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The Urban Review - This study sought to explain student success at an Early College High School. Guided by previous research on Early College High Schools as well as by the construct of educational...  相似文献   
This article is concerned with the epidemic of alienation created by colonization and the ideologies that maintain systems of domination. More specifically, it argues that a decolonizing holistic pedagogy can help address the root of our individual and collective alienation to facilitate healing. This position is supported by the findings of an ethnographic study, conducted in 2013–2014, highlighting Poetry for the People (P4P), an arts/activism course started by poet-activist-professor, June Jordan, at UC Berkeley. The article opens with a theoretical framework that centers healing and love as decolonial priorities and pedagogical imperatives, and speaks to the mindbodyspirit labor, restoration, and creativity involved in decolonizing education. Emphasizing the need for decolonizing epistemologies to inform classroom dialogue, this article points to the power inherent in those dialogues for creating connections that mend alienation and for generating apertures for personal and social transformation. However, it is the voices of the P4P participants interviewed that give testimony to the effectiveness of a decolonizing holistic pedagogy to foster rigorous investigation of self and society, authentic community-building across difference, as well as the healing power of writing, sharing, and witnessing others share personal/political poetry.  相似文献   
During the past twenty years, more than ninety retraction notices have been published in biomedical journals. These retractions constitute a unique body of literature that biomedical researchers, bibliographers, and librarians must monitor to reduce scientific use of retracted, invalid papers. An analysis of medical retraction notices shows that very few are prominent in style, format, or placement, in spite of authoritative publication standards formulated by the International Council of Medical Journal Editors. Although researchers are ultimately responsible for the validity of the information they cite in their own publications, biomedical librarians are in a unique position to educate their patrons regarding retracted papers.  相似文献   
In this study we focus on a new program in Cuba, university studies for older adults or seniors. Specifically, we look at the Special Municipality of the Isla de la Juventud (Isle of Youth) in the context of the larger policy of “universalization of higher education.” We provide information about Cuban perspectives on adult education, discuss the “workshop” as an important mode of educational work, and present information on both the preparation of those who teach older adults and the training of “facilitators” in the workshop mode. This contribution also presents student evaluations, as well as a critique of the program.
Zusammenfassung KUBAS SENIORENUNIVERSIT?T: EIN BLICK AUF DIE UNIVERSALISIERUNG DER UNIVERSIT?T – In diesem Beitrag legen wir das Augenmerk auf ein neues Programm in Kuba, n?mlich Universit?tsstudien für ?ltere Erwachsene oder Senioren. Insbesondere werfen wir einen Blick auf die Gemeinde der Isla de la Juventud im Kontext der weiteren Politik der ’x201C;,,Universalisierung der h?heren Bildung“. Wir liefern Informationen über die kubanischen Blickwinkel auf die Erwachsenenbildung, diskutieren den ’x2018;,Workshop‘ als eine wichtige Methode der Bildungsarbeit und pr?sentieren Informationen sowohl über die Vorbereitung derjenigen, welche Senioren unterrichten, als auch über die Ausbildung der Facilitatoren in der Workshop-Methode. Dieser Beitrag enth?lt auch Evaluationen von Studierenden sowie eine Kritik des Programms.

Resumen LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ADULTO MAYOR EN CUBA: UN VISTAZO A LA UNIVERSALIZACIóN DE LA UNIVERSIDAD – Dedicamos este trabajo a un nuevo programa educativo de Cuba que ofrece estudios universitarios para adultos mayores. Específicamente, echaremos un vistazo a la Municipalidad de la Isla de la Juventud, en el contexto de una política amplia de ‘universalización de la educación’. Ofrecemos información sobre las perspectivas cubanas en educación de personas adultas, describimos el ‘taller’ como modo importante dentro del trabajo educativo y presentamos información sobre la preparación de aquellos que imparten la ense?anza a los adultos mayores y la capacitación de los ‘facilitadores’ que trabajan en los talleres. Esta contribución también presenta las evaluaciones hechas por los estudiantes y críticas del programa.

Résumé L’UNIVERSITé DE CUBA POUR LES PERSONNES DU TROISIèME ?GE : UN REGARD SUR L’UNIVERSALISATION DE L’UNIVERSITé – Dans cet article, nous nous concentrons sur un nouveau programme à Cuba, les études universitaires pour les adultes plus agés ou les personnes du troisième age. Plus spécifiquement, nous nous tournons vers la Municipalité Spéciale de la Isla de la Juventud (l’?le de la jeunesse) dans le contexte d’une politique plus large de ?’x201C; l’universalisation de l’éducation supérieure ?’x201D;. Nous fournissons des informations à propos des perspectives cubaines sur l’éducation des adultes, discutons de ? l’atelier de travail ? comme d’un mode important de travail éducatif et présentons une information aussi bien sur la préparation de ceux qui enseignent aux personnes du troisième age que sur la formation des facilitateurs sur le mode de l’atelier de travail. Cette contribution présente également des évaluations étudiantes aussi bien qu’une critique du programme.

