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Relations among achievement, self-concept, and motivation in mathematics and language arts were examined in a longitudinal 2-wave, 3-variable panel study. The participants were 3 cohorts of Norwegian elementary and middle school students (N = 1,005). The 1st data collection took place in October and November 1996, when the students in the 3 cohorts attended 3rd, 6th, and 8th grades. The 2nd data collection took place 1 academic year later. LISREL 8 was used in the separate analyses of mathematics and language arts data; the data were analyzed for each cohort by means of 6 path analyses for latent variables. In all cohorts, the results were consistent with a skill-development model of the achievement-self-concept relation, that is, the view that achievement affects subsequent self-concept. No evidence was found that self-concept affects subsequent achievement (self-enhancement model). Moreover, in the 2 oldest cohorts, motivation was affected by previous achievement. However, there was no evidence that self-concept affects subsequent motivation or achievement. Expectations of a developmental change in the achievement-self-concept relation was not supported.  相似文献   
In the nineteenth century, imported wallpapers covered interior walls of Persian palaces and mansions, of which Vasiq-Ansari House in Isfahan, Iran, exhibits very highly elaborated examples. In this study, micro-Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy, and light microscopy were used to identify pigments and other materials used in the wallpapers of Vasiq-Ansari House. Results indicated that chrome yellow, artificial ultramarine blue, brass metallic leaf, an organic red dyestuff (probably cochineal), and a copper-based green were used as colourants in the wallpapers. Different shades of brown were achieved by mixing various combinations of red lead, carbon black, and calcium carbonate. The white calcium carbonate was also used as a ground layer, applied to a paper support composed of bast and softwood fibres. Based on knowledge of the materials used, these wallpapers are most probably manufactured from the mid- to late-nineteenth century.  相似文献   
In the last decade, with the increased attention to learner-centred curricula, the topic of self-assessment and peer assessment has become of particular interest in testing and evaluation. The present study explores the role of self-assessment, and peer assessment in promoting writing performance of language learners. To do this, 157 intermediate TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language) students were assigned to five different treatments in five groups: four experimental groups and one control group. The first experimental group did journal writing as a self-assessment technique, the second group self-assessed their own writings, the third group employed peer assessment, and the fourth group had both self- and peer assessment. Moreover, there was teacher assessment in all experimental groups, except the fourth group, i.e., the self- and peer assessment group. In the control group, there was only teacher assessment. Also, at the beginning and end of the semester, all participants took a writing test. The design of the study was quasi-experimental, non-randomised control group, pre-test–post-test design. The results revealed that in the second and third groups, in which the students employed self-assessment and peer assessment, together with teacher assessment, we observed the maximum improvement in writing.  相似文献   
Pigments on a figurative wall painting in Poudeh village, central Iran, were analysed by micro X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, micro Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry, micro Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry, and polarised light microscopy. Red lead, ultramarine blue, chrome yellow, brass powder, white huntite, and lammerite (Cu3(AsO4)2) were identified as red, blue, yellow, golden, white, and green pigments, respectively, while gypsum and barite were used as extender. In addition, glushinskite (MgC2O4·2H2O) was identified as a deterioration product of white huntite. Moreover, several analytical studies suggested that lammerite was a degradation product of emerald green (Cu(CH3COO)2·3Cu(AsO2)2) originally used as green pigment in the painting. The formation of lammerite is suggested to be due to the migration of arsenic throughout the paint layer. Based on the pigments identified, the wall painting is dated from the mid-nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of an investigation into the role of two personality traits (i.e. Agreeableness and Conscientiousness from the Big Five personality traits) in predicting rating error in the self-assessment and peer-assessment of composition writing. The average self/peer-rating errors of 136 Iranian English major undergraduates assigned to two equal-sized groups, one doing self-assessment and the other peer-assessment over nine sessions, were correlated with and regressed against their measures of Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. The results indicated that Agreeableness and Conscientiousness only explained 7% of the variation in self-rating error. Including both Agreeableness and Conscientiousness in a model to predict peer-rating error explained 16% of the variation. When Agreeableness and Conscientiousness were both included in a multiple regression analysis, only Agreeableness was found to significantly predict peer-rating error. Based on these findings, some conclusions are drawn, and pedagogical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel besch?ftigt sich mit einem Themengebiet, das in der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Wissenschafts-, Hochschul-und Berufsforschung bislang kaum analysiert worden ist. Unter Bezug auf die Ergebnisse einer schriftlichen Befragung von rund 3.800 Absolventen erziehungswissenschaftlicher Hauptfachstudieng?nge (Diplom, Magister) in ganz Deutschland wird die Frage untersucht, wie gro? die Gruppe der Studierenden aus diesen Studieng?ngen ist, die sich einige Jahre nach dem Studienabschluss im Arbeitsfeld Hochschule und Forschung beruflich platzieren kann bzw. promoviert, durch welche Merkmale diese Gruppe gekennzeichnet ist und welche Bedingungsfaktoren den Weg in die Wissenschaft beeinflussen. Nach einem überblick über den bisherigen Stand der Forschung und der Darstellung zentraler Resultate des Diplom-und Magister-Surveys zum Weg in die Wissenschaft werden abschlie?end einige Konsequenzen diskutiert, die sich aus den Befunden für eine Reform der bisherigen Hauptfachstudieng?nge bzw. für die zukünftige Gestaltung neuer Studieng?nge mit Blick auf eine Verbesserung der Nachwuchsf?rderung für das Fach Erziehungswissenschaft ergeben.
