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集体土地产权结构的变化过程就是农民个体权利体系不断丰富的过程.农民个体权利的丰富,不断创新着集体经济的有效实现形式.人民公社时期,土地产权结构单一,农民主体身份缺失,集体经济的实现形式缺乏农民个体权利的支持而失去持续的基础;家庭承包经营责任制实现了集体土地所有权和承包权的分离,农民获得了土地承包权,激发了集体经济分散经营的活力;以土地确权和流转为核心的新一轮土地产权改革,实现了农民承包权和经营权的分离,并通过数量上的量化和形式上的固化实现了权利的流转,激发了农民自主选择并不断创新集体经济实现形式的动力.  相似文献   
智能仪表是一门综合设计实践类课程。为了提高教学效果,营造良好的教学氛围,必须开展科学的教学方法和手段的改革,从而激发学生的学习积极性,提高学生的实践能力。  相似文献   
Cognitive modelling is one of the representative research methods in cognitive science. It is believed that creating cognitive models promotes learners’ meta-cognitive activities such as self-monitoring and reflecting on their own cognitive processing. Preceding studies have confirmed that such meta-cognitive activities actually promote learning effects. However, there are some difficulties in bringing about learning by creating cognitive models in an educational context. To overcome the difficulties, we propose an innovative learning design, ‘learning through intermediate problems’ and also developed a web-based production system called DoCoPro that can be used anywhere and anytime in an environment connected to the Internet. We performed three introductory cognitive science classes in which the participants learned cognitive modelling and constructed running computer models using our system. In the first and second classes, the participants were required to construct production system models that solve pulley problems. They also posed their original pulley problems that their own models were subsequently able to solve. These generated problems were distributed to the other members. The participants were able to find incompleteness in their cognitive models, revise them to remove the incompleteness, and improve their models while solving the given problems. The participants, by successfully creating sophisticated models, acquired a deeper knowledge of the learning domain. The class practices confirmed the utility of ‘learning through intermediate problems’ when constructing an educational environment for learning creating cognitive models. In the third class, the participants constructed cognitive models solving addition and subtraction problems using DoCoPro. The cognitive processing underlying such problem solving is automated, therefore it may be difficult to verbalize and externalize such cognitive processes. The post-questionnaire showed evidence that the participants actually performed meta-cognitive activities while monitoring their own internal information processing.  相似文献   
Dielectrophoresis (DEP) is an electrokinetic motion of dielectrically polarized materials in nonuniform electric fields. DEP has been successfully applied to manipulation of nanomaterials including carbon nanotubes (CNTs), metallic nanoparticles, and semiconducting nanowires. Under positive DEP force, which attracts nanomaterials toward the higher field region, nanomaterials are trapped in the electrode gap and automatically establish good electrical connections between them and the external measuring circuit. This feature allows us a fast, simple, and low-cost fabrication of nanomaterial-based sensors based on a bottom-up approach. This paper first presents a theoretical background of DEP phenomena and then reviews recent works of the present author, which were aimed to develop nanomaterial-based sensors, such as a CNT gas sensor and a ZnO nanowire photosensor, using DEP fabrication technique. It is also demonstrated that DEP technique enables self-formation of interfaces between various nanomaterials, which can be also applicable as novel sensing transducers.  相似文献   
随着信息技术的发展,个人信息保护已成为十分重要的话题。世界反兴奋剂组织为了保障运动员等反兴奋剂活动参与者的个人信息权制定了《保护隐私和个人信息国际标准》。该标准从信息主体权利赋予,反兴奋剂组织义务承担两个方面对反兴奋剂活动中的个人信息进行保护。对该规则的考察是运动员等信息主体在反兴奋剂活动中维护其个人信息权利的基础,也是保障反兴奋剂组织涉个人信息工作合规开展的前提条件。同时,该标准仍存在运动员个人信息处理过度、个人信息安全保障欠缺、个人信息权利行使困难和信息处理者责任后果缺失的问题,相关规定有向反兴奋剂组织过度倾斜之嫌。应当对该标准的不足之处进行完善,以期实现运动员与反兴奋剂组织间的利益平衡。  相似文献   
本文在对西北地区少数民族体育的概况进行了一定分析的基础上,针对西北少数民族地区实施"全民健身计划"的方法与途径进行了初步探讨,提出应主要运用民族传统体育项目的手段来进行计划安排的建议。  相似文献   
两年制高职动漫专业凭借着校企合作模式办学的理念,在短周期内培养出了一大批动漫专业人才。但从目前市场调查情况看,高职院校培养出的动漫人才的水平与社会发展需求的水平相差甚远。究其根本原因主要是动漫专业课程的设置与社会发展需求严重脱节。因此,要从动漫专业人才的岗位需求分析出发,确定岗位所需的知识点、能力点和职业素养,依此为依据,构建其课程体系。  相似文献   
在英语交际能力测试理论的指导下,石家庄铁道大学外语系改变以往口语测试的形式、内容和标准,将交际能力测试融合到英语口语测试中。测试结束后,通过对成绩进行数据分析和对学生进行问卷调查,探讨如何在实际教学中实行有效的英语口语测试,进一步加强大学生英语口语交际能力并提高主动意识。  相似文献   
通过文献资料调研、专家访谈、波士顿矩阵、秩和比等方法,对2003—2017年世界体育舞蹈5大顶级赛事成人组拉丁舞和标准舞前8名参赛国家进行统计,纵向梳理世界体育舞蹈区域竞技实力时空演变轨迹及发展态势,横向审视当前国家竞技实力集团归属并进行综合性量化评价。研究认为:世界拉丁舞传统优势区域的竞技实力水平呈现出"收敛"态势,群雄逐鹿的竞技格局初见雏形。世界标准舞竞技区域之间则呈现出"强者愈强,弱者恒弱"的多极化发展趋势。中国双项竞技实力发展处于失衡状态,拉丁舞已成为竞争奖牌的新生力量,标准舞仍处于举步维艰的起步阶段。进而探讨我国体育舞蹈发展面临的主要问题:科研含金量不足,理论与实践脱节;训练主体知识水平和综合能力有待提高;公平竞争意识淡薄,竞赛体系仍需完善。建议:整合国内优势资源,建立创新引领的科技支撑体系;加强国内外合作交流,实现专项训练的规范化、科学化、有效化;加强裁判员培训和监管力度,优化国内体育舞蹈竞赛体系。  相似文献   
艺术体操专修学生表现力培养的探讨   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
艺术体操是以美为核心,以节奏、韵律为生命的竞技性运动项目.我院艺术体操专修学生在专修艺术体操课之前大多数学生未从事过艺术体操专业的学习。因此,在学习专业理论知识和掌握技术的同时,改进、提高艺术体操专修学生身体动作的优美性、动作的表现力亦同时重要.本文通过对学生加强身体基本动作训练、心理训练、音乐与动作配合的训练等方法的研究,探讨了如何提高专修学生动作表现力的问题。  相似文献   
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