The authors: Clara Lig Long Rangel has a Masters of Education from the Pedagogical University of Enrique José Varona in Cuba. She holds a chair in adult education at the Medical University of the Isla de la Juventud. She is the president of the Isla de la Juventud branch of the Association of Cuban Educators (APC), a non-profit NGO. She has addressed guidance and links between education and work, didactics and pedagogy in her work. Contact address: Universidad Pedagógica y Facultad de Ciencias Méldica, Isla de la Juventud, República de Cuba. E-mail: clara@ahao.ijv.sld.cu. Antonia Zenaida Sánchez Proenza holds a Masters of Education from the Pedagogical University of Enrique JoséVarona in Cuba. She is Adjunct Professor and Deputy Director of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the Pedagogical University of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, Isla de la Juventud. Her research interests cover the nexus between education and work, didactics and biology. She is currently working on teacher education and higher education. Contact address: Universidad Pedagógica y Facultad de Ciencias Méldica, Isla de la Juventud, República de Cuba. E-mail: fcmij@infomed.sld.cu.  相似文献   
Scholars suggest that racial/ethnic and class disparities in school-based social capital contribute to educational inequalities. Previous studies demonstrate that social capital (relations of trust, mutual expectations, and shared values) between parents and schools supports children's development. Yet we know little about the emergence of social capital, that is, the processes through which it develops. In this study, we explore mechanisms of social capital emergence in predominantly low-income Latino school communities. We draw data from an experimental study that manipulated social capital through an after-school family engagement program. Based on interviews and focus groups with participating parents, teachers, and program staff in two elementary schools, we identified four types of interactions that act as mechanisms of social capital emergence: (1) responsive communication; (2) reciprocal communication; (3) shared experiences; and (4) institutional linkage. The article connects these mechanisms to theoretically linked sources of social capital and discusses implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   
Role of the Undergraduate Student Research Assistant in the New Millennium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, we analyze the contribution of the undergraduate student who participates in the process of generating scientific data and developing a research project using Brazilian research as an example. Historically, undergraduate students have performed the critical role of research assistants in developing countries. This aspect has been underappreciated as a means of generating scientific data in Brazilian research facilities. Brazilian educational institutions are facing major age-related generational changes among the science faculty within the next 5–10 yr. A lack of adequate support for graduate students leads to a concern that undergraduates will not be interested in choosing research assistant programs and, subsequently, academic research careers. To remedy this situation it is important to focus on ways to encourage new research careers and enhance university–industry collaborations.  相似文献   
This study examines the effects of family socio‐economic disadvantage and differences in school resources on student achievement in the city of Cartagena, Colombia. Using data from the ICFES and C‐600 national databases, we conduct a multilevel analysis to determine the unique contribution of school‐level factors above and beyond family background. The results from the hierarchical linear models show that while family socio‐economic background significantly affects student achievement, school composition and school resources explain as much as half of the effects of family background. More specifically, the achievement gap in public schools is explained in large part by differential resource allocation and concentration of poor students in public schools, which in turn lowers student achievement.  相似文献   
Many students do not recognize that individual organisms within populations vary, and this may make it difficult for them to recognize the essential role variation plays in natural selection. Also, many students have weak scientific reasoning skills, and this makes it difficult for them to recognize misconceptions they might have. This paper describes a 2-h laboratory for college students that introduces them to genetic diversity and gives them practice using hypothetico-deductive reasoning. In brief, the lab presents students with DNA sequences from Africans, Europeans, and Asians, and asks students to determine whether people from each continent qualify as distinct "races." Comparison of the DNA sequences shows that people on each continent are not more similar to one another than to people on other continents, and therefore do not qualify as distinct races. Ninety-four percent of our students reported that the laboratory was interesting, and 79% reported that it was a valuable learning experience. We developed and used a survey to measure the extent to which students recognized variation and its significance within populations and showed that the lab increased student awareness of variation. We also showed that the lab improved the ability of students to construct hypothetico-deductive arguments.  相似文献   
This article is part of a special LDRP research-to-practice series introducing key concepts to enable special education practitioners and other nonresearchers to be more informed research consumers. In the article, we explore how social validity is assessed in special education research and how to interpret social validity assessments. Rather than focusing on measuring intervention effects, social validity involves assessing the social importance of the goals, procedures, and outcomes of interventions and programs. We define social validity, provide questions to consider when examining assessments of social validity in research papers, review approaches commonly used to assess social validity with examples from the research literature, and make recommendations for reconciling findings of positive intervention effects on targeted outcomes but absent or negative findings related to social validity in a study. Our take-home message is that considering social validity assessments helps research consumers interpret study findings and informs how to apply findings in practice.  相似文献   
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