der Belohnung und Bestrafung bedient.Dieses Systems erzeugt eine grundlegende Unsicherheit bei jedem Einzelnen und sorgt für eine entsprechende Meinungs(ver)bildung. Beides wird seitens des Staates ausgenutzt, um die herrschenden Gruppen zu festigen. Aufgrund dieser fundamentalen Unsicherheit ist der Einzelne unfähig, mit Bedrohungen rational umzugehen und sucht daher vermeintliche Sicherheiten, z.B. im Konformismus. Bedrohungen, besonders solche weltweiter Art, werden als äußere Faktoren empfungen, über die der Einzelne keine Kontrolle hat, d.h. sie gehören ausschließlich in den Bereich der Machthabenden. Ihre Macht wird durch diese Vorstellung zusätzlich verstärkt.Da den Haltungen und Meinungen des Einzelnen bis zum Schulabschluß der wesentliche Schaden bereits zugefügt ist, kann dieser unerwünschte Zustand moderner Gesellschaften nur durch einen Sozialisierungsprozeß im allgemeinen und einen Erziehungsprozeß im besonderen behoben werden. Diese Prozesse haben die kritische Urteilskraft des Einzelnen, freie Selbstverwirklichung und Kooperationsbereitschaft anstelle des Konkurrenzdenkens zu fördern.

Résumé La perception de la menace et de la sécurité chez les jeunes reflète l'aspect central du phénomène social de la formation d'attitude dont la fonction primaire est théoriquement de répondre au besoin de sécurité. Dans toutes les sociétés modernes cependant, le processus de socialisation — éducatif de par sa nature en cela qu'il prépare les individus à agir en tant que membres d'une société — opère d'après le principe de frustration systématique de ce besoin en ayant recours à un système de récompense et de punition basé sur la compétition.Ce système crée une insécurité fondamentale et une formation d'attitude correspondante chez l'individu qui est exploitée par l'Etat afin de renforcer le pouvoir des groupes dominants. C'est en raison de cette insécurité fondamentale que l'individu est incapable de faire face d'une manière rationnelle à la menace et recherche alors une pseudo-sécurité dans la conformité par exemple. La menace — et en particulier la menace globale — est perçue en tant que facteur externe sur lequel l'individu n'a aucun moyen de contrôle, elle est perçue comme dominant exclusivement chez les personnes au pouvoir et dont le contrôle est renforcé davantage par cette perception.Puisque c'est au moment où il quitte l'école que le système d'attitude de l'individu subit les plus grands préjudices, cette condition peu désirable des sociétés modernes ne peut être rectifiée que par un processus de socialisation en général — et par un processus éducatif en particulier — qui cultive chez l'individu le développement d'un jugement critique, d'une libre réalisation de soi et d'un esprit de coopération plutôt que de compétition.
We investigated whether low-level laser therapy (LLLT) prior to or post resistance exercise could attenuate muscle damage and inflammation. Female Wistar rats were assigned to non-LLLT or LLLT groups. An 830-nm DMC Laser Photon III was used to irradiate their hind legs with 2J, 4J, and 8J doses. Irradiations were performed prior to or post (4J) resistance exercise bouts. Resistance exercise consisted of four maximum load climbs. The load work during a resistance exercise bout was similar between Control (non-LLLT, 225 ± 10 g), 2J (215 ± 8 g), 4J (210 ± 9 g), and 8J (226 ± 9 g) groups. Prior LLLT did not induce climbing performance improvement, but exposure to 4J irradiation resulted in lower blood lactate levels post-exercise. The 4J dose decreased creatine kinase and lactic dehydrogenase levels post-exercise regardless of the time of application. Moreover, 4-J irradiation exposure significantly attenuated tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-6, interleukin-1β, cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-1, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1. There was minor macrophage muscle infiltration in 4J-exposed rats. These data indicate that LLLT prior to or post resistance exercise can reduce muscle damage and inflammation, resulting in muscle recovery improvement. We attempted to determine an ideal LLLT dose for suitable results, wherein 4J irradiation exposure showed a significant protective role.  相似文献   
An extended treatment of Out Of Print, a documentary film by Vivienne Roumani that debuted at 2013 TriBeCa Film Festival January 2014 in New York. The film is narrated by Meryl Streep and features a continued debate between Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Scott Turow of the Author’s Guild. The success of the self-published The Mill River Recluse vis-à-vis the lack of success of most self-published titles is also discussed, as are the future of libraries and education in general. A brief history of publishing and many other brief interviews are also included.  相似文献   