Summary Paths into Science: The Results of a National Survey of Graduates from Diplom and Magister Programs in Educational Science This article examines a topic which has hardly been dealt with in the field of Educational Science. A survey of around 3,800 graduates of Educational Science in both Diplom and Magister programs in Germany asked what proportion of graduates went on to work or commence a Ph.D. in higher education. It also investigated the characteristics of such graduates and the conditions which determined their path into science. Following an overview of preceding research in this area and a presentation of the central results of the survey, the consequences of the findings for a reform of courses and an improvement in the training of academics in the field of Educational Science will be discussed.
20世纪90年代以来,可持续发展理念在全球取得了广泛共识并延伸到农业生产系统,根据可持续发展战略和环境议程的需要,各个国家均已构建了许多自然资源可持续管理的途径并付诸实施,支持了乡村社区的发展并提高了他们的生计水平。本文简要概括了一种自然资源可持续管理的途径及其背景和特点。这种综合管理途径,如全球重要农业文化遗产的动态保护以及与其相关的农业和生态知识系统,至今仍然对传统社会、应对全球气候变化和维持生计有着重要的影响,值得进一步重新审视。 2002年,联合国粮农组织发起的重要活动之一就是全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)的保护与适应性管理,该项目旨在对全球重要的、受到威胁的传统农业文化遗产系统进行保护。全球重要农业文化遗产是指:“农村与其所处环境长期协同进化和动态适应下所形成的独特的土地利用系统和农业景观,这些系统与景观具有丰富的生物多样性,而且可以满足当地社会经济与文化发展的需要,有利于促进区域可持续发展”,是在当地资源条件、不断发展变化的知识体系与经过长期验证的丰富经验的基础上,反映了人类与文化多样性的协同发展,揭示了人与自然和谐共生的深刻关系。这些生动鲜活且不断演变进化的系统和社区,一直保持着与诸如自然、家庭、社区、历史以及对其自然环境的归属感等融为一体所具有的特性。 全球重要农业文化遗产的动态保护,是综合管理途径的一个具体实例,是一个将农业、生态与传统社会可持续性融合在一起的综合观点。这项计划正在全球范围实施,以促进对全球重要农业文化遗产的认识并保障其继续协同发展。该项目所推动的动态保护途径将:1)在国际和国家层面上,进一步推动公众对全球重要农业文化遗产内在价值的认识;2)在试点国家制定部门内部及部门间的计划和政策时,将GIAHS中的全球重要农业生物多样性的保护和适应性管理作为主要内容;3)通过采用考虑到生态与文化相互作用的新技术,促进当地社区社会政策与经济的发展;4)通过实践和经验交流,进一步推广和扩大GIAHS的保护。  相似文献   
全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)的保护与适应性管理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在世界各地,世代居住的农牧民以多样化的自然资源为基础,通过因地制宜的生产实践活动,创造、发展、管理着许多独具特色的农业系统和景观。这些在本土知识和传统经验基础上所建立起来的农业文化遗产巧夺天工,充分反映了人类及其文化多样性和与自然环境之间深刻关系的演进历程。这些系统不仅产生了独特的农业文化景观,维持并适应了具有全球重要意义的农业生物多样性,形成了丰富的本土知识体系,而且更为重要的是,还为人类持续提供了多样化的产品和服务,保障了食物安全和生计安全,提高了人们的生活质量。但是,许多这样的农业生产系统正面临着包括全球化在内的多种影响因素的威胁。为了保护这些农业文化遗产,联合国粮农组织(FAO)于2002年启动了“全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)保护和适应性管理”项目,旨在为这些全球重要农业文化遗产及其农业生物多样性、知识体系、食物和生计安全以及文化的国际认定、动态保护和适应性管理提供基础。 全球重要农业文化遗产被定义为:“农村与其所处环境长期协同进化和动态适应下所形成的独特的土地利用系统和农业景观,这些系统与景观具有丰富的生物多样性,而且可以满足当地社会经济与文化发展的需要,有利于促进区域可持续发展”。按照这一定义及粮农组织所制定的标准,典型的GIAHS包括:①以水稻为基础的农业系统;②以玉米/块根作物为基础的农业系统;③以芋头为基础的农业系统;④游牧与半游牧系统;⑤独特的灌溉和水土资源管理系统;⑥复杂的多层庭园系统;⑦狩猎-采集系统。在项目准备阶段,选择了6个国家的5种类型的传统农业系统作为首批全球重要农业文化遗产保护试点,后又在德国政府的支持下,增加了另外两个国家的传统农业系统。这7个试点包括:秘鲁的高原农业系统,智利的岛屿农业系统,菲律宾的稻作梯田系统,阿尔及利亚和突尼斯的绿洲农业系统,中国的稻鱼共生系统,肯尼亚的草原游牧系统,坦桑尼亚的农林复合系统。在未来5年左右的时间里,将利用这些GIAHS试点开发出一种基于适应性管理的保护计划,并探索该系统的经济可行性;确定日益显著的气候变化背景下的经济与环境可持续的发展战略;保护小型农户/传统的家庭为单位的生产结构和本土社区适当的权益。 该项目所推动的动态保护途径将:①允许农民进一步改进这些在保障食物安全和人类福祉过程中所发展起来的农业系统和生物多样性;②支持政府在对生物多样性和传统知识进行现地保护过程中所制定的保护政策和激励机制;③承认当地社区和居民享有食物、文化多样性和传统成就的权益;④明确对于遗传资源的现地保护与相关的传统知识和地方自然资源管理体制相结合的途径的需要,通过强化社会-环境系统的恢复能力和农业系统的动态平衡,以确保不断适应自然与社会经济条件的变化。  相似文献   
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