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The exhibition of "Olympic Fine Arts 2008" opened in Beijing International Exhibition Center on August 11 in celebration of the 29th Olympic Games. The event was initiated by the International Olympic Committee and co-organized by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the Organizing Committee of Beijing Olympic Games. With the theme of "China and the world" and the slogan of "Art makes Olympics better", this international gala for art precisely expressed and continued the spirit and concept of "Olympic Contest for Sports and Art", an event that was held in Sydney and Athens respectively,  相似文献   
四分之一个世纪以来,全世界人眼中的麦当娜是红成超越了时代、流行乐坛历史上不容忽视的"音乐女皇",而当她的光芒落入摄影师眼中,会得到怎样的诠释?拍摄过麦当娜的摄影师多如过江之鲫,这次2013年4月18日到21日上海外滩3号举行的"麦当娜影像全球巡展"上展出的则是颇具代表性的经典之作。不迎合观众的接受度,用最直接的方式表现狂放与性感,她很明确自己想要什么,并毫不犹豫地将反对的人从生命中"淘汰出局",这样的真性情让她成为整个世界的宠儿。透过摄影师的镜头,让麦当娜台上台下的风采以一种更加艺术化的视角呈现。每一个观展者都可以通过摄影师的光影捕捉领略到麦当娜的摄人气场。2012年11月以来,"麦当娜影像全球巡展"先后登陆曼谷、新加坡、巴黎和纽约等时尚之都,虏获了众多观展者的心。此次在上海,也被观展的名流们誉为"让人惊艳的艺术与流行文化盛宴"。来自纽约的著名街头艺术家Alec Monopoly的现场涂鸦创作让摄影、街头涂鸦艺术与流行音乐三种形式完美融合。  相似文献   
On March 21, 2008, a photo exhibition on Chinese ethnic sceneries, entitled "Illusionary Image, True Sentiment",opened in China Culture Center in Benin. The exhibition showcased 50 Impressionist photos shot by Huang Guiquan, a celebrated Hong Kong-based photographer and chairman of Hong Kong Photography Association.  相似文献   
Qianmen Street is the most historical street in the ancient capital of Beijing, surviving the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties all the way to the contemporary area. Located in the city's axis line, it is know as the "Heavenly Street" or "Golden Street" in history,  相似文献   
On July 7, 1937, the intruding Japanese forces assaulted Lugou Bridge (also known as the Marco Polo Bridge), and Chinese defending soldiers responded by gun fire. This has been known as the worldfamous Lugou Bridge Incident, which marked the beginning of Japan's all-out aggression against China as well as of China's War of Resistance to Japan.  相似文献   
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