Propensity score (PS) adjustments have become popular methods used to improve estimates of treatment effects in quasi-experiments. Although researchers continue to develop PS methods, other procedures can also be effective in reducing selection bias. One of these uses clustering to create balanced groups. However, the success of this new method depends on its efficacy compared to that of the existing methods. Therefore, this comparative study used experimental and nonexperimental data to examine bias reduction, case retention, and covariate balance in the clustering method, PS subclassification, and PS weighting. In general, results suggest that the cluster-based methods reduced at least as much bias as the PS methods. Under certain conditions, the PS methods reduced more bias than the cluster-based method, and under other conditions the cluster-based methods were more advantageous. Although all methods were equally effective in retaining cases and balancing covariates, other data-specific conditions may likely favor the use of a cluster-based approach.  相似文献   
In this review essay we examine five categories of dialectical materialism proposed by Paulo Lima Junior, Fernanda Ostermann, and Flavia Rezende in their study of the extent to which the articles published in Cultural Studies of Science Education, that use a Vygotskian approach, are committed to Marxism/dialectical materialism. By closely examining these categories (“thesis, antithesis and synthesis,” “unity of analysis,” “History,” “revolution,” “materialism”) we expect to enrich the general discussion about the possible contributions of Marxism to science education. We perceive part of science education practice as orientating toward positivism, which reduces human beings—teachers, learners and researchers—to isolated individuals who construct knowledge by themselves. The very same approach aggravates the inner contradiction of the capitalist society demanding commitments from researchers to continually build innovative science education from human praxis. Nevertheless, it is necessary to situate ourselves beyond a formal commitment with dialectical materialism and hence reach the heart of this method. Besides understanding the researchers’ commitments, we question the extent to which the respective research helps to radically refresh the current view on science, science education practice, and research in science education.  相似文献   
This paper dates back to 2009 (it was first presented at the CRLL Conference at Stirling University) and deals with the advances in lifelong learning introduced by an ERASMUS LLP--IP named Interdisciplinary Course of Intercultural Competences (ICIC). The programme, that involves academic and non-academic institutions concerned with higher education of six different European countries, worked out an intensive international learning pathway aimed at developing intercultural competences in three professional fields: education, social work and health care. The paper focuses on the programme's innovative combination of formal and informal learning as a strategic lever to: (1) enhance a holistic concept of "competence" that puts human relationship at the centre of professional skills; (2) assume intercultural competences as key competences transversal to different professions; (3) introduce social skills and reflection as key factors for developing a transformative model of lifelong learning (Jarvis, 2005) that able to match the needs of the current complex, ever-changing societies; and (4) develop experiential learning without giving up to a strong theoretical framework of reference. The programme introduces an educational model that matches the main goals of higher educational priorities started by Bologna Process and relies upon a solid theoretical framework developed in the field of intercultural research at a sociological, socio-psychological and pedagogical level (Bennett, 1993; Gudykunst & Ting, 2002; Camilleri & Cohen, 1989; Hall, 1959; Hofstede 2001; Beck & Grande, 2006; Farr, 1984), as well as in one of the lifelong learning (Le Boteurf, 1997; Illeris, 2005; Jarvis, 2005; Schon, 1983).  相似文献   
We investigate youths' conceptualization of social robots. Informed by Schudson's theory of the potency of the cultural object, we conducted two studies. The first study centered on essays on social robots written by bachelor's and master's students. The second study centered on prototypes of social robots built by small groups comprised of same students. The essays and prototypes were content analyzed. The results confirm that social robots embody all five dimensions that characterize cultural objects. However, to fully understand this peculiar cultural object, another dimension needs to be introduced: dynamicity.  相似文献   
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